Africans never invented the wheel

The wheel first appeared nearly 6000 years ago in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. However it was never adopted in sub Saharan Africa until well into the 19th century after the arrival of the Europeans.

How the fuck do people unironically believe these people were KANGS. They couldn't even invent the fucking wheel on their own

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You forgot to mention that in the Americas, the natives also failed to invent the wheel.


It's much, MUCH, worse than that. Keep researching it

did man use rounded cups before the invention of the huwheel?

I have a serious question that has bugged me my entire life.

How stupid is man if it took us hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of years, to invent a wheel?

The invention of the wheel depended largely on geographic location. The aztecs invented the wheel also INDEPENDENTLY from europe but it was only used in toys since there were no large domesticated land animals in america to properly utilize the wheel. Thats why the wheel was invented in asia

Even worse
They invented the wheel but just used it on toys

The common explanation seems to be they didn't have any domestic animals to pull carts with, however there are several varieties of cattle that are native to sub-Saharan Africa such as the Sanga Cattle

I haven't looked much into the native Americans

you're an idiot.

Man isnt millions of years old. Right around 6000. And muxh of the technology we learned was given by fallen angels in exchange for rights to bang our women.


Building something from scratch when you have no formal knowledge of mechanics and no history of using even simple machines is difficult.

>sub Saharan Africa

They never got out of the stone age, funnily enough.

Negroids and Aboriginals achieved the same level of tech.

Northern Africans got into the iron age, though they're dark skinned Caucasians and not Negroids.

Even a dung beetle rounds shit and rolls it from one place to another. So who is the more advanced species?

>The wheel first appeared nearly 6000 years ago in the Middle East

Im honestly surprised muslims invented something other than rape. Oh wait, islam was not in Middle East 6000 years ago.

Because there are no uses for wheelbarrows or other types of carts without animals?

Yesss learned this from "Guns, Germs, and Steel" great book.

Google Great Zimbabwe


It's disputed where it was originally invented. Some studies say China some Central Europe/middle East. Was probably nearly simultaneous

It's pretty easy to just carry things, and a wheel needs a fairly flat surface to roll on. Until man needed to carry very heavy things (or lots of things) and had flat surfaces (roads), wheels weren't necessary or optimal.

Don't complain to me you cucked faggot swede, complain to Jared Diamond, he wrote the book

then don't read it faggot

Not an argument

Listen to this when you have time

And they never got out of the stone age on their own.

There was some big Abo tribes too.

Even without animals wheel is godsend.

True, a wheel might not have been useful in the Congo, but vast stretches of sub Saharan Africa are relatively flat grassland. Flattened trails would have formed naturally from decades of walking.

I'm starting to wonder if a lot of archaeologists are secretly race realists.

Well native americans are stupid, everyone knows that. I mean they traded their land for beads for fuck's sake.

That's iron age not stone age. Basically Europe circa 700ad.


No you see because like there was jungle and shit and like shieet you think a nigga has all day to clear that shit and make roads and shit? shiiiiit, wait wait hol up hol up, lemme slide on da slurpee oh dang nasty ass shit


They used their superior melanin powers to just levitate everything they needed to transport.

your currency is made of paper, retard

Yes but the USD has a speculative, and real, value upheld by your industry and your military might.
Indians didn't know fuck about currency except "beads shiny, me like"

It seems like it could have been invented way before it "evolved" like that. All you really have to witness is the roller. They had tools and built homes, they understood that level of engineering.


>True, a wheel might not have been useful in the Congo
Satan pls. Vietnamese/Cambodians/Laosians used wheelbarrows extensively in their jungle hell.

There were multiple shooters in Las Vegas

Horses were native to the Americas. They went extinct around 7000 years ago due to over hunting by the native Americans.

Read Chapter one of this

Should take or 3 mintues

The wheel was invented by aryan nordics with pure white genes praise kek XD

If I could time travel to pre columbian America I'd make the corn niggers build me some paved roads and show them how to build a cart and strap dogs to it

Did they even try to domesticate any animals before Europeans came with horses?


Possibly before that.

In the early 1800’s when the British discovered the Tasmanian Aborigines, they had yet to master fire.

Yeah true. Shit why do we let these primitive people dominate our culture?

The follow up is better

They domsticated llamas, alpacas, guinea pigs, and a few other small birds and mammals. They killed off their horses and camels though,

They had roads just no ya know no wheels

They had wheels on toys. They had paved roads. They had dogs. They were uncreative

Does he really echo?

Hey, "Hungry" and "Slav" are not moods!

>They were uncreative
They had 1001 ways to flay people alive.

They eat dung beetles & they drink cow urine.

Not his quote, but didn't feel like typing it all out.

Fuck Off, Satan.

Fire Water, too !!

There's no use for wheel barrows when there's no agriculture or livestock or building more than a mud hut with what's on hand.
When you survive on food you find daily, why need something to haul a load with?

white colonists stole it and re-wrote the history

I can't comprehend humans without the wheel. It's something we use without thinking. What are you basing this off of?

Wheelbarrows are just as useful for building mud huts

thanks for the link

I look forward to listening.

>Published in 1868
Geez ... Just reading the table of contents sounds like negroes today.

they didnt even have to invent it. they simply needed to keep using it after it was introduced to them.

Horses and camels are native to North America.

>(((diamonds))) having any value beyond being shiny rocks
>Africans never sailed the seas despite various inhabited islands across the pacific and atlantic
>No one in Africa ever carved a block despite several existing stone structures both in North Africa and in Sub-Saharan regions
But by far the dumbest
>African animals are docile

I'm pretty sure Darwin didn't even say anything like this and you're another stooge in (((their))) game promoting blatant lies to misdirect and mislead. Reveal your flag.

Man if only there was some sort of large herbivore that got together in some sort of herd.

Well what do I know, I'm a retarded suburban living in Buffalo

His full name is Jared Mason Diamond. :^)

>reading the table of contents


No they're not

It took millions of years to evolve to be smart enough to invent anything, let alone the wheel. How many animals are even close to wheel inventing level?

Buffalos aren't domesticated fuckface

>How many animals are even close to wheel inventing level?


It was said by someone else it was an early 1900 American race realist something Thomas I think.

>In the early 1800’s when the British discovered the Tasmanian Aborigines, they had yet to master fire.

You didn't have one to begin with

Yes they are.
Horses, zebra, and camels all originally evolved in the Americas.
Assuming you are talking about bison, He never said they had been domesticated, only that a large herbivore species existed in the Americas.

No animal was originally domesticated you enormous cuck. But if our ancestors could do it why couldn't theirs?

Because they are an inferior people.


I shall read it

Yes they are.

Why not?

lol what reservation do you live on?
Bison are very closely related to cattle and having similar behaviour, they easily could've been domesticated and used as a working animal. Natives were just shit at it.

The "Out of Africa" theory can explain that for you.

I have a hard time believing Native Americans didn't invent the wheel. Everything the Aztecs, Mayans, Cahokians, etc. built and made...they had wheels..had too.

They had dogs and used them to pull sleds across the ground like others would use horses, unfortunately they killed the horses before they could be tamed.

>bison that could stab and kill you easily
>cow that literally just eats grass and shits 24 hours a day

>bu-but the cow could shit on you and kill you like that!

Had sheep/goats too. Think some dogs may have been domesticated. I wonder if they domesticated the deer.


Yea stupid and if you go back far enough they all evolved on Pangaea

The same reason zebras aren't domesticated

Because no one domesticated them?

>thinking bison and buffalo are the same
Yea zebras and horses are related but zebras aren't domesticated

But they did try?

(Glares in Fedora.)

Bison don't have the same herd hierarchy though. Cattle will all follow the lead cow. Same with horses. Bison are like Zebra. They just hang out in groups of individuals.


horses are from the americas, they evolved here, which is shown by the presence of their complete fossil record all over north america. they were hunted to extinction here while the herds that made it to asia were domesticated by more intelligent peoples.

Reminder that gorilla have higher IQ's than most Africans.

No but the Irish did
Look up the Duhare