Jews are racyist to huite ppl, they keep de white man down!

>jews are racyist to huite ppl, they keep de white man down!
>whuite ppl are poor bcs da rich jews control da system!!
>we wuz kangs! we deserv everythin da jews have!

LMAO, are white people the NIGGERS of Jews?

you basically blame all your failures to Jews the same way niggers blame all their failures to white people. You are the NIGGERS of Jews

Why is the're legislation preventing us from boycotting Israel

Why does Israel own all the online gambling patents/copyrights?

Srsly make Lebanon great again

Let's just separate the three into their own countries so each can do things their own way.

How about that.

I used this exact tactic until I saw the truth.

Wtf is this bait shit. I don't hate jews and I don't hate niggers. I hate you.

the truth is that niggers can't accept they are inferior to white people so they invent stupid theories to rationalize their failures

the same way you guys can't accept that you are inferior to Jews so you do the same

The facts and evidence speak for themselves. They run alot of stuff and 98% anti-white articles online are written by them.

Niggers control hollywood and the media, besides that they're just slaves to the white man just like every other minority, now go pick mi cotton negger.

if white people are so smart why don't they run a lot of stuff too?

if whites control minorities, how come you are becoming a minority?

Because this is your typical kike

Whites don't pretend to be niggers and then claim that niggers are perpetuating an oppressive system that destroys minorities. Jews on the other hand have no problem pretending to be white to do exactly that. I don't give a shit how rich Jews are---but they are subverters of society. Even conservative kikes are all in bed with Israel. Kikes are scum

you realize the biggest jew lovers in USA are Evangelicals right? they are almost 1/3 of USA.

Evangelicals literally worship jews as the chosen people and are by far the biggest donors of Israeli lobbies

ameritards literally suck the dry dick of jews, because they are simply smarter than you

We have empathy and give you shitskins affirmative action that's why, dumbfuck

Good thing I'm not an Evangelical

You can take your strawman and shove it up your ass, jew rat

I thought empathy was for cucks?

Jews want to destroy western civilization, but Saudi Arabia are funding Isis and other terrorist groups who also want to destroy the West. What happens when the plan succeeds and both parties have to stake their claim

whites aren't the niggers of white people
they're just the asians of niggers

evangelicals voted for Trump, the same guy you voted. Enjoy getting eternally kiked

I can't blame Jews for taking advantage for dumb goyim, its literally natural selection


Make excuses for blacks. Give Affirmative action programs. Largely ignore the fact that they're over represented in violent crime.

Brow beat whites. Insult them. Create hate speech laws to destroy their right to protect their countries. Siphon tax dollars to their so-called homeland. Enter our political system while holding citizenship to said homeland.

aren't the niggers of jews* I mean
whites are typically intelligent but simply aren't tribalist enough anymore to form truly unified nations
it's part of the reason NK still remains somwhat stable, because they they're made to love their ethnic affiliation (at gunpoint) more than food

Keep strawmanning, kike.

>accuses me of strawmanning
>posts random twitt from random person to make an argument

this is why Jews will always beat you, you are simply too dumb compared to them


aww poor whitey, did the jew keep you from succeeding? if only da jews weren't so raciyst u could have been rich too right?

Oy vey!

My fellow white goy-I mean brothers.


White-hating kikes-----always given a nice blue verified check mark at Twitter!

its simply a natural instinct to hate inferior races. The same way you hate niggers, the same way Jews hate you. You are the niggers of Jews

Jews think we're inferior and hate us for being white? Huh... it's almost like whites need to wake up or something and realize they're not our allies?? At least we both came to the same conclusion--- the conclusion that Jews do not see non-Jewish whites as friends

whites? wake up? lmao

whites are too dumb to wake up, you will eternally be slaves of the superior race of Jews. You can't stop natural selection, the inferior races must die for the superior ones to live on

>Just lay down and take it, goy.


>the inferior races must die for the superior ones to live on

hmmmmmm, whites are inferior to Jews and must die? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

sounds like it boils down to more than just blaming failures on Jews like you initially concluded.

Happy Hanukkah!

"The New Colossus"

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

(((Emma Lazarus))), 1883

The great American melting pot, brought to you by a hardcore zionist. She wants you to bare the burden of the worlds weak and poor but she wants a homeland for her own people

There's one flaw in your theory OP, white people aren't poor.