Other urls found in this thread:


>Giving a shit about what that rancid swine thinks


My fucking sides




lol i hope she cries herself to sleep


TFW no sad tales of sexual abuse

I bet his friends think him a top lad

Thanks for posting



Stop, I can only get so flaccid


That's some funny shit tho considering she lied about being raped in college. I think she knows how homely she is

Post new Lenas.
Also, how does she manage to be so articulate and creative?

Does IT not realize IT is responsible for....it by being IT



its amazing what a lack of tits do to a jew

It's whitey's fault shitlord

Is it weird that whenever I see her all I can picture is her saying is


No idea why but it's the way it is

>guys don't joke about fatties with their buddies
she's in a for a rude awakening

Yuck. It's like her tummy is trying to eat food through her belly button

So glad you said that because now I have a reason to post this gem

Corpulent blimp Lena Dunam BTFO.
Fucking KEK

>not even fat titties
Is this the female version of JUST?

Tweet link ?

obvious "pay attention to me i'm a victim" if true

Didn't this bitch finger her toddler sister?
She's a lot like Weinstein with an alleged vagina.

We should be nice to Lena. She's done well for herself, considering the extra chromosome.

It's 10x funnier because she actually gives attention to the meme, thus spreading it further and further.

Is this a dude with tits?

Dumb bitch got BTFO

>Lena Dunham thinks she has any right to talk about sexual assault and rape


some faggot is shilling these meme and gotcha tweet on the_donald
>join muh facebook page
>memes! teehee



didn't she move to canada as soon as trump was proclaimed president?

Is that pear-chan?


lmao didn't see that originally

fucking genius

I didn't see it either.

Fucking lol. I love that that disgusted Paco from the Miley Cyrus pic is in there

Does she go out of her way to look like a tranny?

>and your friends don't like you

>implying any of us have friends

probably not but I mean Jesus it would take a lot of work to make her just okay to look at

yep, she's a textbook flatso.


I'll always remember her from this MM.



>TFW no sad tales of sexual abuse
Her sister has tales of lenas sexual abuse...

Got an ass that would swallow up a g-string

Thats the shower she sobbed in after election night

Imagine seeing this in the mirror and still not doing everything possible to lose weight. Their weak mind is almost as unappealing as their fat body

and a mouth that would swallow up long undies

>the mexican kid


holy fucking shit

The joke store called.


She is rich. She has absolutely no excuse to not strap on a pack and bugger off on the Continental Divide for six months. She could even afford a bodyguard if she was scared of "rural white cis het patriarchy." I lost sixty pounds on the Appalachian Trail. It's just fucking walking with weight.

Zero sympathy.


What bothers me is that they think anyone else actually buys their stupid bullshit about loving and embracing their morbidly obese bodies. Unless wires are crossed upstairs nobody sees that as breeding material

To be fair lads though she'll never stop being a disgusting hambeast if we discourage her from exercising. You have to think agriculturally. Be nurturing.

No male Fat Acceptance piece being published in HuffPost, Slat or Salon, notice...

That's the most unfuckable thing I think I've ever seen.


Fuck that. We need to up the Lena meme-posting level to Ludicrous Speed.

she's fucking gross and has extremely weird body proportions
t. an actual chubby chaser

>where's her belly button?
>oh, no

>when you preach body positivity but you know you look like shit

>Giving a shit what Sup Forums thinks when you made millions from virtue signaling.

The only thing she goes out of her way for is cake.

They'd laugh their fat asses silly if they saw pic related and would break down sobbing if men laughed at their version of pic related

Top bantz

I won't take credit, but thats pretty good.

Somebody post the picture of this ham beast jogging while comparing her to a biscuit can.

I dunno what you're all whinging about. I've done worse, a bit of drink and every woman looks like a 10/10

I seriously thought this was a man child fluffin in nyc cought on camera before his run?! Double funny now!

to whomever made that meme?
I dont like you and you're a POS but we can still be friends

Lena "sister fister" Dunham

This doesn't make sense. She was fucking somebody to get her deals.

Fat girls are like mopeds. Fun to ride once in a while, but no one really admits it.


This is great. Great banter,

>Pablo in the picture

Even then they can't be too big, have a nice face, be clean, and not have weird tits or a hairy asshole.

was looking like a gay man a part of her plan?

its a guy without tits.

>I can't wait to introduce you to my family

>Will you marry me

>I can't wait to show you off to my friends

You know what. Good for her. Fucking great! I hope she continues. Wish her only the best in her effort to get fit.

>nobody should be Amerifat

Someone please send her this one.
I don't have Twatter so I can't do shit.

Sup Forums is the only friend we need

I wonder if that valet kid knows how internet famous he is

Holy shit that's great

LOOL chicks get the worst tattoos

>Be Lena Dunham
>Single handedly destroy this kino as fuck season of American horror story

>Are you going to finish that?

