So whats been happening in the "MADAM PRESIDENT timeline?

So whats been happening in the "MADAM PRESIDENT timeline?

He is having a much easier time, by now.

Humanity was already wiped out.

She’s in the Oval Office shoving cigars up boy cooters. It’s scamdalous. Wish we had trump.

The US has been nuked, 270 million dead Americans.

The US shot down too many Russian aircraft in Syria, after a small scale nuke exchange the Russians went ape but Hillary did a stand down and we were wiped out.

She's now a hero for saving humanity above the US.

But Trump is firing up his uncle's time machine, having survived by leaving the country.

Why do you ask?

Hillary is a lesbian, but will whore for power. E.g. Webster Hubble.

RIP to alternate timeline user's.
You'll never be forgotten.

Wins Nobel prize for starting WWIII.

Remember this?

>Hillary’s meltdown included throwing a water glass at a staffer — narrowly missing her head, and demanding Matt Lauer be fired! She was overheard threatening executives at NBC saying “If I lose, we all go down and that Fascist Fuck will have us swinging from nooses! What the fuck is wrong with you idiots?”

>and that Fascist Fuck will have us swinging from nooses!
If only.

Trump is the leader of the newly independent 'red state' faction. 28 separate states chose to secede from the union after 10 months of violent skirmishes that had left thousands dead. Large cities went on lockdown when the food supplies dwindled and transportation halted. Nothing coming in from the red states at all. We made a terrible mistake.

The mexicans took over LA, Reno, and a few other large southwestern cities. Texas has been an absolute bloodbath unlike any other state, aside from what's happened in Detroit - which is where the vast majority of red vs. blue murders have taken place. It's unreal there.

There are now northern states like Washington and Minnesota who are in talks of secession themselves, but this time in alliance with Canada. Canada wants to stay out of it, but there's rumors that the states will go independent and then negotiate once the USA has allowed them to go independent.

It never happened.
Obama was so distraught over he narrow win that he launched a full on nuclear attack on the rest of the world.
He could not live with the fact that his was not the only historic presidency.
Yeah, the fag is that temperamental.
I and several other heavily armed people are now heading west for Vegas.
We heard it escaped the nukes somehow.


Finally, a thread where larping is encouraged.

Hillary has called the national guard to restore order, but there's simply not enough of them. Particularly not in blue states. The red state guard has aligned with Trump, and the military is still in allegiance with the USA - if only barely. They're not constitutionally able to deploy within US borders, and they still consider independent states to be American, even if they've broken off. Rumor has it that President Clinton has tried to deploy them anyway, just as a means to secure the food supplies the blue states need. Colorado, Washington, and Wisconsin (who stayed in the union, barely) are working overtime to supply the rest of the US aligned states, but the prospect of moving food across RSF territory is iffy.

Millions of starving refugees are headed west where the pacific states have created camps. Amenities are poor, but their farming capacity is quite good. Washington, due to their negotiations with Canada, and their intentions of seceding, has refused white refugees, but will take brownies if they enter on the west side, through Oregon.

Hurricanes have left Texas, Louisiana, and Florida in dire need of federal aid, but there is absolutely zero infrastructure in the RSF to supply them. Very little word beyond that has reached my ears.

>Hillary won.

Russia now owns all nuclear production in the US.
Israel has finished its genocide of the Palestinians.
Obamacare health markets are collapsing, but the law says no one is allowed to talk about it.
President Clinton has declared the southern border open to all with citizenship granted immediately. Texas is completely overwhelmed and is expected to go solid blue in 2020.
Hillary has raised the corporate tax rate to 75%, but has placed in lop holes that only her campaign donors are able to use.
Bernie Sanders mysteriously vanishes. No one knows what happened to him.
The Weinstein scandal breaks. Hillary uses her office to slander and harass any woman who dares to come forward. Gotta protect Harvey, he gave her campaign funds.

Harvey Weinstein is making a movie about her

All men have been chemically castrated, and it's beautiful.

>the one time I wish she was correct, and she isn't [spoiler]yet[/spoiler]

Nuclear winter from the war with Russia. It's unknown if she's alive, since DC was the first city to be hit.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Donald Trump. The politics are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of marxist literature and mein kampf most of the decisions will go over a typical voters head. There’s also Pence's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization- his personal philosophy draws heavily from anti-gay literature, for instance. The supporters understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these political moves, to realize that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Donald Trump truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humor in Pence's existential catchphrase “Electrocute all gays,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Dugin’s Russian epic The Fourth Political Theory. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Donald Trump’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, I DO have a Mike Pence tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.

who plays Hillary?
Who plays Chelsea?



Detroit bro here :(

>Vegas was a 10x worse false flag
>gas tanks go off
>4 different hotels all with 50+ casualties.
>guns made illegal immediately nation wide.

sup bro seven mile checking in

Double down on the anti-white male scapegoating. More Obama crap.

>bunch of fucking mexicans
>even more arab people
>signed tppa allowing companies to make defacto law
>enter real fascism as attacks on free speech and guns elevate.