What's Sup Forums's though about Gainax's swan song, the million-yen car ad, Houkago no Pleiades?
What's Sup Forums's though about Gainax's swan song, the million-yen car ad, Houkago no Pleiades?
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The color swap between the couple reminded me of Grease.
Pretty great.
Best show of last spring.
It's great.
Nothing really exemplary about the show, but it's a pretty solid classical mahou shoujo series with a little bit of contemporary /sci/ thrown in.
Also, the Vroom Brooms will never not make me chuckle.
The threads when it was airing was fun.
Not good, but has strangely vocal support on Sup Forums.
Pretty shit. I wanted far more /o/ memes than I received.
I don't see what is so bad about the show.