Are Japanese schools hard as fuck or why do they always show anime characters studying all day long?

Are Japanese schools hard as fuck or why do they always show anime characters studying all day long?

Who fucking cares?

because anime targeted customers are children and teenagers and this help them to relate to the characters?

because anime characters are baka as fuck

Are you a literal retard?

They're all sheep enslaved by society by the end of the day. That's why they portray Americans as dumb as fuck losers who do nothing after school.

>why do they always show anime characters studying all day long?
Not really but whatever.

The east asian schooling systems in general are much more fast-paced than those in the modern west.

But it's not like anime characters usually study all day long, that would be dull as shit

never studied a single day in my fucking life. not even for test or shits.
all I did was listen in class, didn't even take notes or anything.


japanese high school is a soul-crushing ordeal designed to get you used to the soul-crushing life of being a corporate serf who "works" for 16 hours a day

apparently japanese university is laughably easy and laid-back, though.

Same without the listening thing
I barely graduated but I did

That's why China is winning

See The goal isn't just to make it through high school you shitty retard, it's to succeed early on so you can get scholarships and opportunities to go to better colleges, so you can get a better education and be more successful in pursuing the area of your passion. It's also just for the joy of knowledge and the pride and self-confidence you get from academic success. Apathetic bastards like you have no place in a school.

> implying I give a fuck about anything else than anime

Asian are too dumb to understand things.

How is him being a lazy shit "edgy"?
What the fuck does this word even nowadays?.

My friend is from Japan. He tells me that high school was pretty tough, but once you get into Uni, it's all coasting.

And so you ended up here.

Is school in America so easy that you don't study at all in your media and you'd rather worry about the "prom"?

Sure, but his life ends after college.
There's nothing but 80 hour salaryman workweeks past that point.

In Japan, college is the educational equivalent of a convict's last meal.

I didn't study and look at me!
Fucking kill me please

Was meant for

>Something happens in an anime
>Someone makes thread asking if Japan/Japanese are really like this

Why doesn't Sup Forums or Sup Forums do the same? Are Americans really talking birds and raccoons working in a park? Are English people really manlet wizards? Are there really dozens of Americans hiding in the background, laughing hysterically every time someone says Bazinga?

What are you implying?

prom is for normies

>do they always show anime characters studying all day long
They do? I haven't noticed.

>Are Americans really working in a park?

>Are English people really manlet?

>Are there really dozens of Americans hiding in the background


meanwhile in funland...
>roll through primary school
>whistle through gymnasiet
>enter STEM in uni
>every day is suffering

>there are a lot of weeaboos on Sup Forums (not according to the proper definition, but whatever)
>normalfags get deeply triggered by this
>circlejerk about how everything about Japan is terrible in every way

>same without the listening thing
So I guess you innately knew everything huh?
>mfw adults lie on the internet


if japanese schools are so hard what the hells up with delinquents being able to miss a certain number of schoolday fail everything and still go up a grade?

They don't hold people back in Japan. Unless you stop showing up entirely they'll keep pushing you to the next grade.

Have you started trying to learn nip? Fucking shit is hard dog.



go back to your swamp faggot

He's actually not wrong. And yes, I've studied it from stuff that's not anime, manga, or LN/VNs. The education system in Japan is, to a much greater degree in than in the US, designed to produce crops of obedient drones with no sense of individuality and a complete willingness to work themselves to death for boss-sama.

It starts in elementary school with deliberate indoctrination called "morals education", where they are fed absurd platitudes like, "you can't laugh alone, but you can cry alone" (eg. you can only be happy in a group). This impresses upon them an absolute dependence on society, and an almost Brave New World-level tendency to feel crippling loneliness whenever not acting in concert with some sort of group.

High schools aren't assigned by residence, but rather all are tested in to. This creates an SAT-like panic starting from late elementary school and persisting all the way through middle school to pad one's academic record to ensure admission into a good HS, because otherwise your chances of getting into a respectable college are near zero.

Once in HS, there is no choice of curriculum like there is in most of the West. A class stays in the same room for most of the day (except for subjects that require special equipment, like music or gym), while the teachers rotate instead. This leaves a student no respite from a particular group of peers, and since classes are frequently kept together between academic sessions, they must for a whole three years either submit to the will of their classmates, or else suffer in a perpetual hell.

School doesn't really end at the final bell. Students are basically expected to belong to a club (and usually just one, as the obligations imposed by each usually preclude membership in another), and these clubs not infrequently go on until the sun goes down.

(cont. below)

hello nord

No shit retard, everyone is aware of this as an unwritten rule, only kids realizing it for the first time think they sound clever for pointing it out.

The real measure of adaptability is conforming to social trends from a functional standpoint while not actually getting indoctrinated

Not hard in terms of the work given, but in terms of the work-load and rote learning expected is difficult. Actually, most Asian schools expect you to learn by memorization very early on, as opposed to European schools who give lesser work, and focus more helping the student conceptualize what is being taught. In asian schools they throw a bunch of shit at you, and expect you to be grasp everything with the superficial and brief explanation of the teacher. They move at a really fast pace, and you can easily get left behind. This is why tutoring and cram schools are so popular.

t. goer of elementary and junior high in Asia

>only kids realizing it for the first time think they sound clever for pointing it out

I didn't know, I think it's kind of interesting. I mean I'm not Japanese so I don't know how I would.

I saw middle schoolers doing calculus in anime what the fuck

oh yea i forgot to mention the country i went to school in. I spent my adolescence in South Korea then moved. It might be different in Japan, but I doubt it. Korean and Japanese culture are very similar.

I don't get why they don't give just a little prep for university in high schooling


it's what faggots says when they don't have anything to say?

(cont. from above)

Those sempais Sup Forums loves to talk about are frequently bullies, and they force the kohais to do menial labor for them, in exchange for protection from themselves and others. Those who don't comply are physically forced into submitting to acts of outright sadism. Suicide is not unheard of.

Not only do school authorities ignore this, in some ways they also serve to encourage it. Disciplinary/morals comittees are actually a thing in Japan. They are teams of busybodies empowered by the school administration to serve as a sort of police force. Like any bunch of dirty cops though, they almost never feel themselves bound by the actual rules in their crusade to impose their version of right on the student body, or more darkly, their quest to extort favors from their fellow classmates.

Because of the lack of electives in HS, many students also take additional classes at a cram school too. Despite the name, these actually tend to be more relaxed than the standard HS classes, and the more advanced and, *gasp*, individualized subject matter offers something of a relief from the crushing atmosphere of regular HS, while also filling out one's academic record in preparation for higher education.

At the college level, things are more or less organized around Western lines. There is entrance testing, like the SAT in the US, but by this point it's far from the hardest thing students have dealt with. The ability to put together their own schedules and actually have the sort of relatively open academic discourse we expect of post-secondary education provides the students with the first taste of meaningful independence and control in their entire academic careers. The result is that, unlike in a lot of the West, university is actually a lot easier for them to handle than HS was.

Too bad all that are mere halcyon days before the soul-crushing resumes in the workplace, to which they have by this point been thouroughly conditioned to submit to.

From what I've heard, there's a lot of rote memorization and emphasis placed on highly competitive, make or break exams to get into prestigious schools. Either one would lead to a need for rigorous study habits, and both combined just further adds weight.

tl;dr and trip blocked. kthxbai


tfw ADHD.

This is not specific to any nation, this is human society in general.

Emphasis on the society part; thats what non specialized (grad)/trade schooling is for, to teach little hellions how to function in a society, follow rules, obey superiors, etc...

How do you know all this? Did you take a course in Japanese culture or something like that?

I'm gonna be honest here, if the Japanese weren't this conditioned to enjoy being slaves, than we probably wouldn't get so much animes and shiet. I mean for them it's pretty bad but it works out quite well for weebs. Would fixing this problem benefit us in any way at all?

you just posted two walls of text to basically say that Japanese culture is collectivist

I did the same and got a spot at a university in the UK cause I crammed for the finals in one week.
I don't get joy or confidence from learning useless garbage that I won't ever use after graduating so why bother learning them?

Use your head, they teach you that in school, I think.

Sure it happens everywhere, but in America, I think being conditioned to have to be around other people is more of a social thing, I've never felt forced to do that by my school. In fact, I feel like adults have always told me that I need to be able to have fun alone. I'd go so far as to say that individualism was pushed a little too hard where I went to school.

The truth about your beloved Nippon hurts, doesn't it?

A lot of weebs have this idealized, romanticized version of Japan. I've been studying Japanese culture a lot longer than I've been watching anime. That's also part of why I don't quite fit in here: I don't share Sup Forums's rose-tinted yuri goggles.

Don't be a baka gaijin, and actually take the time to learn about the culture that you've been siphoning entertainment off of. You at least owe them, and yourself, that much.

Because individualism is the core foundation of our culture.

that was interesting
Thanks you user