
>Ichigo have a 10yo son at 28
>You are still a virgin at 26

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>first thing they did after killing yhwach was having victory sex


So Ichigo and Orihime where had a teen pregnancy?
What a couple of Chavs. Bet they're living off the state.

Remembers that this is still just a story. Only a pleb would take it seriously. Only silly kids get married at 20 and wreck their marriage fast.

Get on my level, I'm less than a year away from becoming a wizard.

Only an idiot wouldn't lock this down as fast as possible.


that's okay, Rukia was still a virgin at 150

It's okay ishida is still virgin. That's who I self inserted into

this hurts too close to home, I'm 23 and I still have no kids, I'd love to be a young father, I really need to unfuck my shit up.

also, this.

>tfw my dad is only 24 years older than me
Too bad I won't be

Ishida had a crush on Orihime, poor guy

Mine are 5 & 3, I'm 26

Is that alright?

We all are gonna make it, i guess it's not about being young fathers but being the best ones for our children.


Well aint that a cute shota, and not in a perverted way.

I'd let him date my littlr sister, imagine being related to literal death gods, that's cawl.

>implying her and renji weren't doing it like animals in the slums

Shoo shoo shota stalker

That's honestly cute, what are their names?

>Only an idiot wouldn't lock this down as fast as possible.

I think it's already crazy that Ichigo hadn't been hitting that obvious cock-hungry waifu when they were starting out in highschool. Ichigo was damn near asexual for the entirety of Bleach and girls were throwing him obvious signals throughout.

He didn't. Where are you getting this from?

When the hell is it going to come out

when you finally drink that bleach

niggerstream apparently got assblasted and dropped it

fuck don't remind me

Like seriously?

Once again, what you guys wanted the most from Bleach but Kubo never delivered?

Personally I wanted to see ALL Bankais.

Also I wanted a better final boss fight with Zanka no Tachi and supporting roles from the main cast.

But most of all I wanted to know what the fuck happened to Nel, Urahara, Yoruichi and Shark tits. We literally don't fucking know if they survived or died for real.


Uh, sure lol.

NS waiting on fanart as usual.

Chris & Joe

>not putting in the effort

>tfw don't know if she is alright or not

>that jealous yamato

I once cybered with a single mom

that good enough for ya

>Renji AND Rukia both won at life


Somebody should tell Ichigo that it's not cheating if you only fuck one girl from each species.

uh oh

She will always live user in our dreams

Renji's face holy fucking shit. lmfao


they played themselves

Post yfw it's actually, finally over

>not naming your kids Reimu and Marisa

>everything post SS
>plot thinner than the paper it's printed on
>character interactions barely happen; all talking is either exposition or exclamations
>fights of one-upmanship that go on for volumes at a time
>barely any character development
Kubo has only himself to blame. He's been getting away with this for years and years.

Terrible end but I'm fucking glad its over


>Ichigo only had sex with one person in his entire life
What a pleb

Im 19 with a gf cunt

It turned out that he couldn't keep getting away with it. Jesse was right.

>Kubo betrayed 80% of this fanbase.

Dead man walking.


One job.

cutie doge poster

What's next for our Kubo?

I convinced her to let me make Chris's middle name Touma

what the fuck why is ichigo's kid a shinigami already, did he die right after he was born?
Does he have Gotenks syndrome? Has he already mastered Bankai and hollowfication?

>Kubo betrayed 1% of this fanbase.

You shut your whore mouth.

is ichigos kid one of those characters that has the fox eyes or whatever?

It's really sad that people don't appreciate the actual best good like they should. I mean Nel's body blows Orihime's out of the fucking water

This has never been more relevant

She's a horse. That's bad.

>Renji x Rukia
>even close to majority

Literally all nips and gooks support ichiruki so 99.9% have been betrayed


Japan is 99% IchiRuki

Matsumoto and Harribel both have better bodies if I'm honest

Renji got hot.

if it were 1% we would have been having a shitstorm of threads for almost 24 hours now that are almost entirely dedicated to shipperfags

They are so mad. I love it.

>Kubo pulled a Negima
Who would have thought he would pull such an asspull

Reminder it is extremely unnatural to delay breeding.

Humans are the only retarded animals on earth that do not breed in their prime years and instead delay marriage and breeding right when their prime years are fading.

Women should not be producing babies past 35 years.

Even 30 is already pushing it.

The risk for diseases like down's syndrome increases with the age of the female lover.

The main rise in autistic children in modern society is the increasing delay in marriage and breeding.

Us humans were not meant to make babies this late in life.

We didn't evolve this way.

Because of this, every now and then, a Wall Street mother has an article written about her and her autistic child and we find out she produced a child when she is already 40 years old.

There would be more genetically healthy children today if their parents gave birth to them like 6 to 10 years earlier.

In the end, all taxpayers get punished for the consequences of bad decisions in delaying breeding.

>Matsumoto and Harribel both have better bodies if I'm honest

Was he training the past 10 years to defeat Yhwach?

i wonder how they feel knowing they were wrong

I want to have babies now

>Even Twilight is better
It's sad how true that is.

Statistic source - Your asses

So we're going to get a BLEACH sequel set 80 years later about an Ichigo clone to try recreate a way to beat YWHACH who has come back through body jumping into Ichigo?

Not gonna lie, I'd read the fuck out of that. Akamatsu has too much restraint to pull of a concept like that but Kubo already broke the brakes on his train.

Well what're you going to do
Just wait for mind uploading to be invented and we can all go extinct in peace

>It's sad how wrong that is

>Your waifu didn't make it out alive

The one good thing about this ending is that all those dipshits who claimed that Kubo was a good writer and we were all "level 0' or "speed readers" or some shit, got well and truly told.

IchiRuki so mad. Injecting love stories, and romance into a battle shonen. This is great for Hall of Devastation.

I just got the true spoilers, Yonkou was trolling us the whole time.

Fuck I was worried for a second.


Why didnt you protect him?

Karin got a haircut and fucked Ichigo?

I am okay with this.

The problem is that people are breeding too fast, too much and all of the poor genetics haven't been weeded out by nature in like the last 400 years or so.



>Ichihimefag defending his shitty love couple that is built on nothing

Because I'm into bara.

Is that Yamada?

Just because the ending's bad doesn't mean Kubo's a bad writer.

>two boys
I'm sorry.

Twilight is literally a better love story
At least Twilight had a 2 sided romance


i really wanted ichiruki but settling for an eternally smug/satisfied reiji is good too though id really still prefer ichiruki

Because I married him and protected his smile instead.

>not a bad writer