Why do you care so much about patriotism, Sup Forums? You were only born in your country by pure chance.
Why do you care so much about patriotism, Sup Forums? You were only born in your country by pure chance
Yes and I ended up here and not fucking Brazil. That's something to be patriotic about.
you think Sup Forumstards are patriots? L M A O
ok, so what's the source of the webm?
Same with people being white by chance and for some reason they feel special. Welcome to Sup Forums
Race before country, desu. If my country betrays my race, it's as good as dead to me.
t. American
An attitude like that is why your country is the way it is.
White tend to treat other whites better. Non-whites tend to treat whites like shit and ask for gibs.
Racism isn't some strange esoteric concept, it's just reality, and it is right in front of you. We want our own nation. Shitskins can fuck off and stay in theirs.
Why do you care so much about my doubles? I only got them by pure chance.
because its about making whatever you are best by believing that its best. This belief is what motivates you. Its like how when you punch through a board, you dont try to hit the board, you try to hit behind the board. In your mind, you are already through the board. Everyone should believe they are the best, thats how you become better.
does anyone know the source to that webm?
Doesn't mean you can't be proud of it.
I think you will find that my existence had nothing to do with accidental chance, Brazil
In white countries, most children are planned
Implying we didnt spend more in South America than Africa with Empire through the back door.
South America is Anglo clay
Op you were born by pure chance,why don't you just kill yourself
What in the everloving fuck is going on in that webm
Because its the only thing that can unite whats left of civilization to defeat the jews.
Because by pure chance I was born in the most awesome country.
If I were from some shithole I wouldn't be so patriotic.
Give us a source goddamit
Sailor moon
>he hasn't accepted Aristotelian metaphysics
> when your image is more interesting than your question
Kounai Shasei
>You were only born in your country by pure chance.
Totally 100 % untrue. There is absolutely no way my parents could have give birth to anyone else except me. They could not have given birth to anyone black, anyone Asian and not even anyone Swedish. I am the result of my parents' and my ancestors' carefully selected genetics. Unborn humans are not some sort of lottery balls randomly tumbling in aether to be inserted into babies. We are created. I am a deterministic result of a hundred thousand years of divergent evolution. That's why I'm patriotic. And that's why I despise ignorant and thankless cowards such as you.
>Sup Forums
>why do you love your parent's, when you didnt choose to live in the first place
something you will never understand since you never met your dad
Why do you care about anything?
i ended up in sweden because 2 swedish people decided to have me, random has nothing to do with it
>Why do you care so much about patriotism, Sup Forums? You were only born in your country by pure chance.
No. You were born here generally because your lineage is from here.
Chances are you have grand parents, great grand parents, etc etc etc that have fought for and helped contribute to your country.
Thus you would want to be patriotic in the interest of that which your forefathers fought and died for. Its about honoring the past. Being vigilant in the present, and securing the future of your country.
I had a 1/216 chance of being born in the only decent country on earth and on top of it I got to be a white man. Why would I not be patriotic.
Anime was never good.
And that's a good thing.
Why do you love your family? You were born into it by chance
Utter bullshit. You and the other fags who parrot this argument seem to believe in this weird reincarnation/egoist mindset where your own experience is the only one that has happened. My parents deliberately conceived me. And so did their parents and their parents and so on. All of my ancestors and their countrymen deliberately built or maintained a country together. Theres no "chance" about it.
Wouldn't expect a stupid brazilian to understand this concept tho.
We forgive you for Vietnam.
Savage bro.
DBZ is the best show of all time.
Maybe he HATES HIS GODDAMNED FAMILY for bringing him into the world in Brazil.
What happens at end of webm? she gets on all fours and lets him mount her?
I bet you did nAz1 that coming.
Is it real sailor moon or some hentai knock off? 'Cause all I know about sailor moon is the ice cream truck sold a mario ice cream for boys and sailor moon for girls. Eventually pikachu showed up. Parents back then were less evolved then today's, and I can't imagine they would be cool with their daughters licking on this degeneracy.
I don't, I've been black pilled for a few years now. There's no hope, the human race is fundamentally flawed and should be exterminated.
Nice, thanks.
>hey "/pol" why do you ?
>1 post by this ID
Considering this is the last bastion of actual free-speech, then yes, I'd say Sup Forums is very patriotic.
yes, exactly as I said
> the chance of being born in each country is equal
are you sure you're white?
b-because.... this is where I was born... I have no other home.. I like my home? How is this a difficult concept you fucking moron
I was born because of the conscious decision of my parents, do you liberal fucktards really think there's some cosmic lottery in the before-life that determines where you're born?
This coming from a country that does nothing but spam its name on youtube and facebook comments.
>B R A Z I L
uhm should i save this for the sake of proving its a real thing and asians are degenerate in a less caveman like way
Wrong faggot. I am here because two branches of my family came here in the 1600’s. After making it a nice place, they fought a war for independence. My birth was a conscious act by two descendents of those family’s. I inherited this great country, and it is my duty to make it better to pass it to my children. My children also won’t be here by pure chance. It will because my wife and I decided to make Americans.
evolution happens by chance bro..
This is true.
Totally a roll of the dice.
Are you willing to give away, or just burn, your lottery winnings if you won??
Might as well protect it and enjoy your amazing luck!!
Actually I ended up here because my parents consciously decided to have me here, not by pure chance. Whoops, there goes your whole argument
If you have an abusive dad you shouldn't like him. People should love their families for their actions, not as an obligation. If my mother didn't treat me well I wouldn't love her. You should treat your country in the same way, not just accept it unconditionally like a cuck.
You didn't get to choose your ancestors, so yes, you were born in your country by chance.
nice meme flag. try not being so mad, hans
You'd understand if you country had any identity other than trannies and ass.
Because I appreciate the liberties and opportunities that my country has given me. It's that simple.
>my ancestors and their ancestors live in this country
>pure chance
KYS retard
i've been to 16 different countries. Nowhere but the US does it 'feel' like 'home'. Doesn't matter what state, county or city.
I like it here, I like what it's supposed to represent. Other countries do not offer what America does. So I stay.
And occasionally troll hard-left nerds in the process.
Do all roaches struggle with simple cause and effect? I don't have ancestors because I was born; I was born because of my ancestors. In other words, they chose *me*.
Stefan want's to have a word with you.
nice meme flag. try not being so mad, paco
>Why do you care so much about patriotism, Sup Forums? You were only born in your country by pure chance.
Really? Really was it by pure chance? Do you have any evidence to back up your premise that being born is by pure chance?
Awaiting your response,
Stickler user
If people could choose their ancestors no one would be born poor or in an abusive household. You didn't have any input in who your ancestors are, they were forced upon you, so there is no reason to accept them and your country unconditionally like a cuck.
>pure chance
My ancestors are what made me, Allahcuck.
This is what happens when you isolate a people on an island for too long.
It's not by chance you half breed abomination. The gods have chosen my alliance. Of course a "brazilian" doesn't understand the concept of one country one people.
Me being born here is the result of thousands of years of struggle, culture and patriotism.
You being born in a shithole colony is the result of some retard seaman raping a negress.
Know the difference.
That's not how it works Rodrigo.
Best post in thread. Anyone who doesn't get this is probably a nigger.
People like OP do not understand statistics. At all. Nor do they understand that past events have no "chance" associated with them.
Oh, and OP is a fag.
I miss old school anime.
And I'm glad I was born in a country full of stupidly stubborn unbreakable, nationalistic people you fucking chimp. I will fucking kill you if you try to fuck with my country.
Consider for a second that its not by chance and that it is instead by design of an intelligent, loving, and powerful creator. Consider that you aren't just some insignificant spec and instead that you have a purpose and your existence is a part of the plan to bring every creature to humble themselves before the LORD; our GOD.
>Why do you care so much about patriotism, Sup Forums? You were only born in your country by pure chance.
Because that's where you get your cultural heritage from. Everything you love about your home is in it. It's not some abstract construct. It's real. It exists. And once you go with this "why should I care for my country because it was pure coincidence to start with" mentality you get what Sweden has now: a whole fuck load of Allahu-Akbar rapist plundering their resources and giving back shit to nothing.
My country might not have the best minds in the planet or the best standards of living (no toilets and stuff) but it's still worth fighting for. For reasons that are incomprehensible to cucks who want to destroy the idea of a nation.
Well said, poo. And nice quads.
No i wasn't. You on the other hand..
Dropping truth bombs on your brain like deuces in street.
>People can't seem to see my problem with non-whites representing my country (sports or otherwise, this was sport)
>Tell them they don't care about the country the way someone actually from here does and qualifying for a passport means fuck all
>Realise it's very similar to how the housing meme works
>People I know who've inherited houses from their parents have always moved into them and plan on leaving them to their kids
>Ask them why and they say "because it's my house", they grew up in it, lived in it, loved it, memories were created in it, to anyone else it's just a house, but to them it's much much more
>Then I know other people who inherited a house they lived in, but moved out of at a young age
>It means nothing to them so they sell it
>Then I look at rental properties
>Always packed with loads of people who end up destroying it and then moving on somewhere else
>Know people who've rented out the houses they've inherited to people who destroy them
>It means nothing to the people who destroyed them because some other goy is picking up the bill and some other goy will give this new homeless victim a place to live and repeat the entire process
>But then someone who really does need somewhere to live turns up and would treat that house with respect, just as the previous owners had, because they want to live in it, love it and make memories in it
>This can't happen though because landlords become dubious about letting to them after what similar people have done in the past
Not even related to what you're looking for, but I'm not really bothered. See if from the above greentext "analogy" you can identify
>The nationalist
>The cuck
>The illegal immigrants
>The legal immigrants
If you can work it out you'll know why the dotr is inevitable and why people fucking hate immigrants.
The only people who aren't nationalist live in fucking shitholes. The people who don't care about race (except brainwashed cucks) are people have achieved nothing.
>Kounai Shasei
Thank you, user.
It's amazing.