Communist doesn't wo.. whoa!

communist doesn't wo.. whoa!

That is not communism.

Socialism with Chinese characteristics :))

*Communism doesn’t and never will work.*

clearly worked for the soviet union


Can anyone who knows tell me the reaction to Xi's speech?

Wow! They have flags AND a big table? Communism does work.

>few remaining communist countries left
>chooses the most capitalist one to represent communism.

This is the one time when you can truly say "but this isn't real communism".

I like the part at the end where they broke out the wine, and Xi is holding his glass with two hands like he's about to serve communion. Same government fat cats you'll find anywhere.

China is still communistic in many ways. People don't want to acknowledge that fact.

They basically made the private sector a slave to public.

We will see if they can sustain it, but they are growing quite rapidly.

China isn't Communist.

>Country is literally so polluted and poor that your best and brightest are fleeing to Africa
>Best and brightest would rather deal with africans than fellow chinese
>Chinese behave like insects
>Country builds megacities and massive structures because they think having a big city means you win
>Economy is literally based on Sim City
>Basically just capitalist with a hammer/sickle otherwise
I can't wait for the Chinese to naturally die off/leave so the land is open for colonization. Maybe someone who doesn't hate themselves and their fellow man can make good use of China.

Socialism with Chinese and Specialized_Economic™ characteristics :)))))))))))))

We have all this and capitalism. Mixed economy is the model.


Shut your fucking mouth moron. China has been implementing capitalism ever since Mao died. You think that China would be where it is today without foreign investment and trade? No, no it fucking wouldn't. The CCP is all for show of force, in reality communism has been long dead. You see that iphone on your desk? That wouldn't say "made in China" if they were communist.

Authoritarian capitalism. Their economy will bet ours soon.


HAH china.

Pls all the commies, move to china. You'll realize it's a total meritocracy and you lazy shits will starve in the streets and nobody will bat an eye except the street dogs who'll eat you. In the end you will end up becoming some chinese man's meal.

forrest fire

Forrest fire

They maintain the name "Communist" for continuity purposes; at the practical level they have adopted authoritarian capitalism, or fascism, if you will