Why do right-wingers hate the disabled so much?

Why do right-wingers hate the disabled so much?

because most of them are also mentally challenged.

just look at him

i rarely thought about the disabled at all until purple haired SJWs started saying "ableist". now they all must be exterminated.

Why do left-wingers hate the non-disabled so much?

Loaded question based on a strawman.

self-hate is one hell of a drug, OP

This guy is a super hard worker. I swear I've seen him at like half the grocery stores I've ever been to!

They hate weakness that potentially may let the nation/race/country die out.

How quick you forget the smell of your own shit.

>Implying the lefts manipulation and objectification of the disabled for political gain amounts to anything more than contempt.

Really? Because I see right-wingers occasionally say the wrong thing about tards. I've also seen leftists endorse genocide of those with a variety of retardations through selective abortion. Words vs actions, you dumb nigger.

they don't, normies are a far greater cancer than the disabled or legit retarded could ever be

>typical leftwinger virtue signaling about retards whilst simultaneously encouraging abortion of said retards

How subversive.

Yes Right Wingers
Famous for aborting their babies
Those people hate the disabled.

I've got MS and I'm pretty fucking right wing. Granted I'm not a drain on society so I guess it doesn't count.

We don't hate you. We just think you shouldn't exist in the first place.

Because love trumps hate

We don't America even elected one didn't they!

bc we just outta kill em'

Your anchorman could tell you that Republicans love kicking puppies to death with steel toed boots and you'd believe it

God we're being raided