Am i the only one that felt like i wasted my time with Evangelion?

Am i the only one that felt like i wasted my time with Evangelion?

i did, once.

but then kyoani and the moeblobocalypse happened.

i have adjusted my expectations since then. at least things happened.

Yes, you are the only special snowflake on the planet capable of experiencing this specific series in such manner. You will die alone with your feelings, and nobody will ever understand you.

Neat, guess i got my answer

Am I the only one that felt like I wasted my time reading this post?

No, it was 30% of an average mecha show and then no ending

You didn't waste your time on it. You had to experience it to know it's shit, right?

huh... really makes you report...

>Learns to love himself.
>Become god.
>Revive everyone as sentient beings instead of the perception of them.

I didn't know /r/im14andthisisdeep produced anime

don't worry
you aren't alone there

>"am i unique for disliking evangelion guys? im sure it makes up for the lack of personality"

What board is that? Is it some kind of /his/ general?

Since nobody gives a shit about OP and this is an Eva thread... Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 when?

Also, how are you liking the new movies?

the new movies really pale in comparison to NGE and EoE but i like them anyway, it is good eva eye candy at the least.

also OP is a huge faggot



whatever you are doing just stop right there










>miki the hands




I don't remember this scene.






this is getting good

>wasting time
>posting on Sup Forums

just stop it, you are ridiculous.



It's an easily missed frame in EoE, just before Shinji decides humanity can all go fuck themselves. He never actually fucks Asuka, and is all the better for it.






It's that page




thats it mane


This is a good thread


I am on the edge of my seat




It was okay. I wouldn't say you wasted your time on it though because at least you can shitpost on eva threads and shit on all the eva fan babies.



The first season was just bad. it was fixed in the remake apparently but I just can't bring myself to watch it again.




I guess you did.

Good anime it's a shame people don't watch it for what it is, entertainamente, and think it has a deeper meaning or some sheeet like that.








having problems with the captcha, buddy??

this shit is too goofy



>This page



I have never watched Evangelion.

The Devilman poster reminds me of Accelspammer, but lazier


how so ?




I wouldn't say I wasted my time .I didn't particularly enjoy it that much and there were several episodes I had to literally force myself through. About a 7/10 overall IF you include EoE.

But yeah I wouldn't say I wasted my time on it. It's one of the most famous series of all time and an Sup Forums essential. It's pretty much necessary as an anime watcher to have seen it at least once.


How do you guys pronounce Evangelion? My friend and I were discussing this a few days ago and he was trying to tell me the g is a hard g. Is he right?

Just that he goes into threads he doesn't like and spams images. It doesn't matter if it's a legitimately bad thread like this one, spam is never okay. Report, hide, and move on.


But it isn't spam, he just dumps pretty good manga


>spamming images
>on an imageboard
sure buddy




kill yourself
