How do we fix tsundere?

How do we fix tsundere?

Let the archetype die, it's extremely rarely done right and even when it is, generally it is still irritating.

By not writing them in the first place.


Add kotori, eri from school rumble, hina from hayate,beako and pic related in the left

Like this.

Who's the green cutie?

You can't fix what isn't broken.

the only good tsundere is a dead tsundere

Bring back Rie tsunderes.



opinions disregarded

Where is kotori faggots?

It's funny because this is true. Sup Forums is 99% tsun and 1% dere.

Kotori is great. She should get added.

Get a woman to write it

Lucy from Charlie Brown was better.

but you can't fix your shit taste

>It's this thread again made to entertain certain autistic shitposters


Quints confirm

Quints of truth


Tsundere is actually better and cuter than it was two decades ago. The advancement of moe's growth affects everything in the industry, and that includes tsundere.

Too bad people are too lazy to add her.
Me? Im in mobile

I concur.

I don't think it's possible to fix something that was perfect to begin with.

Needs Tatsumaki.

By giving them love interest that can crack their tsun shell and expose the sweet dere core.

By making the tsun and the dere happen at the same time.

Alternatively, just be really careful with the tsun and make sure to punctuate it with dere frequently.

Tsundere, without exception, reflect the objects of their affection. The best tsundere come from series that also have the best MCs. If you want a good tsundere, work on the MC first, if you can create a strong object for her loathing and affection, then her character will be that much stronger for it.

Here's the correct chart. Appreciate the difference.

Will Casca ever be a tsundere again

In which world Sakura was a tsundere

does kallen even count as a tsundere?

Underrated post.

-Kazusa is a textbook kuudere musician.

oh my god this scene is SO CUTE

I sometimes watch it just to cheer myself up

Tsunderes you like are shit.

Say that to my face and I'll cut your tongue out. Quints can't save you IRL.

Who's the guy with the goatee?

>Not using this one