I can't be the only one who was incredibly disappointed by this, right?
This makes the story so fucking bland. At least go for the older sister. Now we're either going to get teenage romcom or some stupid high school romance drama between the two.
What happened to not breaking their relationship with something as fragile as romantic love?
Luke Stewart
You're an idiot.
Blake Ward
>At least go for the older sister. That's Shimada and Smith's job now.
Jose Reyes
>Expecting typical romance from this development
Hoooo boy, are you in for a surprise...Read the raws faggot
Jack Hill
I sure hope you aren't suggesting you were surprised by this, because it was pretty fucking obvious. >What happened to not breaking their relationship with something as fragile as romantic love? Akari was wrong. Again, that was pretty obvious the instant she said that.
Adam Barnes
Can't find anything past 116
Grayson Nguyen
Source please.
Joshua Bailey
Yeah I guess she can get the balding 40-something year olds.
What a great day to be alive.
It's the easy way out for him getting into the family. Especially since they're going with "she thought it was all a joke". Clearly a 15 year old girl isn't mature enough to actually consider marriage. If he went for the older one we could have actually had interesting conversations and drama associated with that.
Now we're just gonna get retarded high school level romance drama. "Oh but I love what's his face that was on the baseball team" or "but I never saw you that way before so I can't do it now". Real stupid vain shit that would never come out of anyone's mouth over 20.
Considering how well done everything had been up until now it was really disappointing to see the author take the easy way out with this.
Grayson Williams
Not him, but could you please spoil it a bit? I'm curious where Kiriyama is going with this.
Caleb Russell
Aren't we in an Akari arc right now?
Caleb Howard
Unless you're buying from Young Animal they don't exist.
Jackson Scott
Neither of them are actually that old, it's just a joke that Shimada looks like he's in a constant state of dying. He's probably early thirties at most.
Asher Torres
Yeah they're in their mid thirties, but Akari definitely deserves better than some dude over a decade older than her. She's only 23 and has spent her life taking care of her sisters.
She deserves some grade A husband material.
Ian Morales
>implying Shimada isn't grade A take that back nigga
Brandon King
he is stupid and he know the younger one love her classmate
Bentley Reed
a grade A shogi nerd
Parker Bennett
>It's the easy way out for him getting into the family. He is already part of the family.
>Now we're just gonna get retarded high school level romance drama. This isn't going to happen. If you read Honey and Clover (or even read the first dozen volumes of this) you would know this is the case.
>Considering how well done everything had been up until now it was really disappointing to see the author take the easy way out with this. The "easy route" would actually be hooking him up with Akari or his own sister (who he obviously had some relationship with other than as siblings). The path it is going now is somewhat (but not entirely) unexpected. Regardless, this isn't a romance manga. This is just a subplot that will continue on in the manga and help with Rei's growth and maturity, which is the actual focus of the manga.
Jackson Jackson
Nothing much has happened between them in the magazine raws after vol. 11 though.
Parker Ramirez
>If you read Honey and Clover (or even read the first dozen volumes of this) you would know this is the case.
The difference here is that the romance is Honey and Clover takes place in University over the span of 4 years. Almost everyone involved there are maturing adults so they can have deeper relationships. A kid that's just starting high school won't be able to keep up with that level of maturity.
The only real way I can see this playing out is if she really just does not want to have a romance with him. Then there can be some kind of emotional fallout and he needs to find his place in the house again. But as far as actually pursuing her I can't see it as anything more than puppy love. He obviously cares a lot for her (we saw that in the bully arc) but I never once got the impression he wanted to kiss her or touch her in a sexy way. It felt very much like a protective guardian. Honestly the whole confession really felt like he was just making the most logical move against the father at the time.
>The "easy route" would actually be hooking him up with Akari or his own sister
Don't get me wrong, I definitely don't want him to just hook up with one of the girls either. I just think Akari would be a much more interesting romance and a deeper drama.
What I really hope is that the author is purposefully misleading us with this and the Akari arc will bring Kamiyama and Akari closer.
James Russell
Baseball-kun left and isn't coming back.
Joseph Rogers
>The "easy route" would actually be hooking him up with Akari or his own sister (who he obviously had some relationship with other than as siblings). The path it is going now is somewhat (but not entirely) unexpected. I agree. Until about 2-3 volumes ago when Rei's attraction to Hina started getting too obvious to ignore, I fully expected the mangaka to hook him up with Akari, who seemed like the safe and predictable choice based on their similar circumstances as young people who were forced to enter the adult world prematurely. I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be Hina. A couple with such a significant age and maturity gap is not something I usually expect to see in such a mainstream series, although Japan as usual seems to be more relaxed about such things compared to the West.
David Martinez
Umino fags are the worst.
Liam Thompson
>you will never ever wake up to this
Why live
Gavin Jones
>The only real way I can see this playing out is if she really just does not want to have a romance with him. Then there can be some kind of emotional fallout and he needs to find his place in the house again. This as a very likely outcome since Hina has never considered him as a romantic partner and is barely conscious of him as a man. But as of the most recent raws, Rei still hasn't started trying to "convince" her either. >But as far as actually pursuing her I can't see it as anything more than puppy love. He obviously cares a lot for her (we saw that in the bully arc) but I never once got the impression he wanted to kiss her or touch her in a sexy way. Pic related gave me the impression that he does. Maybe he just prefers DFC. >It felt very much like a protective guardian. If you read more female-targeted Japanese romances, this kind of relationship dynamic is one of the common patterns. >Honestly the whole confession really felt like he was just making the most logical move against the father at the time. But even if the timing of the confession was calculated as a move against the father, he also says that he had been thinking about it for a while already, so the feelings were already there. Maybe the oath he made to Hina at the end of vol. 6 was in fact exactly the proposal that it sounded like.