The state of Alternate History forums is an example of the future the rest of the internet is approaching with mass censorship and revoking of posting privileges for having the wrong political opinions.
Long story short I used to go to this site a long time ago, came back recently and I was shocked how quickly and easily one gets banned on this forum for political opinions in the off topic chat or even implying one's views in other threads. Mentioning Gamergate is an instant ban. Showing any form of nationalism is considered "trolling" and well, questioning the status quo in any way or form is a ban.
Way to fuck it up man. Still going to start trolling Ian.
Liam Roberts
>say it is a positive thing that whites won't go extinct get shit on by everyone
fucking hell...
Levi Mitchell
Evan Moore
Ian is a complete cock guzzling cuck. I've been in that forum before and I've gotten banned numerous times for calling out his faggot moderation. Althist is a place riddled with strikethrough names in every thread older than 3 years. I wouldn't be surprised if more than half the currently banned users are actually sock puppets, but then again I can't stand such an echo chamber. The quality of timelines have gone to shit with people doing random wanks about making countries more liberal or accepting of homosexuality, hardly even geopolitical shit anymore, it's all bullshit thanks to that faggot admin's autism.
Owen Morris
That's retardation not autism.
Levi Jackson
Or maybe both, he's shown all the signs just from his management.
Julian Hernandez
I think I've been banned like 5 times and not from repeat offences, I'm just trying to continue my timeline but since I'm perma banned for the OP post they ban me as soon as i make 1 post relating to it.
Joshua Smith
Having autism means he has something he is good at. Banning people is not something you can be "good" at.
Thomas Johnson
Sorry mate but people have tried that before. Some have even managed to stay puppets for a few years and still get banned as soon as they're sniffed out.
Xavier Diaz
So it seems.
Jordan White
How does one troll Ian?
Nathaniel Wright
This guy is so on-edge you could post the lowest quality bait in the world and he'd freak out. The dude might genuinely be autistic.
Chase Gray
Some one should post something about the jews declaring war on Germany in the 30s.
Jacob Torres
Kevin Sanchez
We need to educate non-Americans about the concept of negative rights. Watch and spread In Search OfThe Second Amendment (free on youtube).
Owen James
Jurgen got banned for saying something that inoffensive?
I've read that site occasionally but every timeline is Marxist virtue signal x1000
Luis Smith
>I've read that site occasionally but every timeline is Marxist virtue signal x1000
Ian has refused to undo bans even other moderators disagree with. He's even permanently banned site DONARS. This website is his little world where he thinks he's God.
Brody Brown
there is no worse SJW cancer forum than Doctor Who's Gallifrey Base. It has literally every flavor of scum you can think of. Including islam bully mod, people larping as trans, stronk wymyn, you name it. Go on safari there some time.
Elijah Anderson
Wyatt Barnes
Aiden Lopez
Even in rightwing nazi hugbox spaces.
Elijah Allen
please leave
Jace Scott
this is a public forum, not someone's twitter feed.