whats with this memey obsession with skin desecration these among the normies
Whats with this memey obsession with skin desecration these among the normies
these days*
Porn normalized shitty tattoos, piercings and haircuts. Nobody but freaks went full retard before the porntubes.
Well jokes on them because now it's way more punk to NOT get a tattoo these days.
Empty, broken, rootless people who desperately want to craft a DIY identity for themselves. Soulless consumerism is ugly, especially as it reaches its terminal stage.
I had mine lasered. They weren't routinely visible but I had them removed anyway.
They're disgusting. They're even worse when people spend big money on them. Unless you're in the Yakuza don't bother.
horse shit. everything changed in 91 when pic related released Blood Sugar Sex Magic
Body is supposed to be the temple of the Lord. They subconsciously want to destroy God's temple.
no the fag is right. it only started once broadband was widespread.
incorrect, tatts boomed early ninties, 28800 baud days
not in America.
I surmise it's closely related to their memey obsession with consuming flavored ethanol.
It's just another way to trick girls into sleeping with you.
Normies only care about what's in front of them. Just like children.
Shitty tattoos are my guilty pleasure.
Tattoos didn't explode here until the early 2000s. Before that, you didn't see suburban housewives getting ankle tats and trash like that.
It's to make up for a lack of personality.
It's the "cool" thing to do these days.
I know like 5, 17-year old girls and guys who said once they turn 18 they're going to get a cool tattoo.
Tattoos are cool and a mark of individuality.
Me and my best friend(who is a girl btw) decided to get matching tattoos after watching an epic episode of our favorite show Rick & Morty(basically the best show ever made btw, although you poorly educated rednecks wouldn't get the humour I bet). I got mine done last week(pic related) and she's getting hers done with her next paycheck.
I don't know man. At least it allows me to detect the unworthy
Not really, even rock stars only had a few in the 90s. It didn't become socially acceptable for suburban middle class art school kids until way later, mostly through porn with when kids started stealing the suicide girl look.
I hate them. Everyone has them. So I hate everyone.
Pure vanity; these people are just looking for ways to try and create a separate identity from other retarded goyim.
I know people like this.
Fair enough, they did here. was the first cultural shift I noticed in high school.
>ehhh user i changed my mind
>idk.. one of my besties muhammed reeaaally turned me on.. *cough*.. to his spiritual beliefs and stuff..
7/10 LARP. Short but sweet, I lold
I'm saying that was the flashpoint that whole album/CD book was just photo after photo of RHCP tatts, every other cunt at school became tatt desirers. every one started to draw flash. by mid nineties every other young man had a bicep wrap, and it just snowballed from there.
How do am*ricans not realize, when they write shit like this, it comes off as nothing more than projected sexual fantasies? You am*ricans are so fucking faggy it's unbelievable. I only ever see cuck shit from you guys, and it always reads like this. Like you're projecting whatever kiked up sexual fantasies go on in that tiny, american "brain" of yours. Am*ricans are fucking dogs.
There's nothing wrong with trying to create your own distinct identity. Nobody wants to be a nobody. Having an identifiable and respected 'brand' (we sometimes call this social status) gives you social energy or capital, which can be spent or traded like any other energy/currency.
However, tattoos are a permanent fixture of identity, while your brain and personality are not. Your conceptions, beliefs, desires, and needs will change through life - but you will always be stuck with the tattoos you got when you were a 16 year old dumbfuck who thought an apple logo, tramp stamp, or an ankle heart were great things to plaster on your body.
lol nah we've been besties for over a year since she broke up with her last bf I've helped her out a lot emotionally, she'd never betray me! haha.
She does have a coworker called muhammad though that texts her sometimes now you mention it...weird! lol
Whats your opinion on scarification, Anons?
For America it went like this
>pre baby boom
tattoos are a strange oddity only those on the outside of society have, maybe some military in a hidden spot
>baby boomers
One tattoo socially acceptable for weirdos, hippies, tough guys, etc
>gen X
One tattoo acceptable for normies, eccentric type might have multipe, sleeves only for the edges of society
Everything is acceptable and if you don't have at least one tattoo you're a weirdo
I hate it.
(((Communism))) promotes degeneracy to help make western culture look bad.
You're implying those tattoos mean anything, they don't, they're just a fashion accessory. But trends move on and in 10 years the tats people get because they look cool will look as retarded and trashy as a tribal tramp stamps, barwire armbands or chinese characters do today.
>this mad about cuck shitposting
that mustve really striked a nerve. sorry bud. i change my flag in solidarity to you and your people
Well said.
they're great for pulling sl00ts and triggering Sup Forums nerds
That tattoo in the middle of the girls face is really nice and made me want to get that when I was young and impressionable in my middle school dad rock phase. Now that I'm 24 I'm glad I didn't.
Salaam al'leikom habib. Please do not listen to my fellow Americans. They do not have the benefit of living in a Muslim Islamic caliphate as you do in cuckistan, may allah bless your lands, and therefore often speak in an impure way.
Peace be upon you
numale that want to feel special or badass
A childhood friend got a Mega Man tattoo on his calf.
I'm pretty sure he didn't even beat one of those games.
never really understood the appeal of platformers
I always hated them
They hate themselves so it shows outwardly.
Only people who have ink for legitimate reasons are in gangs, prison, or navy. Everyone else just gets tattood because they have nothing else with which to impress anyone in conversation, and they have small dicks and want to distract from it when nude.