>Individuals acting as role players needed to participate in training exercises for your local National Guard Unit. Role players will be rescued, triaged for simulated injuries and put through a decontamination process along with other exciting tasks. With your help we will make these exercises as realistic as possible. >Compensation is $100 per day. The dates of the exercises are November 3, 4, and 5th, 2017. All exercises will be on base in the Orangeburg area. Requirements: Must be 18 years of age with a valid drivers license or ID. All participants must pass a background exam performed by the National Guard, to be vetted to gain entry within the military base. We will be hiring 30 individuals for each day of the exercise.
>Interested parties contact Bob Jones by phone or text @ ...
Nov 4 Crisis Actors now being hired
Other urls found in this thread:
so it's all fake?
I wanted to actually kill gommies, this is lame
Its fake, but there is going to be an attempted upheaval of the current government by the democrat side in november. Only one doing any shooting will be the national guard when they come for gun confiscation. Dont want to give up your guns? Ok, the feds will just drive tanks over your house and confiscate it to give to nigs.
The dems don't control the national guard, if Don declared martial law they would be forced to follow his orders
Do it user. Record it all. Do it nigger.
what is on November 4 again?
Are there any crisis actor jobs in colorado? I could use the extra cash.
Antifa tries to start a civil war funded by George Sorros's billions.
Incoming color revolution, just like Ukraine 2014.
Someone should call the National Guard and ask if they're doing exercises in Orangeburg on those days.
>Compensation is $100 per day
> next day sees a massive spike in overdoses by drug addicts
Found another one:
>This exercises will be an Oklahoma emergency response to a simulated incident involving contamination elements. CRPs will be moulaged (injury makeup and fake blood) to portray various physical and emotional injuries and conditions, and will go through medical triage, decontamination, and medical treatment several times during each day of the exercises. Arrival times will be early morning, and the exercises will run between 6-8 hours each day. CRPs will wear cut-away prop clothing and will be washed in decontamination lines to simulate the cleaning off of contamination substances.
That ends November 2nd. It also looks pretty legit considering the talk of background checks, etc.
>Incoming color revolution, just like Ukraine 2014.
You think they'll be wearing ORANGEburg?
that number and name have been used in similar ads before
2012smith-mundt modernization act, en.wikipedia.org
the bill’s purpose is "to authorize the domestic dissemination of information and material about the United States intended primarily for foreign audiences"[35]
The C.O.D.spiracy
Crowds On Demand’s inventive PR stunts with PR crowds
The number of these media hoaxes has increased dramatically since the 2012, From Kony 2012 to Sandy Hoax and now the Vegas Hoax, the Smith Mundt Modernization Act, which altered the original act to allow foreign propaganda, to now be used on domestic audiences, in other words its legal to hire Crowds on Demand, and crisis actors and lie to the public, and because of non disclosure agreements, its illegal to talk!
2012 Smith Mundt Moderization Act legalized fake mass casualty events
Was used in an ad last year:
the first responders surround the area to secure the area from independent observers, they do not interact with the crisis actors, the crisis actors “save” themselves, do photo shoots, while the first responders guard the perimeter and don’t get involved directly in the hoax, they are told to “stand down”. If this were a real event the EMT’s would have to declare the dead, not the police as happened in this false flag hoax. Multiple shooters are just an ARG to make you think the shooting actually happened which it did not. These is no evidence of people being shot or bullets hitting the ground despite thousands of cameras.
Probably they run open drills first and afterwards pick the most desperate people and call them back to play in the false-flag
Nice. Gunna get me some of that sweet soros 18bln tbqh famalama
Well, well, well.
have a bump
They better not fuck with this state I swear.
>the national guard will take your guns
Lollollolol how dumb do you have to be to believe this
This means nukey nukey time....
>bring a hidden camera, expose them and monetize on youtube.
Here is what I think. They put these bogus ads out for crisis actors yet real people are going to die and then these articles and ads will be cited as proof that nothing even happened and conspiracy minded individuals wont know what to think or how to react. Its going to be a mix of both I think. Be safe, my goyos.
you get to kill the useful idiots
>parents and boomers defending the jews
>Take Crisis actor job
>Here wear this red hat
>Antifa shoots you for real with an AK15
Random people hired on Craigslist are not going to keep their mouths shut if they realize they participated in a false flag.
baltimore or philadephia. 8 to 10. one week. it will fit the narrative. white guy twenties. remember. cap this. it's not me
this one is purple
I keep seeing fliers around town saying "NOV 4TH IT BEGINS" in big bold letters. Pretty cringy stuff
I wonder what would happen if Sup Forums actually answered the ad and ends up shitposting during the "crises"
Bob Jones
Orlando craigslist
[link to orlando.craigslist.org (secure)]
Need people/role players for Military Exercise (Orlando)
compensation: $100.00 per day
employment type: contract
Individuals acting as role players needed to participate in an emergency exercise with the military. Role players may be rescued, triaged and put through a decontamination exercise. See what it feels like working along with our soldiers. With your help, we can make this exercise as realistic as possible. Compensation is $100.00 per day. The dates of the exercises are November 19 and 20. Requirements: Must be 18 years of age and have a valid drivers license. Please call Bob Jones @ (770) 841-8335.
Bob Jones- (770) 841-8335
Me too. I bought a plate carrier and rope. I just want liberate my country from Marxist faggots. History books would have b&w pics of me looking all bad ass throwing rope over a tree branch, while my AR is slung over my shoulder. My grandsons will have the best breeding options after my patriotism.
Military hires actors to play war with their troops for the sake of fake scenarios. I have a friend who used to do this kind of job because he looked the roll of a jihadi.
This probably isn't what you think it is. Wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on it, though.
We need some project veritas undercover shit
They just fucking announce their astroturf riots in the paper.
That's how few fucks they give.
Frank, is that you?
It might be a good time too - people will think its fake.
This won't happen because: Hillary isn't president and the military is not 100% nonwhite
Why tho
An airport about 45 minutes away put up a CL ad for a very similar thing, but their goal was to fill cabins of aircraft with average people for emergency training exercises.
You were also told that you may receive blood and guts makeup if you get chosen to play a wounded person, and if the sight of blood sickens you, that you should not apply.
It's literally nothing at all.
Interesting that it's near charleston where they keep trying to cause unrest.
ATTENTION: the national guard is on your side, but the drills are a smoke screen to disctract them, as the radio chatter will be full of drill nonsense so that their reaction to a HUGE massacre will be delayed, allowing the actual culprits to escape, leaving the idiot antifa retards to fight at which point the democrats will DEMAND that there will be martial law (during which CERTAIN AREAS that the shooters have escaped to will be disarmed TEMPORARILY (and then they will just sit on the guns and say "you can have them back when your trials through)).
that sets the precident for taking guns if there is a shooting which will be HIGH since ANTIFA will think THEY did it.
It's not WHO does it, it's who everyone will THINK does it.
las vegas was a test to see how quickly trump told everyone the inside story (he knows, everyone knows, but he is sitting on it too long), and they know he likes to sit on things and wait, so they are going to use that against him.
you are all FUCKED unless you disarm the police stations IMMEDIATELY and activate the militias to stop the cordoning of an area where they will go door to door "to find the escaped shooters".
sorry, that's all the warning I can give you, they are moving and unless you get word out about it, you're fucked.
Stop with this nonsense, it's not even close to the truth. It was real. If you genuinely don't believe so, go to the route 91 facebook page and tell some of the people that attended your theory and then watch as they likely hunt you down to beat the stupid out of you, as a lot of them were off duty cops, active military, and off duty first responders. They don't take kindly to this level of idiocy.
>so it's all fake?
>I wanted to actually kill gommies, this is lame
that gun must be heavy as fuck with all that tacticool.
The Nations Guard wouldn't respond to a mass shooting unless the Governor deploys them, it would be SWAT that would be there first
if they can get us to believe that the victims are real when they are clearly part of a astroturf flash mob, they may fool all of the people some of the time, and they do fool some of the people all of the time(democrats), but they cant fool all of the people all of the time.
Sandy hook me once, shame on you,
try a Vegas hoax, well can’t fool me again
>sorry, that's all the warning I can give you,
Um yeah....
Literally anyone could make a post on craigslist to troll you guys...
You do realize this right? I'm tempted to do it just for laughs.
kek their crisis actors aren't even comped
Saved for posterity.
Makes me lol since paid protestors literally *are* a thing
Live in DFW. A local National Guard station was shut down a few years ago and has been empty this whole time. A couple of months or so ago it was taken over by police. Not just local cops but police from all over DFW. Dozens of cop cars parked there everyday. SWAT armored vehicles as well. No info about what is going on. Never heard of training lasting months at a time. Seemed a bit strange. Maybe something to do with the 4th?
Any of you notice this sort of thing going on in your town?
Um, sweetie. You do realize you fake progressive better get right before Nov 4th or you will be counted with the Drumpfkins.
It's actually even worse than just paying for protestors. They literally pay people to start violence.
HOLY FUCK IT'S MOTHERFUCKING HAPPENING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heads up queers...
the military does these exercises constantly. they go to very large extents to provide realistic training to soldiers and even hire amputees who are then given makeup to look like they stepped on IEDs etc, this is all standard mission rehearsal that you would do a few times a year as a regular soldier.
im more interested in soros' 18 billion.
Crisis Actor paradoy
the paid shills support either MSM or AJ multi shooter theory. Exposing the vegas hoax, is the new holocaust denial.
Crisis actor wheel fortune audition
They drill everywhere all the time, everyone remebers school drills etc, knowing about crisis actors ads and a drill is not enough to make a prediction, since it happens all the time.
I hope you know that in mass shooting drills, they practice on simulated social media where shills are sent out from the drill to insist that the drill is real, to argue with simulated doubters/conspiracy theorists etc. They also practice simulated local news reporting the drill as if its real.
In the event of a drill gone live, which has happened several times , the drill participants take to social media, as well as contracted out PR agencies and insist that the drill is not a drill. this is to protect the families of the victims, since the drill is supposed to be real since it cohencidentally went live. This is why during training, they practice establishing a social media presence which insist the drill is not a drill.
soros has the ability to put thousands of fake protestors anywhere any time for an anti-gun protest or blm protest, therefore this is a drill gone live, made up of an innner ring of the injured witness types who are trusted to talk to the media like Corrine Lomas, who was a Dr. Phil hack and now plays a conspiracy theorist white trash witness.
"Morgan Starnes, 23, social media manager for a Vegas PR firm and recent graduate of the University of Oregon, was enjoying the concert with a friend that night. Here, she recounts her terrifying experience to correspondent Adrienne Gaffney."
Here is your typical example of the crisis actors that filled this
Too bad your gun laws suck compared to your glorious sister state North Carolina. We just annex SC and turn into a super Carolina.
Fun Fact: If every single federal gov employee from USDA to IRS to Park Ranger took up arms with the military to confiscate weapons in the USA, they'd be outnumbered 70 to 1.
Sara Brady - Vegas Eric Paddock Connected to Comped Crisis Management Firm
crisis actors exposed again! Brady puts actors on both sides to help clean up corporate messes in wrongful death cases and hostile corporate takeovers
the entire world combined would not have the financial or human resources.
there would be more casualties than both world wars, the american civil war and the napoleonic wars combined
it would be the single largest bloodbath in history
Look for the ad by the post ID yourself! It's there.
What part of Colorado?
When I was in the Guard I went to a couple training simulated incidents where we had actors involved.
As far as I remember they were not getting paid $100/day.
This was in 2012 and I seem to remember they were being paid federal minimum wage.
They do if they sign a nondisclosure. You can go to jail for that shit (definitely fine more than just you'll ever make.)
exactly, who would win; the entire zogmilitary or a handful of vietnamese rice niggers with a shitty old aks? the answer to that question is why zog is terrified 24/7
>Be in army
>Only reason you joined is because you love weapons and freedom
>One day wake up and hear
>Hey goys go take away your families weapons
>The whole squad erupts in laughter
>A-april fools!
And troll the national guard? How smart would that be, son?
>Orangeburg, SC
Welp, looks like my state is finally getting its staged habbenin.
Nov 4 will be interesting. It's been a pretty crazy ride with Antifa since Trump came on the scene: youtu.be
Just leak shit on here.
You don't HONESTLY believe we are anonymous? We are anons to each other only!
Lol, nope. Nice try though. Fake and gay.
I don't give a fuck about "progressives" or "drumpfkins". You're all fucking stupid.
What glorious patriotic vision you have fren
Yall so damn retarded, it's a god damn training drill.
Who gives a fuck? It's just shit posting... It's like when I pretend to be a shill here, it's entertainment.
>he trusts his government
best anti crisis actor posts from this thread
>"You're retarded. One of my boots from the marines was stationed in 29 palms and went to the concert in Vegas and just got awarded for dragging people out of the kill zone. It def wasn't crisis actors"
>"Stfu with the stupid crisis actors fbi. We know what youre doing, poring on insane shit so we all look stupid."
Trust me, there was no need for crisis actors, my friends were there. They did tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. They said there is not doubt it was real. Real blood, real dead bodies, real gunshots, real bullets.
>"Fuck off with your crisis actor bullshit, it makes you look schizophrenic. And I'm not saying that as hyperbole like people tell people they are faggots here. But I'm serious, if you believe that these people are crisis actors, you might need to get some professional mental help."
>"I am going to repeat myself because you're fucking slow. It wasn't actors. People actually got shot. If you believe they'd kill people downing two towers, why is it hard to believe they'd shoot them. I know someone personally who rescued gunshot victims. Fuck off and stop shilling."
>"He's just a troll trying to derail this thing with obvious over the top bullshit conspiracies to make anyone questioning this look crazy. Pay him no attention"
>Worked for emergency medical services for over ten years.
> Did mass casualty drills w/ LEOs
Never used 'crisis' actors
>He trusts autistic perma virgins on Sup Forums who are trolling other trolls.
You're the shill AND A FUCKING IDIOT.
It is possible that BOTH happened...
We did shit like this in the academy all the time. If they where not doing it at a controlled site (the base ) then it may be weird but it's being done on base.