ITT: Russian dubs of anime songs that are way better than they should be

ITT: Russian dubs of anime songs that are way better than they should be.

I'll start

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Not an official dub, but still excellent I think.

Why couldn't Russia have created anime?

Russians make products with poor quality and mediocre execution, but brilliant concepts and overall structure.

They aren't too dissimilar with the Elevens, after all.

I like this thread.

Kamina was pretty good in ru dub.

based op.

There was a really good S&W OP in Russian but I lost the link.


wtf this show seems so russian now.
>you will never fug a siberian wolf girl

That was great
Kaminas actor for gurren lagann?

Yeah. Despite that I don't like dubs, this guy make me watch whole series with official dub.

Cartoons have a stogma of for-children-only product here.
Also homosexuals and pedophiles are not okay. (President kissing a little boy in the stomach is okay, though)

Fuck, stigma.

For some reason he did back vocal here too:

What the fuck?

Reading is hard.

Don't listen shitters.
Animation in Russia are in ruin. There is no animators who can train others anymore. Thre is no "industry" as main boy from "Melnica studio" said. And there is some problems with propaganda.

Happy Birthday Sanya!

>he doesn't know about russian proto-moe anime

>Cartoons have a stogma of for-children-only product here.
I take that's modern russia? I find it somewhat suprising considering that in the USSR there seem to have been quite a lot of 'adult' (meaning mature not erotic) cartoons.

They did influence Japanese animators, though.

Also, pencil animation really couldn't develop in Russia as vastly as it did in Japan, because anime is all about quantity. They do have a lot of experimental shit, though with claymation, dolls and fuck knows what else they used to make cartoons.

Not him, but modern Russia has gone full retard. It's a country with great intellectual and artistic potential, but primitive propaganda and the general "fuck everything" social climate stifles any creativity. USSR was shit in too many ways to count, but there was this general idea that people should strive for the best. Now, though, it's all just angry raving and muh moral values of some fictional past.