What's Sup Forums's though about Gainax's swan song, the million-yen car ad, Houkago no Pleiades?

What's Sup Forums's though about Gainax's swan song, the million-yen car ad, Houkago no Pleiades?

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The color swap between the couple reminded me of Grease.

Pretty great.

Best show of last spring.

It's great.

Nothing really exemplary about the show, but it's a pretty solid classical mahou shoujo series with a little bit of contemporary /sci/ thrown in.

Also, the Vroom Brooms will never not make me chuckle.

The threads when it was airing was fun.


Not good, but has strangely vocal support on Sup Forums.

Pretty shit. I wanted far more /o/ memes than I received.

I don't see what is so bad about the show.

The answer is literally the two post above yours.

>tfw I'll never get an unshitty version of this


Pretty good.

In an era where all magical girls are lesbian orgies with some freaky catch or two, it's nice to see a magical girl series that just plays the formula straight and keeps a straightforward but warm story.

In case someone missing out the BD booklet from the previous thread.

The best mahou since Madoka, and I am not sure Madoka is better.

Thanks for this.

Bland. The characters were colour-coded ciphers, there was no tension in any of the confrontations, and to top it all of there were disgusting heterosexual overtones.

Needed a lot more astronomy porn.

Best show of last year.

Thanks, user.

>I am not sure Madoka is better.
It's not better, just different.
(Still more better than Madoka for me though)

One of Gainax's best works along with Gunbuster in my opinion. It has charm and is a bit more subtle with its ideas compared to a lot of their other shows, which I personally prefer.

That last month was the greatest of that season.


The SCIENCE was glorious

It was okay.

AOTY 2015


>Ass of the year

You mean chest?
Even Subaru agree with it.

Best show of this decade.

It's honestly my favorite mahou shoujo.

And mahou shonen.

Minato was cute. Everyone was cute.



Best Mahou Shoujo show of the year it was originally released, then again the competiton was lacklustre and Madocancer isn't Mahou Shoujo, it's just shit

If you think about it, Madoka is a late night sentai.

Better than anything Trigger has done. A fitting end to an awesome group.

By that logic Sailor Moon isn't mahou shoujo.

Well honestly mahou shoujo were just an evolution from sentai.

Pleiades anons have always been nice, so I would want to invite to you to the small, comfy place that fufufu dot moe is.


I loved it
explains why.


But is it ok to sexualize them?

I find it funny that people hated Gainax's gar style with Diebuster initially, and then warmed up to it. Now they hate Gainax's current style, despite Pleaides being objectively better than Kill la Kill.

Subaru makes my driveshaft go vroom vroom.

>and Madocancer isn't Mahou Shoujo, it's just shit
that shit taste

It was aight. I wished it was longer though

One of the best shows from the last few years

Woah, this is really nice.
Thank you, user.

It's okay as long as it is Subaru

Why does that poster conveniently place the car grill staff ends out of sight?

But Subaru has no sex appeal




this is the most underrated anime of all time, but im ok with that

Aren't they all a Subaru?

Only if it's Subaru.

Also, you need to be Minato.

I'm still not totally clear.

Is she trying to sell a car?

Best plushy.

I'd fill her ever night

Reminder that love is what makes a Subaru a Subaru.

What about strawberry milk?

Just a sad reminder the person who wrote the OP died a little bit ago.

I have this song on my phone and I listen to it when I need a pick me up.

first show I dropped not because it was bad, but because it was good but not actually entertaining to me
also fuck that dimension shit



Sup Forums please stop making me rewatch things, I'm already behind on this season.

It's all gone.

Wasn't in the threads while it was airing but holy fuck, so much must have flown by my head.
Truly continuing the tradition of 2DEEP5U Mahou Shoujo.

Weird anime. On one hand I feel it was nothing amazing, but nothing bad either. The romance was nice, the characters were all serviceable, and the overall package was satisfactory.

That usually ends up meaning the anime is completely forgotten. You either want to be 'good' or at least go full retard to be remembered.

Pleiades however manages to dodge this by the crazy as fuck SCIENCE that happens throughout the anime. It makes it memorable to me, even to when I think back to it I feel kind of 'empty', not in a bad way but in a sort of 'THE UNIVERSE IS FUCKING HUGE' way.

It's unique and had a cute romance. Goes high up on the list for me, though I can see how many would say "Nothing special".

>many would say "Nothing special"
Well, the "car-ad" meme alone is a pleb filter.

I thought the characters were fantastic and the ending made me cry.

I didn't get it.

So the boy was in some accident or something and slipped into a coma. He was found by a magical alien who basically gave him a spirit form that he could romp around in but the boy didn't know this. He finds out the truth and flips out, proceeding to go dark mode and try to steal all the ship's parts while keeping his 'light' side locked up in some garden.

Then he wants to use the power of the ship's part's power to erase himself from existence? Is that right?

And the girls are all pulled by the alien from separate dimensions or some shit, so when they return they go to respective different dimensions where they never became friends.

Honestly it left me confused. I still liked it.

Yeah the "Adventure's over everyone go home, Minato is still a cripple BTW" almost destroyed me

It annoyed me honestly. I really feel it didn't need a sad ending. Why did he never wake up, why did they all have to forget about each other, why.

Did they also forget about the whole adventure too? I can't remember (ha ha).

Dude, that was the point of the whole anime

Actually this is the part that made me cry.
Them all deciding to stay themselves was incredibly touching, and when they disappeared and left each one alone I lost it.


>Minato is still a cripple BTW

In the ending, the Minato in Subaru's universe was shown to be crying.

For comatose patients, crying is an indication of a certain degree of consciousness in a patient. That is a massive step up from the prior "brain dead vegetable" stage of Minato. And considering the optimistic and hopeful outlook of the series, that just means that things are slowly going to get more and more better for him.

The guy literally willed his comatose body back to life so that he can be with his waifu.


I liked it despite everyone in the threads being way smarter than me. 10/10 OP and comfy as fuck ED.

Fuck is that true?
I assumed that was him dying, not getting better.
Does this mean one day Subaru will remember her love and find Minato, nurse him back to health, and be together forever?

OVA of everyone being reunited or Minato waking up fucking when?

So good

>I assumed that was him dying, not getting better.

Nigga, Subaru's last words to him before the universe reset was to fucking live.

Did you think that Minato is such a vile man to not keep up the end of his deal?

I kind of wish that movie that was announced a while ago and then silently buried around the time of the TV series would be this.

>Minato waking
Never, yuri won.

>I assumed that was him dying, not getting better.
I mean, one can be jealous of him but bot to that extent.

Someday, when Gainax come back to animation bussiness.

user, you've filled me with such happiness and hope. Thank you.

Subaru already staked her claim on him.

He is destined to become a loving and henpecked husband to her. Ain't no fucking coma is gonna stop that.

Saying no was no longer an option for him.

>yuri won
Nah, the kiss sealed the victory for hets.

Reminder to save some money for this.

>OVA where Aoi got into an accident and got hospitalised then her pleiadesfriend visit her and then Subaru find Minato in one of the hospital room and their memories returned when?

She was just confused with all the action going on, but now Minato is a vegetable again and the all the action is gone.

/u/, pls. We've been over this. Denial is just a phase

>pleiadesfriend visit her
It doesn't work like that

>You will never have a magical boyfriend that will take you on interstellar dates across the universe while teaching you about astrophysics and shit.

Fuck this gay earth.