Climate Change

Sup Forums, do you believe in climate change? Why or why not? Please give evidence.

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i believe in climate change. i also believe that if humans are the significant factor, there is almost no point trying to combat it when you have pic related + the industrial revolution happening simultaneously. are we supposed to rewind to 18th century population and amish lifestyles?

natural climate change


capitalism is the devil climate change

science is not about belief so no I don’t believe in it, but Ice core samples show that the climate has not stopped changing since as far back as we can measure, it has been far hotter than it is now and has had much faster rates of accelerated increase and guess what there was no industry 12k years ago


I'm talking about capitalism is the devil climate change.

Well, if we kill off all non-whites, it becomes a much more manageable problem.

No. Because Chinese Government policy.
You're not saying the Chinese are that dumb, or that suicidally selfish, are you OP?

Could you please elaborate?

Climate change is not real. The term climate change is moronic. However, a rapid climate shift to which the human race cannot keep up with, is an accurate discription of what’s going on in the world and it’s weather. Displacing and altering weather patterns in areas of the world that is not typical for said region.

>are we supposed to rewind to 18th century population and amish lifestyles?

No, we're supposed to use the wealth and technology we've created to fix the problem, instead of ignoring it.

I do believe in Climate Change. I'm not buying a (((Chevy Volt))) or getting solar panels.

Support Nuclear or GTFO.

>be China
>be building coal -fired power station each week
>be doing fuck all about climate change
>be demanding money first
But the science is settled, right?
So are they too dumb for science, or too greedy to care?

>do you believe in climate change?

Your kind talks of believers and deniers; the words you choose betray Climate Change™ for the religion it is.
A Carbon Tax is nothing more than the modern version of buying indulgences from the Church.

Science is a process, not a belief.
Anyone who claims otherwise is trying to sell you something.

I would say that they are greedy if this is true, but they probably aren't.

Welcome to the club.

Climate Change is certainly and very obviously real. The climate is quite different even from when I was a kid in the 90s.

The question is whether or not - and how much - it is caused by humans. I studied Environmental Science in College and throughout my 4 years I did not see any definitive evidence that CO2 is the cause and that mankind is at fault. It is simply taken as a fact.

I believe we have an effect, but I'd say it accounts for maybe ~10% of the total change. Its very difficult to tell, the science in this area is pretty thickly co-opted. Can't get a study funded unless you tow the line.

As an addendum, I believe that if it IS our fault and we are causing all the change, we are past the point of no return and cannot hope to change it back or stop the change first poster said. Still it cant hurt to invest in sustainable energy and put some thought into increasing the efficiency with which we consume our resources. Although not at the expense of our economy.

You should write a grant proposal directly to trump.

>Still it cant hurt to invest in sustainable energy

>rt to invest in sustainable energy
Hasn't this essentially been an enormous money sink


How much does it affect our economy?

Agreed Nuclear is the way forward until we figure out fusion.

A couple more breakthroughs in Solar cell efficiency and then that will be a good addition to our overall generation. Theoretically enough energy lands on 1 square km of New Mexico desert to power the entire United States every day. Capturing it is the problem, and the chinks control a ton of the rare earth metals required to make the panels which is problematic.

Wind energy, outside of very select areas (offshore, mainly near New England, the Carolinas, and off of Washington/Oregon), is usually retarded and inefficient, not to mention expensive. Kills fuck tons of birds too.

Tidal power is promising but only for very select areas. Wave power similarly so, but I haven't seen a cost effective design yet. Wave Dragon II out of Denmark (?) looks promising.

My beef with coal/natural gas (and therefore fracking) and oil burning is the impact on the environment. Not so much the CO2 but the heavy metals it puts into the air and groundwater, and general pollution of our nations precious natural resources and wildlife.

yes unfortunately for the most part. Most libs want to throw piles of money at renewables for the sake of renewables. Wouldn't be as much of a money sink if more thought was put into the placement of stuff like wind and hydroelectric power, and into the science behind solar cells rather than just putting the current inefficient cells up everywhere.

Well, repeated 2 billion dollar bankruptcies are great for the economy

Whoops not 1 square km, I think it's 10-15

>heavy metals it puts into the air and groundwater

Do you have the same beef with solar?

11,000 acres of the Gobi desert generates China

Yea climate change is real, but it's natural it's not caused by man. We may be looking up to a coming little ice age very soon though.

You should grow your own potatoes whatever the case.

Yeah I must be remembering it wrong, one of those meme facts they would some at us in classes.

>You should grow your own potatoes whatever the case.

That didn't work out so well for the Irish.

Should have grown more of them.

Also nuclear thorium power should really be the thing we're aiming at. That it isn't widely used already is a great crime against mankind.

termites emit 40x the amount of CO2 per year into the atmosphere as humans do per year

climate change is normal but mans impact is insigificant

>Sup Forums, do you believe in climate change? Why or why not? Please give evidence.
(More than one post by this ID). Ill bite.

I do believe in "climate change" in the general sense. We are at the end of an Iceage. We are still in it. We knew this was coming back when we had 9 planets.

man made interference will make no difference. It is getting warmer. This is part of the cycle that is larger than anyone who discusses it can fathom.

It is common to have some stooge tell me that climate change is manmade, which turns me off to discussion. Understanding the scope of time is helpful when discussing.

I'm not trying to bait. I want to see the other side of the argument. (((They))) only present one side.

The notion of studying climate without considering the element of change is absurd.
Climate changes. With different timescales, perspectives and scopes, you can frame this change however you want.
Hence "climate change" is a scam, and people like Gore get rich from it.
As to "the truth", I doubt 1 in 10,000 of us are in any position to really judge.

So people are using time out of context to push their agenda?

Climate change is real. Us being the cause isn't

climate change is a scam

Yes I do. Pic related.
Not so sure if it caused by humans.

yes because the climate always changes

however, global cooling & global warming, no i dont believe in those; i think the sun is mostly 2 blame 4 that

The better question is:
Is climate change fucking relevant to you, or anyone in this thread, as an individual.

What changes have you made that actually make a fucking dent in the alleged climate problem?

Even if clkmate change is legitimate it's still an unsolvable problem if genocide and fascism is off the table.

Global warming is a scheme the Jews invented to tax carbon, one of the most abundant elements on earth. Every breath you take: carbon. Every fire you light: carbon. Can you imagine taxing every breath the goyim take? It's a kike's wettest of wet dreams, and they've tricked goyim like you into selling it for them.

I don't see anyone trying to stop the climate change. Scientists are trying to predict what will happen and what should governments do in order to minimize inevitable damage.

>do you believe in climate change?
climate has always changed, the geologic record proves it.
humans probably have some impact, how much is up for debate. My personal opinion is 5% ~ 25% is human caused.
to believe that carbon dioxide is the primary mechanism of climate change is ignorant
to believe that humans are the sole driver of climate change is insanity

shouldn't they tax nitrogen or oxygen instead? carbon dioxide is like ~0.04% of the atmosphere...

Climate change is natural

Yes, climate change is a thing. Anyone who claims otherwise is an uninformed normie virtue-signaling or regurgitating what he has heard in Discovery Earth or something.

Whether its main cause in our current world is humans or not is what should be up to debate. I lean towards pol's side - that humans have little (if any) influence over it. Where can I study this more in-depth? Post more infographs my folks.

The problem is people can do that, and get paid to do so. Even if you can dis-prove it, not many people can actually understand the proof.
One way or another, by (their) own argument we are failing to save the planet, and have to, quite literally, go back to the stone age to meet (their) targets.
It's not going to happen. But (they) make a FORTUNE in the process, government gets to tax/regulate more, "big" oil/energy/auto etc are the only ones that can afford to meet the's a scam, one way or the other.
Real problems/solutions are a different subject, and get lost.

The selling point is that carbon levels are correlated with temperature levels.
It doesn't matter that there's much more O2 and N in the air; how can they say that global warming is caused by elements that make up 99% of air?
Carbon is perfect because of the aforementioned correlation and because it's a byproduct of all life and most industry.