WTF is going on?????
WTF is going on?????
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I wouldn't worry about it.
It's over guys, Trump won.
No goy, it's all one big coincidence. Accept the official narrative and move on.
Hey, is anybody tired? I think I might take a nap. I'm feeling pretty sleepy right now.
Anyone else want to inject some ambien and lunesta and fluff up our goose feather pillows and get some shuteye? I think im going to plug some melatonin and really catch some ZZZs. Pizzagate makes me oh so sleepy. Focus on something that matters, like the new shows on netflix! Goodnight pole!
Clinton is a Necromancer, it's been confirmed.
pic related is Alefantis
What uses have these drugs for Alefantis?
Where did he go in the UK exactly?
Yes it is.
Pretty accurate
>is it real
Of course it is. Have you even looked at any of the evidence? Honestly, what kind of normies are on this fucking board?
>falling for sleepypost as if it were bait
yes - maga1776.com
Massive, extensively cited/archived, text summary of pizzagate: voat.co
Saturnian pedophilia and child sacrifice is real, but newfag pizzagate retards are going out of their way to discredit a movement that has been going on for decades. The fact that some of the trafficking goes on in pizza shops is a tiny detail in the grand scheme of things. Focusing on that instead of the big picture is doing far more harm than good.
Any comments on that painting inside Comet Ping Pong where satan is playing ping pong with an alien?
How fucking dumb are you?
pretty disturbing that the people at the forefront of these things are the ones committing the crime themselves
Daily Dose:
What the actual FUCK
The Cult of Saturn. Where do you think "Elites" came from? It's not a description of political or socioeconomic status, they are literally El-ites. They pay tribute to El, also known as Moloch or Saturn. How does one pay tribute? Through sacrifice.
>"El" (Father of Heaven / Saturn) and his major son: "Hadad" (Father of Earth / Jupiter), are symbolized both by the bull, and both wear bull horns on their headdresses.
So sorry to break the hard truth but Pizzagate has been 100% true for a real long time. It's so horrible that police departments don't even let cops work in the crimes against children department more than a year or two. Evil, evil, people are out there.
Nothing to see here. Everything is normal. Go back to sleep.
That book on the left
>Fami Lies
>Fám, I lies.
Clearly you two arent parents
Lotta pedos been going to jail recently
It started with Pedowood, but I didn't want to believe that it affected DC as well. Pizzagate proved me wrong to my horror
It's real but was shelved by the same FBI that said Clinton should be POTUS
I would never have put my disgusting nose in my infant daughters mouth. Is this normal? Is this a thing? What are you even implying here? The way he looked at the camera sent chills down my spine.
It is and it has been for a long time. Alefantis probably isn't such a big deal, he's someone like Larry King was in Omaha. A procurer and fluffer.
84 kids rescued, 120 human traffickers arrested in FBI sting, some at MB hotel
By Emily Weaver
[email protected]
October 18, 2017 12:20 PM
Eighty-four children were rescued — including one as young as 3 months old — and 120 human traffickers were arrested in a nationwide undercover operation that involved a Myrtle Beach hotel.
In South Carolina, the three-day operation Oct. 12-15 focused on undercover stings in Myrtle Beach and Columbia.
Three women were arrested and charged with prostitution last week in a joint FBI/Myrtle Beach Police Department operation at the Hilton Garden Inn near Coastal Grand Mall.
Capt. David Knipes with MBPD said the arrests came as part of the FBI’s operation on the evening of Oct. 13.
Read more here: myrtlebeachonline.com
The Federal Bureau of Investigation led Operation Cross Country XI in 55 FBI field offices across the country with the help of 78 state and local task forces and five international partners hailing from Canada, the United Kingdom, Thailand, Cambodia and the Philippines, according to Wednesday’s news release.
“We at the FBI have no greater mission than to protect our nation’s children from harm. Unfortunately, the number of traffickers arrested — and the number of children recovered — reinforces why we need to continue to do this important work,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said in the release. “This operation isn’t just about taking traffickers off the street. It’s about making sure we offer help and a way out to these young victims who find themselves caught in a vicious cycle of abuse.”
Child sex trafficking in service of the elite is very real and it happens all over the world, regardless of what James Alefantis himself is or is not involved in.
Pic related will save us
It's nothing.
>Harvey in the sky with diamonds
They're raping little kiddies left right and centre in hollywood, d.c., and chances are this extends to most countries political and religious societies.
On the other hand is 'pizzagate' real? Probably not... seems unlikely they'd organize a child sex ring through pizza restaurants. Podesta bros are definitely pedos, and at least one of them is a fag.
No shit it's real. Actual deaths and disappearances have occurred and people slide it harder than literally anything.
Just go on voat.co/v/pizzagate, ignore the shills and the reachers the same way you do on Sup Forums and look at the actual fucking connections.
I didn't believe it until I looked into it and saw the archives of Alefantis' instagram and how fucking powerful of a figure he is. The shit with the museum in a backalley is scary, too.
Ask yourself three questions, and then ask if pizzagate is real:
>Are there cases of human trafficking in this day and age?
>Are there cases of child trafficking in this day and age?
>Are there cases of pedophiles in power in this day and age?
You know the fucking answer.
Ex cop and a US Marine colonel among the 250+ busted in FL.
>Nothing to see here folks
>Go back to arguing about niggers and jews
Slaanesh is also a character made up for Warhammer 40k and the freak on the left is blatantly dressing up as a horned Gaia using a bamboo shoot metaphor.
Interestingly, if you google Horned Gaia you get nothing but pictures of owls.
>Operation Cross Country IX
Nine times they've run this sting.
Everytime they bust tons of scum.
>Pedowood is not real
>Pizzagate is not real
That's right bitches. Back to sleep. Nighty night.
Wow. Anyone else feeling sleepy?
I was but then some nonsense about niggerjewfaggotwomen woke me up from my Mom's basement.
I don't know what to tell you about the state of the board.
Remind me of the kind of people who dress their boy as a girl and he tells "fibs" about mom drinking from his penis. Wonder what he'd "fib" about dad doing.
whats going on here
WTF is that from?
You can search the name and find all sorts of articles. Mother claims it was an "innocent remark".
I was there from the beginning. Pizza gate is real.
either he is a pill popper and shows it off (yes they do this)
or they are for something more sinister
I don't know if it is true or not but this happened and even NBC reported on it:
Well seeing as how this whole Weinstein thing is blowing up in Hollywood, it wouldn't be surprising if something deviant is going on behind the scenes with key people in the political arena.
Crazy hearing Hannity radio openly talk about Hollywood pedos.
stop posting jewish disinfo here like pizzagate
Back to page 1
Man we were all so fucking pissed then.
I thought it all was real, now I don't quite know
I'm not larping or kidding you around this time last year, I had an axe up here with my computer as I was chopping up an old sofa I was throwing away
I fucking hit it through the door in anger
this sums exactly up where I am at too with all this
Can't stand the sight off that disgusting Podesta faggot(or worse) though
Once to London to visit (((friends))) and to meet his bosses at the Wellcome Trust, then another time in Bristol for ping pong Pongress, then once more in Newcastle with Sasha Lord
a female friend of mine came up here too
>why is there a hole in your door user?
uhm.. as you see I am just fixing up this room
>but why the hole?
you see it's an old shitty door, it's going out
>okay.... are you mad at me?
nonono it's not you, listen I don't want to show you this...
kek holy shit
I missed that bear.
There was a whole thread about it.
hmm I missed this, this is now?
It was shortly before the Vegas shooting.
some pizza releated maps in this thread
God damnit Trump.....
>this bucket hat will throw them off the pizza trail
What was the col.'s name?
The child prostitution ring part may be real, but for some reason you retards conflated it with some retarded satanic cult; so now whenever people talk about it they can just disregard it because of the latter part.
Well considering it's coming out that hollywood is raping everybody, I'm surprised you find it hard to believe.
A fucking leaf.
You're the one who should fuck off. Your /x/-tier bullshit ruined the whole thing. Even assuming the satanic cult part is real, it literally doesn't fucking matter. It would have been exposed as a secondary thing to a child prostitution scandal.
Now it'll continue happening, and anyone investigating it will be seen as crazy. All because of retards like you, who have no critical thinking.
They just had a big bust in Atlanta. Unfortunately they have yet to touch Clayton county which is a major center for all of the trafficking of drugs and sex workers in the southeast
>either he is a pill popper and shows it off (yes they do this)
We do not.
Go to bed john
Methadone. Why not Suboxone?
Interesting info there. Also pizzagate is a psyop, pizza places are inadequate to provide a means of storage or offer any kind of proper transportation. Actual human trafficking busts involve places like Tyson Foods, warehouses, cold storage facilities, and etc.
Newer threads are now named /ATG/ for anti-trafficking general. They are currently mapping out DC as of late. Feel free to check them out if you are interested.
Because suboxone is a terrible analgesic
No idea, not a druggy, just know people that swear it saved their life.
>innocent remark
Bull Fucking Shit
We're getting off-topic, I don't want to keep bumping the thread about this.
I'm not using methadone because I'm an addict, I'm using it for pain management. It's an effective long-lasting opioid, which is why I chose that one.
You seem upset. It's a public forum you know.
I'm on suboxone. 7 year heroin addict. Never shot up though just smoked or snorted it. I've been on suboxone since March. Started at 16mg everyday to now 4mg everyday. Next month I'm going down to 2mg. It's definitely helped my life and probably saved it. Scared of getting off it though.