Hello Sup Forums I've got a got a minor happening at this university. Here's a link.
So this group apparently hung the flyers up around campus and bolted off. Now the students are flaming the president and its a huge disaster. I think its a fake not a lot adds up and I need your help proving it Sup Forums. The group doesn't exist and just takes you to a forum but I can no longer access it. If the thread picks up I'll share a little more of what I know.
A minor happening
Other urls found in this thread:
You know what to do.
Same thing happened at the university I attend. The group that put up the posters at my school were Blood and Soil
That isnt fake.
Leftist dont use logic like "right to exist", "right to exist" is universal and hard to be offended about.
You have actual white identity anons on campus.
Fucking good on em.
Do false flag shit, find some generic pro BLM/native american/minority/diversity posters, print them up, and stick them next to these.
They CAN'T criticize these for being "pro-race" when right next to them are 3 others with the same message but for blacks/latinos/native americans
Personally, I've infiltrated my college's leftist department and I've been thinking of hatching a similar false flag operation that exposes their hypocrisy bare, OP you have the perfect cover because the lefties won't give you shit for doing this if you're caught
And so it begins. First the communists act up and then the fascists pop up in reaction. Night of the Long Knives 2: Electric Boogaloo is upon us!
It's not yet time to go directly against the commies. The public already hates them, let them keep fucking up until the public is calling for them to be put in camps.
Where was yours situated? Was it the same posters?
The issue is that I'm 90% sure this is a false flag itself. It would be way more crushing to prove this as a false flag than start some other narrative. I've reversed image searched the second page and absolutely nothing comes up. It's completely original.
this post is a false flag.
The image isn't fake, but I'm almost positive its not fascists posting it. I think its some people pretending to be fascists to stir up trouble and crack down on free speech on our campus. They're roasting the president because he took it down because of circumventing the approval for posting process, not because "it was mean."
>believing in "the right to exist"
o really now
They went with a wolfsangel for the symbol of "Fascist Solution" which doesn't even exist. Do fascists even still use it? I know that a few recent groups in Ukraine did, but aren't most of them eagles and axes these days?
They took the posters down already, and doing something like this would just hurt the administration more.
The Night of Long Knives was a purge of the NSDAP of homos and those who threatened Hitler's hold on the party, Rohm was a faggot and his supporters were rounded up with him and shot. It didn't have anything to do with communists in that regard. It even targeted "conservatives" who were against the NSDAP and Hitler.
Not that I don't support communists getting necked (they should always) but just laying it out.
posting the original image. i recommend printing them on transparent waterproof stickers that are very hard to peel off.
misleading OP image, this is the actual flyers in the article. these don't work well guys, while the facts are true - it is in poor taste and does not help our cause.
Why do you think I gave the link? I kinda thought people would look through and I didn't want to post the more "intense" one.
That's not even the original image.
This is where they got the original image from. The site is in Dutch so I can't read it, but one of the images uses this image with slogans like "The Youth of the Netherlands works"
Nah, there's a strong chance it's Ironmarch. They've been trying to copy Identity Evropa and American Renaissance's guerilla flier campaign, but because they're a bunch of edgelords, they post the edgiest, most off-putting antisocial content possible. Also is pretty much straight out of whatever the name is of the TRS knockoff they made.
All hate crimes are fake news.
Neat, I thought everyone in this city was a shitlib, nig, or kike, at least until you got out of Cuyahoga County. Well, except for the one guy who would post hatefacts on YikYak.
Is Ironmarch actually a movement? I thought it was just a forum or are they branching out?
It's a forum but they try to start movements like National Action in the UK. The problem is that Ironmarch's core audience are antisocial edgy stormfags, so the movement just winds up being a bunch of teenage skinhead hooligans who do more harm than they do good.
I've seen those posters here, with the paper flyer campaign thing
Anyone have hours of jews admitting white genocide?
Stop being autistic this does nothing for whites.
>Lets be violent!
>lets be retarded!
>lets be unpleasant!
I seriously think you have to be retarded to be tricked by the Jew.
>lets advocate for civil war!
>yeah nothing better than murdering and getting killed
I didn't post it. I'm concerned that it's a false flag. I wouldn't touch a concept like this with a ten foot pole in public. I'm trying to figure out who did it.
Simply promote positive pro White not anti anything.
Not for long...
stop shilling your site
Again not me posting it. I think its stupid to post anything that dissuades people from your own movement.
Actual alt righter here.
This is either a false flag by leftists or iron march left their basements.
Fuck you
Fuck you so god damn hard
You NEVER conduct false flags. Because when you do, you lose all legitimacy and lower yourself to their level.
Fuck you. People like you, just hurt your own movements on both sides. Blindly out for blood at any cost like a rabid, vindictive child. Think about your actions, you fucking jackass.
Why do they choose to discredit themselves like this though?
It's a non threatening, non intrusive message which literally says "we have a right to exist" and it's making non-whites butthurt.
I'd say any white person with half a brain will realize that non-whites aren't really fond of them.
Everyone is saying that its some giant secret Nazi group that's now on our campus. It's stupid.
Bump. False flags are just a simple way to discredit yourself.
Mexibro, check the link. The page underneath was regarding faggots and suicide rates. Not the type of stuff.
You speak the truth. This thread is probably just a bunch of concern trolling shills.
At my university, "racist phrases" and "swastikas" were placed in one bathroom in one dining hall on "three separate incidents" over a course of two weeks.
In sharpie, mind you.
And the police are investigating the "hate crime."
Because they're fucking idiots. They don't care about the long game or about the game at all. They just live for the reactions they get. Making their enemies angry and upset is really all they care about. There's no strategy, no tactics, just anti-social brute force.
Fuck it, throw Ironmarch under the bus. Tell everyone the truth, that this is likely one edgy guy who is trying to piss people off. You can explain it publicly if you want, since it'll give you plausible deniability if you wanna do anything shitlordy in the future.
Oh I see.
Classic false flag then. It's simple really, the guy who posted those flyers is subconsciously pointing out that behind pro white movements, there's an anti LGBT movement.
A white identitarian wouldn't subvert his own message by masquerading it with another, more controversial subject. Specially if said initial message is "I have the right to exist".
Like really, who goes like "I want to protect the identity of my own people btw kill urselves fags lmao"?
its probly ironmarch. they didnt put their name on it because they are literally getting investigated by the feds after one of their dudes converted to islam and killed his roomates after building bombs
Good flyer.
Liberals sperg out and call them racist. People think to themselves "Why don't I have the right to exist?"
You'd be surprised, it's depressingly common. A lot of conspiracyfags actually think there's a grand gay conspiracy alongside the Jewish one.
Wait, that atomwaffen guy was one of theirs? I know they had an attempted spree shooting columbine fangirl a few years back, but them associating with this spaz is news to me.
This is the most retarded concern trolling thread I’ve ever seen. Sage goes in all fields.
Well, the gays definitely do want to gay as many people as possible, and molest children. And a large number of gays want to spread as much HIV as they can.
Think of all those sjw videos where the commie betas surround some professor and harass him. Now imagine how bold those same scumbags would be when face to face with a platoon of fascist chads wielding baseball bats. I hope this is fucking real. I'm not in favor of full-nazi, but somebody needs to grow some balls and say "enough already."
We're taking about this, right? lohud.com
When did conspiracy tards get so retarded?
>spreading our views is considered a happening now
Fucking hell
I like how posting that you have a right to exist is enough the make people mad. Basically it just proves they think you don't deserve to live
If you listen to Common Filth's nonsense, sure, you might believe that. But if you actually focus on observable reality, you'd realize that the "gay conspiracy" basically extends to widespread casting-couch networks. Like, Bryan Singer is about as deep as the iceberg gets.
No, we're talking about people who are mad about the people in the article you linked not praising Hitler enough.
Pizzagate was a big happening, I think. That shit's still going on right now, even.
>the "gay conspiracy" basically extends to widespread casting-couch networks. Like, Bryan Singer is about as deep as the iceberg gets.
Uh huh.
The thing is, the behavior they're decriminalizing goes on in these weird little reclusive enclaves that are more or less disconnected from mainstream society. The bugchasing scene is basically a weirdo cult that doesn't have enough influence to qualify as a conspiracy. Yes, the Cali government is covering for them, but that's just leftism in action, no conspiracy there.
Gonna suggest letting that fire rise.
"We have a right to exist" is not extremist language. Let them go full chimp. That's good for everyone to see. If it is a false flag, they hit the perfect pitch on accident.
>The bugchasing scene is basically a weirdo cult that doesn't have enough influence to qualify as a conspiracy.
Homosexuality scene is basically a weirdo cult...
>the Cali government is covering for them, but that's just leftism in action, no conspiracy there.
It's just fags being fags.
So you admit there's no conspiracy, then? Also, why are you posting unarchived links? Is this your first day on Sup Forums?
Fags being fags *is* a conspiracy.
So in other words, you have no idea how conspiracies work? Yeah, I think we're done here, newfag.
Ive been thinking about doing this as a good LARP on my campus. anyone do it?
fascist solutions obviously isn't a group, the poster is saying that mass suicide is the "fascist solution" to the fag problem
Your best bet is to reach out to Identity Evropa, talk about membership and possibly bringing Project Siege to your campus.
Fucking stupid that they do this shit.
>Hey want to spread HIV?
Notice that even in simple black and white drawings whites look attractive and powerful.
They have already been to my campus like 8 months ago but they keep taking the shit down
Check out Atomwaffen Division for inspiration:
Why not just print off a whole bunch of stickers that say "Niggers are subhuman" and put them everywhere?
this. bump.
because this is more subversive
This is weird. The exact same photos were posted at my school.
Link to stencil?
Well shit, then joining them should be even easier.
Who posted these? The same ones were posted at my university.
doing the work of god
>inb4 answering my own questions
Click the link they target the gays in the bottom one. That one was on top of the triggering one.
I've been trying to figure that out. People are saying Iron March but it could be a false flag to stir up trouble.
how evil of them
Personally I find it ironic. The only people who deserve rights, are the ones that fight, and take them.
Demanding them like a spoiled weak chid is juvenile, and laughable.
I only became successful, by being strong, not by being a whiny lil weak bitch.
That’s the truth.
The issue wasn't the top one. The poster underneath was being mean to the gays so they said they were gonna be attacked and stuff. Click the link if you want to see it.
aren't they Christians as well?
is that then when we finally come to the forefront and offer our services? i keep having to depreciate this fucking helicopter i bought and my mom's pissed i have it chained up in the backyard.
here these are not from identity europe
put this one up, only whites will be smart enough to understand it
>claim white people have a right to exist
>this is considered hate speech