Hey pol, I know youre not all nazis. But to the ones who are. I just wanna ask. How did you get recruited by stormfront and other WN?
Do you lack social support out there in the real world?
Hey pol, I know youre not all nazis. But to the ones who are. I just wanna ask. How did you get recruited by stormfront and other WN?
Do you lack social support out there in the real world?
We learned the truth.
Life must have been cruel to have made you lash out like that. I forgive you.
Do you have a gf?
Do you have a foreskin?
i want nu-Sup Forums to go
I'm just here to shitpost
flag gets me tons of you's
nope but I have a girlfriend.
Oy Vey goy
One of the better /leftypol/ memes. Point is very well illustrated in a graphically intense way that clearly demonstrates the ironic position Sup Forumsack's make when calling other people a "Cuck", as they are highly suggestive to Nazi beliefs and imagery to the point where they become indoctrinated to the belief system for the sake of being perceived as edgy. The comparison is apt: A nerdy white male as the typical Sup Forums browser, his brain the Sup Forumsacl's waifu, and Nazi the black man raping your wife. It's a genuine work of art, keep it up mate.
Where do you live m8
I'll fight you in real life
i don't think i would be smiling if there was a dick in my brain 2bh
this is debatable, but i won't debate it. checkmate
same old bullshit; another spin of the wheel.
leftist faggots always have to soul search and find the deeper meaning. the reason WN is gaining traction is because we're right. you cant agrue against us on the facts so you have to try shame us
problem is your trying to shame Sup Forums
>yfw trying to shame tranny loving, anime watching gun weilding weirdos
I would fucking kill my brain if I caught her with someone else.
Disgusting cutfag kys
pics or it didnt happen
What is this .png implying?
I saw that the so called "Syrian refugees fleeing war" that invaded my town are actually Nigerian criminals and Bengali/Indian streetshitters. I saw my media telling me every single day that I was wrong, that what I saw with my eyes wasn't true and that they were all Syrian women and children. I saw so called socialists not giving a shit about homeless Italians because they weren't the most victimized group anymore and immigrants were more important now. I saw 3/4 of my friends having to go to the other corner of the globe to find a job, while our media and politicians constantly tell us we need more immigrants to fill in work that Italians don't do. I saw people being robbed and politicians protected by a 24/7 armed escort telling us that we can't fight back with violence, else we go to jail.
These are the reasons for me becoming a "Nazi"
>Do you have a foreskin?
Holy shit, you broke him with that.
The way this is drawn, it looks like the artist imagines nazis having a 12 inch dick
Haven't met a nigger that acted like a human, probably never will.
Oh but you do have shame. And even if you didnt, It wouldnt mean you dont have nothing to lose.
I'm just like you OP. I have a career based on a university education. I live in a 750sq ft apartment and drive a $40k car. I'm not rich but I am by no means poor. At the end of the day I pay my taxes and vote in elections just like you.
I'm not antisocial, but I am narcissistic with tendencies towards psychopathy. Rather than cowering behind a shrink and some pills, I embrace these facets of my psyche because I can see their utility in the corporate environment.
Moreover, Im not some closeted larping faggot who pretends to hate niggers; I despise all races equally. If anyone asks me about it I tell them, but I don't walk around with it stamped on my forehead. Most of my life I believed in equality, but then I grew up and began to see the world for what it really is.
Life is about power; those that have it, those that want it, and those that will never see it. The inferior races find themselves disadvantaged biologically to whites, yet still try to achieve the same amount of power. Without outside intervention they cannot, and that is where the government comes in.
But I digress. Happy hunting user, I hope you find your white rabbit.
>implying i have anything to lose
top zoz, you're even more of a soy boy than i though. friendly reminder that (you)'er the ones that are loosing
>Life is power
Sounds pretty egotistical to me.
my school was 40% paki, 30%indian, 15% Chinese, 5% mixed and about 10% white.
i was recruited to the nazi party by leftists who constantly push
>all whites are racist
>all racists are nazis
>anyone who disagrees is a nazi
>kill all nazis
>Do you lack social support
Fucking lefty mindset, trying to understand everyone through the lens of victim hood.
Honestly kys for being so dumb
Whats youre story user, are you actually black or just larping?
I'm not a nazi but I want my race to survive, and I want Europe to stay white. I don't really give a shit about America. I want jews and cucked whites to stop trying to create this culture of self loathing. Amd I do feel like white people create safer morr functional nations with a higher standard of living than most brown races. Japanese and Korean people are pretty good too, and that's why I don't have a problem with them or even care about racemixing with them. One of my uncles is asian and he's a great guy, very respectable. I don't believe all races are created equal but I don't think white people are superior. It's more accurate to say I think a few races are below average. Specifically black people. I don't want to genocide anyone, I just want africans out of europe. I don't feel loke my beliefs are that radical, especially in comparision to many of the brown races I'm talking about. Ironically blacks are some of the most racist people I've ever met.
I typed this out in a stream of consciousness fashion but hopefully it kinda makes sense, now I need to go to bed.
I saw my state fall from 95% white to 60% white in my lifetime.
It was self evident to me.
>I despise all races equally
>The inferior races
what mean
here wait im gonna simulate what OPs response
>Hurr no gf looser
our stories don't matter in the fact that we're all here now
Personal opinion on one, the natural hierarchical order on the other
I do Naz zi your point you are making.
user, your peers say things out of the turner diaries and spew them throughout the internet. Leftist backlash doesnt come close to the level of villain as Kill niggers race war now.
>It wouldnt mean you dont have nothing to lose.
Fuck off back to mexico boyo.
are you afraid of what the tightening of the rope is gona feel like?
my story is a simple one. i hate inferior creatures and i dont like cohabitating with them.
whats your story, princess?
I feel like if you guys had some genuinue female affection in your life. You wouldnt larp as nazis online.
Stormfront is stupid American hicks. I'm not one of them. I read and research, which reaffirmed the values I already had. I support my people and our traditions.
I was just standing there smoking a joint and he came up to me and said "That's exactly what the Jews and communists want you to do, son." and I was just like wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww He's so BIG!
I got redpilled in 2011 after I saw a bunch of jews cackling and grinning about the white birth rate on CNN. Really opened my eyes.
Yawn sad. Your story is one I have heard before. Whore divorce mother. Sad. Many such cases.
My story is that im a lefty, happy, content, smug. Sexy white girlfriend. Happily married parents.
Why does OP ignore posts like this?
Is it because he's a bad faith faggot?
If this post ends in anything other than 2 OP's mom will get cancer by tomorrow morning.
true look at all these fucking virgin weirdos
>muh dick
thats how you view the world, you are just an ape. many of the laddos here are married and its true that many are virginfags.
either way we're winning because you are the ignorant ones.
Found the guy that wrote Sean Penn's El Chapo piece.
Bet none of these fags have ever even seen a woman lol
Not like us kickass left wingers, we have fight to keep the women off of us amirite
"Those damn white people just moved in next door; our home values are fucked."
but which one am i in this image?
or am i both of them?
I am just an ape.. we all are modern great apes.
>leftist psyco-analysis
wrong again, princess. you have nothing of substance to give in your life and the data backs up that leftist men are the most depressed
Oy fucking gevalt.
weaksause desu
epic XD
Do you have a girlfriend mate?
Stormfront is irrelevant, I guarantee you none of the overwhelming majority of posters on this board never browsed it once. Stormniggers used to invade every BBS and forum on the internet in the late 90s warning of the coming demographic winter and the perils of multiculturalism. They all seemed crazy at the time but with time they were proven right. The fact that WN and nativist sentiments can't possibly exist outside of the context of stormfront just shows how horridly out of touch you are OP.
I have a wife and a kid on the way. Your girlfriend's most likely cheated on you since you haven't put a baby in her yet, most likely due to your low testosterone.
If they are white and trans maybe. Sounds like a white problem desu.
Do you have a foreskin mate?
yaaaasssss queeeen slaaaaaay none of these virgin retards have girlfriends.
Just look at this picture of these ugly fucking neckbeards XD surprised they found their way out of mummys basement.
>saying mate
The only thing cringier than this is a bong saying "y'all"
Honestly I wouldnt care desu, becamse Im a confident man who could just get another one. Your wife is prob pic related. Scraps.
a gorilla is an ape, a nigger is an ape and an asian is an ape
doesnt mean the are all equal, doesnt mean they are all higher beings. and since you've shown a picture of a boon i'll let you know that kneyans dont rekognize themselves in the mirror until age 5, for europeans its 16-18 months. they have also never invented the wheel, a building more than one story and have never developed a written language until the white man showed up. the most colonized areas in africa are the ones that are doing the best and leftists are huge faggots
We ethnically indistinct liberal social democrats on the otherhand, we get pussy (consensually of course and not at all meant in a derogatory fashion obviously haha :) ) every other day!
every post it becomes more and more clear that you're just pretending to be retarded, and that takes a lot of the bite away from your posts
I'd say the sweet spot for this thread was post number 8, you should've stopped after that point. Now it's just sad
>happy, content, smug
>spending your Wednesday nights posting on a right-wing imageboard
Tick tock.
ex-stormfag here (as in unironic stormfrawnt browser from 2003-2013)
we shilled here hard with our BUGS outreach program and BUGS Buddy companion client until j00t shut down /new/, when this happened all /new/smen fucked off to four chawn dot not
we then shilled hard there as well, those people moved on to cripple chan after gamer g4te happened.
gamer g4te bluepilled me hard and I stopped hanging out in WN circles after that, I just shitpost now. gamer g4te was a mistake, it brought all the real losers out of the woodwork and the common thread now is 'i wouldnt be WN if those SJWs didnt mess with my yidya gaems'
shit just isn't fun anymore, i've come to realize the white race is effectively screwed because too many loser fucking kids don't want to improve themselves and are content to shitpost and play video games and follow alt-right morns off cliffs for the rest of their lives.
eventually SHTF will happen and people like Varg will survive, I can only hope people follow his example and GTFO of all this crypto-LARPing bullshit and start doing some work with your hands, getting families, and GETTING FUCKING HEALTHY.
in short, either 'git gud' at IRL or resign to failure and masturbate to your /d/-tier lauren southern fantasies until your willy shrivels up.
OP's pic brings back memories, specifically memories of mindfucking smiley.
>I bet none of you even have girlfriends! Probably no female interaction
*Someone takes the bait*
>Hah, your pregnant wife is probably a fat cunt! I'm here for a super-serious discussion though guys!
As long as we're making claims about ourselves and other anonymously, I'm a 90 foot tall sentient statue of Margaret Thatcher.
>gamer g4te bluepilled me hard
Totally bro, very believable.
But left wingers are kick ass, and we do. Literally need to tell 18 yr old hotties trying to grind on my dick that I already have a gf.
Yah we have more fun. No contest.
when you have weak agruements you try even weaker memes. SAD!
>>saying mate
desu desu
Believe it or not I do, but I probably won't soon, since she can't find a job here and she'll have to move to Germany most likely, like 6 of my other friends.
What does this have to do with any of my points though?
I'll give you my story op.
I probably started seriously browsing Sup Forums about 11 months before the election because I was convinced trump was going to win and the only place that seemed to agree satirical or not was Sup Forums (yeah i was seeking out some confermation bias, sue me). I remember that for the first week nearly every post made me cringe with how racist this place was, I even remember the first racist meme that made me laugh. But then I saw more and more people talking about the decline of western civilization and "race realism" statistics and I had to read it all. I bought a copy of the bell curve and some college textbooks on genetics ect. Long before Trump was elected i was beginning to question some beliefs that i had never fully considered such as "Are the races fundamentally different?", this was also about the time that i truly had my libertarian beliefs challenged, i came to the conclusion that libertarianism has no answers for any question pertaining to culture no real solutions. The free market cant fix degeneracy, it cant stop the erosion of culture or racial unity ect. But i suppose the biggest red pill was learning about WW2. You see i attended public school and there where afew things that always bugged me. If Hitler is the worst man to ever live why did the Germans rally behind him and fight so hard for him? How was Hitler able to turn Germany around so quickly? Why did Hitler want to kill the jews? I shit you not i have been told by history teachers everything from "The art school he was rejected from was ran by jews" to "Hitler was dumped by his jewish girlfriend" to "Germans just dont like jews" It was HERE that lead me to find out the actual history and it really makes you reconsider your perspective. When you learn that nearly every value you held is wrong.
I have never been to stormfront probably never will, but i do listen to the podcasts of TRS. Im not a Nazi, the Nazis are long gone. But i wish Hitler had won...
>t. autist who only cares about the h'uite race because DARPA showed their hand on their interactive tv box mind control scheme a little too soon
People here who are nazis are all edgy 15 year olds.
Most aren't nazis, they just want structure and order, so they larp as what their uneducated mind assumes is the most structured and orderly society.
>Do you lack social support out there in the real world?
I can see how this would be a factor. When you have a lot of close friends and family it's natural not to want to offend them. When someone is more isolated they are unshackled from that obligation.
Revisionist bullshit. Stormfront had one thread about /new/ with ten replies well into /new/'s heyday when it was already full 1488. WN sentiment arose here because of anonymity and edge Lord culture and a reverence for Japan's racial homogeneity and was completely organic.
I've actually met niggers unlike those leftist SJW that live in whites only suburbs
I 100% agree bro (or sis, I don't discriminate XD) us leftwingers are much, much cooler and that's why we're gaining ground whilst those fucking nazi's are getting nowhere lol. People love our far left antics and can you blame them when we look this good? I mean damn son (or daughter, I don't discriminate XD) you have to admit we look daaaaaaaamn good.
Irrelavent, the average kenyan prob doesnt have access to a mirror while such convience is abundant in europe. Gotta love stormfagger stretching of the truth. Lmao. Just go torture small animals and inevitably kill yourself.. I lose IQ points talking europoors this dumb.
Nazis don't get "recruited" anymore Nazis get woke.
Just research national socialism, start asking questions and your answers will lead you down the same road as many others.
The truth need not fear examination.
Learn your history.
For the fans.
>2 white men
that pic isn't diverse enough is my first gut reaction
Sorry mate but when the entire crux of your argument is that "I was a white nationalist until gamergate turned me into a jihadi" nobody is going to take anything you have to say seriously. If you are telling the truth, I know you aren't, but if you are then honestly mate you need to neck yourself because you're frankly a fucking travesty.
>t. has a super hip twitter personality he's cultivated over the last few years and says epic """"ironic"""" things so he can get ~15 likes from his 200 followers
do dolphans have access to mirrors, do orang-utans, do magpies? they study that reaserched this made the same post-hoc excuse but the fact remains
>they're just inferoir