Truth about Depression

Is it it true that depression is biological and it isn't something you can't just exercise or run and fix? Is it it just something made up for the the (((people up there))) to control us with pills constantly? Are we only depressed because we live under cultural marxism constantly and can't find happiness in it? What's the truth pol?

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there's being sad, being really fucking sad for and extended period of time, and there's (((depression)))
>muh chemical imbalance

depression is real, but it serves a purpose. it slows us down to be more introspective and gives us time to learn from our mistakes. notice how nigs don't get depressed unless they're """high""" iq.
if you're depressed, don't cheer yourself up. learn, fix your problems, improve yourself, and then get over it.

>dude emotional behaviors and patterns don't exist lmao
quit being a retard OP

exercise helps but the effect wears off too quickly

band-aid solution to something much more complex

Sorry I meant to put more. I meant, say if a wage slave like my sister was taken out of that and placed into a white picket fence house with no worry about money, they'd be happier.


Most people with depression end up killing themselves or living miserably unhappy lives wishing they were dead, so I don't see how it serves any purpose.

that's not addressing the root problem

not to mention depression affects males and females differently. i wouldn't be surprised if you were basing this on self-reporting (and not something tangible like brain scans or some shit) that you'd have to discount so many of the female reports due to how differently their brains work and report information to themselves

it's biological and societal, your suggested solution attemps to address a societal problem, but even then, there's problems with due to the stuff mentioned above

It's real and not some Jewy conspiracy. It IS a chemical imbalance; people who deny this simply don't have it and can't understand it.
The reason it's still contested is because it's so hard to explain. Part of its being sad, but there's a lot more abstract stuff too. And yeah, exercise and eating well help, but they don't cure it. It's an ongoing process.

Depression is mostly negative introspective thought loops. It seems to me that depression is triggered by environmental conditions but some do have a genetic disposition towards it.

Maybe in some cases. But at least in my case I cant use depression as motivation for change, I need to be at least somewhat happy before I can improve. When I'm really deep down in the hole all I think of is suicide 24/7 so I don't have the time or energy for self improvement.

I have started to fix my life over the last few months, but that's because I've started to feel normal again.

Depends. Some people have actual disorders making them feel depressed, but most people don't have these imbalances and are just shooting themselves in the foot wasting time, and then feeling bad about all the things they didn't do or aren't being.

Depression is chemical imbalance, some of which is unsolvable/mitigated with pills, most of which can be changed by environmental changes.

I used to live up North where it is dark for about 5 months out of the year. I woke up at 7, went to work, and returned home at 4ish without seeing the sun. Felt like shit, had no motivation. I recently moved down south, have been outside plenty more and exercising, and I have felt the best I have in my life.

It weeds out the weak

but...literally everything that exists is a chemical imbalance!

Here's the real causes of depression:
> an unsatisfactory social environment
> relationship problems
> the frustration of basic needs
> - for self-esteem
> - for belonging
> - for self-actualisation
> a lack of meaning and purpose in life > oppression or unfair treatment
> negative or self-critical thinking patterns (related to low self-esteem)
> a lack of contact with nature
> poor diet

depression can be reset in the brain with a mushroom trip.

Obesity is biological

Obesity is caused by laziness and bad diet (both behaviors)
Solution to a biological problem is to stop bad diet and laziness

Depression is biological
Depression is caused by being surrounded by fat ugly feminists in pussy hats and muslims (both behaviors)
Solution to depression is to stop fat ugly feminists in pussyhats and muslims

What if they were only weak because the have depression? I know a guy that used to be in the army and now suffers PTSD and Depression.

Wouldn't it be better for society if everyone were at least performing to the best of their ability?

>Drug addicts and alcoholics are always, “The world is a harsh place.” My mother was in a concentration camp in Nazi Germany. I don’t want to hear fuck all about “the world as a harsh place.” She gets up every day, smells the roses and loves life. And for a putz, 20-year-old kid to say, “I’m depressed, I live in Seattle.” Fuck you, then kill yourself.
>I never understand, because I always call them on their bluff. I’m the guy who says “Jump!” when there’s a guy on top of a building who says, “That’s it, I can’t take it anymore, I’m going to jump.” Are you kidding? Why are you announcing it? Shut the fuck up, have some dignity and jump! You’ve got the crowd.
Not that I agree entirely, but everyone wants to be a fucking victim now.

If depression is caused by societal issues that may or may not be instigated by groups like the jews, then how exactly is that weeding out the weak? For example, if the government decided to make heterosexual dating and sex illegal and had the power to strictly enforce it, I imagine a lot of normal healthy people would become depressed and eventually kill themselves.

People are the centre of their own universe and believe their emotional pain is the worst it can get Imo. Most people who claim to have things like depression, anxiety and ocd do not have these things.

Millennials get butt hurt when you tell them this because they think it means you don't want them in a special club of victimhood when people who have actual illness are more likely to try to attempt to make their lives better however slowly it happens because they aren't interested in being fucked up. Listening to some little faggot complain about how awful their life is because whatever event happened and how they can't do "x" because "y" is not someone with depression it is an unmotivated person without direction.

Most people do not need medication, they want medication because it is an example of how unwell they are. Medication does not solve your problems it only makes it possible for you to do the work. If you aren't interested in getting help, or getting better fuck off and stop wasting people's time.

I'm no psychiatrist or any other type of expert but I think there's situational depression where you're down in the dumps about life being shitty, I think that can be helped by just getting with it, putting one foot in front of the other...and the other type is clinical depression where there is a definite chemical imbalance and this needs to be treated with medications such as SSRI's, I know nobody wants to jump on the pill wagon but those medications work

depression is a meme either you are lazy bastard who wants to act as a victim or mentally retarded. today everyone gets diagnosed with depression for every little problem so dr shekelberg can make money of anti depressants and ruined kidneys

It’s probably a bit of both nature and nurture. I was a happy go lucky kid, then when puberty hit I now realize I probably had dysthymia (low level depression) from then until my mid 20s. No real cause that I can think of, my childhood was pretty good. When my brother died in a car crash, I ended up having to go see a therapist for what turned into major depression. I got hooked up with counseling and Zoloft, and damn, what a difference, like night and day. Colors were brighter, smells and taste were amazing, etc. it was then I realized what I had dysthymia.

It is genetic, but genetic in how your body processes vitamins. Take D3 and B12 (the good brands that use real food not mined minerals) and drink water. Get sunlight and exercise. Too much carbs, sugar, fat can deplete the bodies nutrients and fuck up the mood. Taking 5000iu of D3 and a handful of blueberries andin the morning got me out of a ten year hopeless depression in two weeks alone. The rest made me feel even better. Way more effective than pharma meds that poison you.

There isn't just one single kind of depression. It isn't not some kind of mass-produced consumer good, after all.

second sentence should read:
It isn't some kind of mass-produced consumer good, after all.

Depression is caued by a depressed life style. If you have an active life, you don't have time to be depressed in the same manner as the scenario above.

You can get depressed by real life happenings such as losing your parents, a child etc but that is very different from the depression that has gripped a lot of young people.

Wanna fix your depression? Be as active as you can be, and don't talk about how it's not going to fix if you haven't even bothered.

The problem is of course that most people refuse to acknowledge that happiness in life is simpler than they think so they won't ever acknowledge that their depression is because they sit inside all day staring at websites.

>Most people who claim to have things like depression, anxiety and ocd do not have these things.

I disagree and I think this stuff is way worse than people realise. The theory that the internet, social media and the decay of community contribute.

People used to live in strong family units in small communities doing work that directly benefited those communities. Now people are much more isolated, encouraged to leave their family and go out into the world alone only to meet on national holidays working in jobs that have little to nothing in the way of self fulfilment. We live in little shitty boxes away from nature spending out spare time looking at screens comparing ourselves to the Pop stars and sports stars.

This stuff is undoubtedly having a huge affect on our collective mental well-being.

depression is a result of the environment and stimuli usually being cyclical and repetitive.

don't take the medication they offer for it.

fix your environment

It's probably lack of sleep and bad diet. Eat only vegetables and fruit for a couple of day, and see how you feel.

no the hyper-diagnosis in a modernly composed society is incorrect. people do not have classical clinical depression at this point, it is nuanced and needs redefinition, analysis and application.

what you are talking about are all retrospectively symptoms that contribute to an individual being depressed.

so that begs the question, why is modern media orientated like this? why is capitalist culture becoming so unfulfilling for the majority?

define "hyper-diagnosis"

Those things all contribute, sure, but there has to be a serotonin imbalance to begin with. Depression is a result internal and external circumstances but both need to be present.

People need to stop thinking about emotions and biology as being separate things...

The two are obviously linked. Your emotions aren't just pulled from the ether. They come from your brain, which is constantly changing and making new connections based on what you're exposing yourself to.

Probably because capitalism is a self-destructive system that will always eventually lead to collapse. Though the same is true for every other system that's been tried so far.

depression is more enviormental than inherited.
i dont see any kids born being depressed.

eviormental factors in abstract social concepts and stigma cause a majority of depression. for instance, being black, acting gay, poor choices in money, being slut, naturally a loser, no sex or girlfriend, ect.

alot of depression can be cured: legal prostitution, coke, job outlook, welfare opportunities or a chance to be creative, ect.
sadly a large portion of this is bandaided by medication which doesnt solve the problem.

the small percentage thats hard to tackle is: post tramatic war depression, bi polar, and schizophrenia.

No, most people's depression goes away after a month or 10.

>14% of non-Hispanic white people take antidepressants compared with just 4% of non-Hispanic blacks and 3% of Mexican Americans
Well fuck

Depression is a term usually given to adult whiners. And boring people.
Depression is lamenting that life is not one way, while insisting beyond reason that it should be another way.
One of the great truths in life to learn, is that you can either bitch and moan all the time, or accept this reality in which you currently find yourself, and make the most enjoyable experience of it you can.
It is either one or the other. There is no in between.
When a person really grows up, really, they evolve into someone who deals with reality in the best way they can.
And they stop being whiners who wish desperately for something they can't have.

no that would be corruption in power.
this system had potential, although people always seem to exploit other people for their own gain. it doesn't need to be this way.

the psychology they are using to diagnose people is dated. labelling people with ADHD/depression/OCD/asp. calling it biological fault.

>t. Depressed user
If you use Sup Forums there's a high chance you have depression

>If depression is caused by societal issues that may or may not be instigated by groups like the jews, then how exactly is that weeding out the weak? For example, if the government decided to make heterosexual dating and sex illegal and had the power to strictly enforce it, I imagine a lot of normal healthy people would become depressed and eventually kill themselves.
Well the plan is to give drugs to all the heterosexuals so they can't feel depressed. Brave New World

It's sort of contradictory , people tell those with depression "you're not special," but at the same time they act like depressed people are unusual. Like they shouldn't be thinking these depressing thoughts.
That's what pushes depressed people away, when they think no one else feels the things they do. They are labeled by "normal people" as depressed. But I think that being depressed is actually a normal part of being human. I think everyone should be more honest about that.

white people are just pussies.

Cognitive behavioral therapy also suggests that inner cycles need to be stopped in order to reach a higher state of self satisfaction. Thoughts, behaviors, and feelings all influence each other. If you can stop and recognize what is causing you to feel so bad to begin with then you can break depression's vicious cycle of self-hate.


it is a result of environment.

people are taking advantage of 'mental illness' when they have perfectly fine environments.

i see a lot of kids who are pretty wealthy, some affluent even, and i know wealth doesn't equal happiness but it enables you a lot. some people don't get those opportunities

I encountered depression after i stopped smoke weed every day which i did for a five years straight. It's not just a bad mood, it's like a shit glasses that make you frustrate even at small things and it makes you spiral in chain reaction of selfpity and every goddamn bad memory you have appears before your eyes. Work becomes unbearable, people seem like complete idiots and world is shit. And what is really bad is that you CAN't control it in the way typical bydlo thinks like hurr durr don't be sad. You will be sad. You will be frustrated. At max you can not show it on the surface, but honestly you'll probably kill yourself or start doing drugs if you do so long enough.
Gym helps a lot. After workout i really feel better.
I think it has something to do with lowered dopamin and endorfin levels in brain.

Not true I'm quite happy

>why is modern media orientated like this?
Its just a by-product of the industrial system. Used as an escape from the mundane.

>why is capitalist culture becoming so unfulfilling for the majority?
Its not solely a capitalist thing. Its more about industrialisation. Its becoming too big. People are unfulfilled and isolated. Being one tiny little part of a mega-corporation that doesn't care for you personally is unfulfilling. Humans have a desire to work and contribute socially and help others in the social group for mutual benefit. But the social group aspect has gone.

In a small community where one guy catches the fish, another is a carpenter and the women make the meals gives everyone a sense of place and a purpose.

I'm rambling a bit but yeah...

>feel depressed because I haven't accomplished anything
>think the only thing holding me back is myself
>plan on doing something
>don't do it because depressed
>back to start

There is a genetic vulnerability for some people, but diet and exercise will cure depression regardless.


Godly advise

>when they have perfectly fine environments.

From your perspective. They could be suffering abuse or bullied. Trauma from stuff like this has a habit of lingering in the mind too. So something may have happened in the past but the low self esteem and guilt can carry historic events for a long time.

>“The world is a harsh place.”
blaming environment for your problems in life is usually sign of authoritative upbringing/helicopter parenting.when you don't have enough freedom in your childhood to explore/make decisions on your own/learn from your end up feeling powerless and everything is fault of your surroundings, not your own.

depression is coping mechanism with anger->you dull down your feelings so you don't feel that angry anymore...but you can't enjoy happiness with dulled down works nicely for short time anger issues, but it turns you into wreck when it takes to long, add insomnia to it and you have deadly combination.

Because you're finishing high school this year? Can't wait to see your suicide posting in 9 months

Because of someones mom doesn't mean depression suddenly feels less shitty.

> do something

If you are depressed, it is because life is depressing.

No, it is not because of cultural Marxist. People have been severely depressed and committing suicide since ancient times.

The human race is a malformed, defective species, and every human society is malicious and cruel. Your depression is simply an accurate response to this.

What if every environment is depressing? What if humanity is depressing? How do you get away from that?

Kill yourself edgelord

You just described 90% of the left-leaning identity potlickers in the USA.

Lol cant even handle those thoughts. Maybe only some people are the problem.

sounds like you are just projecting, I live on my own and I'm not a wage cuck

I realized that my gravitation towards masturbation comes from the realization that out civilization is in the middle of a degradation and that my isolation isn't caused by my masturbation but the de-moralization of our nation leads me to self-molestation in an attempt to achieve harmonization against the backdrop of annihilation of my socialization trapping me in an endless loop of causation
