Better woMEN

>women stop dressing like sluts
>women stop being weak
>women stop wrong think
Seems the problem Sup Forums has with women is that they're women. How do we solve this? REDUCE SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN HUMANS!
If women looked more like men they wouldn't dress like sluts. If women had masculine builds they'd be physically stronger. If female brain architecture modeled males they'd be more logical.
So, when will we give women the XX Pill?

Other urls found in this thread:

> women
> not XX already
the absolute fucking state of burger education

dude u have to give them xy pill or something

dressing to gender is made up and out dated

Forget male or female. We must shed our frail biological forms and become machines. Only then will the galaxy truelly be ours. We shall rule it with an iron (but fair) fist.

Women are trash and always have been. 100% of their evolutionary utility has been derived from their capacity to birth children. Children they now have the legal right to crush up and such out inside the womb.

Women are worthless to men now. Bring on the bots!

The way to solve it is for artificial womb and sexbot technology to get advanced enough, so women are no longer needed.


Sorry, my iq drops 15pts when my pants are off

We already have women that are like men.
They're called trannies.

A lot of them are redpilled.
But the virgin user is all "eww it's degenerate even tho everything about it is perfect so no thanks"

you wrote this while standing in your local shop in bikini? I don't understand

women looking more like men doesn't fix the bipolar retardation in their brains that drives them to require attention and resent when it's not given yet bitch when it is

I lost respect for every woman I've ever known.

Fixed the bio-girl brain problem

everything is perfect if your a closet faggot

>dat Nature's Own
Fuck me that shit looks soft and curvy. Slide my dick right in and butter that shit all day.

use a butterknife like everyone else, degenerate

>he considers someone this mentally ill redpilled

only in france

Plenty of them hate 'cis women' (biological grils) as much as normal guys.

They actually play videogames, they're a lot less likely to cheat on you, they're not retarded for the most part..

And again, plenty of them are right wing

so I'm going to automatically indulge someone based on their political ideologies?

I'm going to get called bait because 90% of pol is composed of neckbeard basement dwellers but believe it or not, a large amount of attractive women play video games, are loyal, etc. My girlfriend basically spends all of her free time playing games or reading when she isn't at work, and she's an international model. Sorry to disappoint you but she didn't have a dick at any point either.
Stop trying to fucking protect your closet faggotry, it's an old and stale meme. this is why the muzzies kill people in your state every 5 days


...dude, I think you're gay

>not breaking that sweet endpiece hymen yourself

I assume you mean FtM trannies? Theyre usually lesbians, although I met one on craigslist that liked getting the D each month around the time of her period. I think tomboys are superior, but most are tricked today into becoming trans. MtF is just gay though.

>A fucking leaf
Have fun with your cheating thot who steals your money and complains about you non-stop

Or your dog if you're single

I meant MtFs
FtMs are always leftists, always pussified ""men""

>breed them to make them what men don't want
>increase their test levels so they ride even more dicks, and more exclusively chad dicks
>society collapses as betas get even less sex, thus betas drink, vidya, weed, golf, brodowns
This will work out good goy

Well, if you're gay, traps are an option. I'm straight though.

t-traps aren't gay user. And they're better than women (there's no arguments there)


You mean making XY women

They are a thing, statistically tiny.

With some genetic engineering it might be possible to make fertile XY women: Female body, male brain

how could you not just instantly begin raping that

Alloy Pill or bust

I fucking love bimbo tiddies
>women willing to completely and painfully alter their bodies just to please men
what's not to love?

do you think when it's hot, she takes the strings off?

It would be extremely painful


Sounds pretty gay my dude.

The video game and loyalty thing is true. The model girlfriend isn't.

By not being a muslim, nigger, or mexican?

They could be real

It isn't possible. Intersex are sterile.

fucking disgusting

We aren't gay. We just want them to cover up, fuck one person, and not vote. And no one is telling them to stop being weak, we just don't want to pretend they are strong. Undo feminism and you fix most of the issues. Women will still be women, but they are fine for the most part when they are kept in their place.

Look at these tits.

>we just don't want to pretend they are strong
But I want them to be.

Trannies exist tho.
They can be sterile by stopping hormones for a little while, it comes back

That belly fat shows she's lazy and never exercise.

Bad wife, bad mother.
Can't even take care of herself, how can she take care of a family?

Real women don't have dicks and can bear children.

> women stop dressing like sluts
how hard is that?
> women stop being weak
never been requested by Sup Forums
> women stop wrong think
never been requested by Sup Forums

'Real women' will cheat on your for a black dude, sadly. And they're completely retarded and steal your money. And don't know how to make you happy.

Also adoption is a thing
There are /so many/ white kids in need of parents

Look. Everything is fucked and it's already lost. Here's what you do: don't get married, fuck women with condoms and keep the condom if you still wanna get laid, work a job with decent pay and benefits, don't take out loans for school, have only a few credit cards, don't spend money on frivolous shit like furniture, cars, and pussy, but a telescope, guns, scotch, weights, a dog who's head is thigh high or taller, and enjoy your life.

also buy a qt fembot.

im on nofap get this thickness away

"threatened masculinity" starter pack

>being a literal cuckold
too obvious

>He thinks it's being a cuckold if both parents are dead or abandoned the children

Are you retarded?

Allow me to clarify the traps aren't gay meme for everyone. Traps are indeed not gay as they have a mental disorder causing extreme confusion but the faggot fucking a trap is very gay.

An ass hole is literally tighter than any women's vagina you will ever try in your life.

>zero hips
Absolutely fucking disgusting

you know women have assholes too.

women have assholes, thus proving you are a faggot for choosing to fuck a man's asshole.

women's assholes will always be looser, from black dick.

If you wanna fuck something that's been shitted, your problem.

That's like a black cuck fetish

dress like fiminists

Sup Forums bitches about women being SJW and making choices with feels over logic all the time

Wide hips are a genetic anachronism like wisdom teeth or pinky toes. Medical science, c-section, has made wide hips irrelevant

Not much of this board is embracing the future user. Most women don't even raise children, they just hold them for 9 months and give them to the public education system.
I'd bet within the next 10 years we'll see rich men buying eggs, using artificial wombs, and raising their own children. Its only a matter of time until the process becomes cheap enough to the point where the average man can save up $50k to have a baby, instead of giving half his wealth to a slut.

congratulations on not being able to think of a reasonable retort other than some juvenile virgin tier straw man.

Holy shit that’s jewish

Women need to be lead dummy. Of course they are bad when jews put them in charge

Literally like putting hillary in charge of a nation


Never change, Sup Forums.

For the sake of the world, never change.

>Find obvious outside the box answer to complex problem
>das juden

>It isn't possible. Intersex are sterile.

There's one documented case where an XY woman was fertile.

With genetic engineering its certainly possible.

Khazar milkies

Also stop flirting with women, they hate that.

If you want a woman, don't flirt with them, don't even talk to them, just sit there in silence and maybe they'll come over and tell you that you may date them.

>made wide hips irrelevant
wrong, its made it more probable cheaper option for birth of healthy babies than it would be genetic trash who have to use the other alternatives, and in greater number too

plus, the sex is better if you re a man with any semblence of imposing stature. twig/plank girls are boring and uncomfortable and should only pass their genetics onto the /soyboy/ and numale after theyve taken thousands of DNA samples in their 20s

Pics or kys. Odds are you are a basement dweller yourself.

>If you want a woman, don't flirt with them, don't even talk to them, just sit there in silence and maybe they'll come over and tell you that you may date them.

Total cabbage


I bet the sahara is more wet than the 'ginas of the women after youve approached them

you people are autistic af, not going to lie.


Women love attention

If you're attractive not giving them attention only makes them want it more

However if you give them no attention ever they'll go elsewhere to get it

Not difficult to understand senpai

Kek at that image and the 2 numbnuts who didn't pick up the sarcasm
They'll say they did. They didn't

I'm sorry my friend, but your kinda gay. Not like flamboyantly gay; but rather, you're just a little bit gay.

>cheaper option for birth
Maybe the poor shouldn't breed?

You may not like it, but this is what peak feminine sexuality looks like.

>Maybe the poor shouldn't breed?

THIS! I'm working on it right now

Maybe if we could put male minds into real female bodies we wouldn't be so opossed to transgenderism.
As it is now it's just guys with chopped dicks and silicone implants. They're not women and have none of the benefits of a female body.

>peak feminine sexuality

Are you fucking implying men can give birth, you white SHITLORD?

Man, when I was in high school I knew a chick that had a body like that. We spent a lot of time together, and she was banging hot blonde. She loads of volleyball. I had a hot girl I was fucking at the time, and am a manlet, and she was 6'1" so I never made too many moves on her. fingered her a few times and made out and shit. But when I would rub her stomach it was like touching a fucking wall. But as hard as her stomach was my dick was even harder. I should've dumped my qt right away and went with this chick. My girl ended up fucking me over a lot later into the relationship, and this volleyball hardbody is a kindergarten teacher now.

>Are you fucking implying men can give birth, you white SHITLORD?

Totally possible with existing technology


you are a closeted homosexual
wide hips are GOAT, most attractive part of a woman
trim hips looks like a man

The 'Real Women are fertile' meme is how feminism cucked the West. XX women can get away with anything while they hold the future ransom.

Once artificial wombs are a thing, infertile women will be preferable since the husband makes the reproductive decisions and cannot be cucked.

Something about this picture possesses me to furiously masturbate every time I lay eyes upon it.

Where to buy muh 6'3" Samus waifu?

Do all these unattractive women think everyone will magically think they're attractive if they say they're constantly being accosted by salutations? It seems like they're either trying to convince themselves that they're desirable, or they're trying to convince themselves that what they want, but don't have, is bad.

But Jews love a large, uneducated, and poor underclass

No, just that the ideal human aesthetic is hard, high speed, and low drag

This doesnt look like a boy to me


>So, when will we give women the XX Pill?

american education

the university of burger

and them you kill them