Monster Musume

[X] Are cute
[X] Are for cuddles
[ ] Need to be deported

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spiders need to be deported from reality

user, you cant win.

enjoy your explosive spread of fleas and other shit.

How strong is Rachnera?
She is shown carrying Honey, but that was a bit of a joke.
Shown climbing a building with Miia on her back, but that too was a comedic scene.
Can hoist Centorea while bundled in webs maybe?

>ywn marry Mero
>ywn have her get tired of being cucked
>ywn have her constantly try to drown you and get you off so she can fertilize her eggs at the same time
>ywn have her just barely fail every time
>ywn have this happen on a nightly basis
>ywn enjoy the rush of dancing with death while a cute mermaid tries to fet you off
>ywn have her go overboard one day and experience the most intense feeling of your life right before your lungs fill up with water and everything goes dark

Why even live brehs?

[ ] Are Cute
[ ] Are for cuddles
[ ] Need to be deported

lanka a bestt

Big monsters need love too

I want to lick her abs.

But I want to be dominated by spoder!


Try living where spiders are the size of dinner plates and like to crawl into bed with you

Maybe you should tweet Crabman about that.
My nigga.
No dog girls, user.

i want to cum on her abs

I don't know, they look cute but our country doesn't support the monstergirl exchange and I have no experience with spiders.

>hoist Cerea
Only with pulley system, probably.
Never mind, objection withdrawn, finally found it in the omake.

Cici's name has three puns, apparently. There's the obvious kyoshi/jiangshi(殭屍) one, the less obvious death(死) one, and a somewhat obscure one about a famous kyoshi named Tenten(十十). All of which can be pronounced shishi. If he could have thrown in a lion(獅子) joke in there as well, he probably would have.

They're just cold, and they want to be friends with you.

user, don't support the spiders. They will rape you and your male friends. You must ban them from the exchange.

Fuck you. Spiders have to deal with spider wasps which are the most horrifying creatures in existence besides humans. A spider wants nothing to do with you or the rest of the world, just wants to be left alone and away from predators.

Okay, now that just sounds cute.

That's what they want you to believe. They lull you into a false sense of security, only to attack you when you're the most vulnerable. Spiders are evil, man.

>spider wasps
Is that what Keira is? No wonder she hates Rachnera.
>Keirafag vs Rachnerafag waifu war when?

Killer Bee.

>No dog-girls

How about a dog-like Kobold?

That's the best idea i've heard all day.

Let's improve the health of whole nation and import a kobold to every family.

Not genki enough

Mein niggas.

The genki-est
The fluffiest.

Believe me waking up with a Huntsman going full face hugger leaves you with a completely different impression


Monster Musume Best Album is out. Aim is fantastic.

No. Kobolds should be deported for they have killed one of the greatest man we had.

Any tracks by unexpected characters?

Two tracks from ANM48, but that's it.

Can't rape the willing


Cordyceps dryad will leave you quaking.

Rachne and Rachne enablers pls go

>greatest men

>it will never rain cute monmusus

If monstergirls were real they wouldn't love you

Says you.

> Manlet
> Forced a pairing on Polt
> Thinks about only himself
> A fag
> Spends all his money on an crap, then will spend all of Polts money
> Disgusting crossbreeder

Don't forget he bullied Crabman into putting his OC into the manga.

Is it possible to resist Tio?

Heterosexual women go gay
Gay men go straight.

So what would each girls favorite gook toon be?

Highschool of the Dead
Death Note

Are fairly obvious ones.

What else?

Is it possible to resist Cathyl?

Heterosexual women go gay.
Gay men go straight.

>cows tongue my anus

>Is it possible to resist Tio?


>resist Tio
Yes. Cause she's a bimbo that kills.

Is it a face of mercy?

How would you calm down a nervous harpy?
that's cheating

Papi looks better with ponytail

pic related; the truth

Distract her with something menial. She isn't very bright and will forget about being nervous pretty quick.

also I agree.

Wing preening. Slow, deliberate, relaxing wing preening.

Video games.

>Papi looks better with ponytail
ALL the girls look better with a ponytail.

Everyone looks better with ponytails user

Have you any idea on what the titles are for the new songs? They are just gibberish for me, or Japanese.

Manako's is called "Aim".
Doppel's is "Doppel-chan at great speed" (a play on the OP title)
The first ANM48 track is "Everyday Animal Ears".

I don't know the others.

Ok, thanks.
2nd ANM8 is "I wanted to hunt you"
I think, thats what its says in my OST folder at least.


I gonna listen this CDs until I die.


Doppel seems the the biggest narcissistic.
I know its supposed to be a play on the other songs, but without understanding what is being said, the humor is lost.

I also wanted to hear more of Doppel's own voice.

A sock over the head to cover the eyes usually does the trick for birds.


Bully the Zombie since its birthday is over?

I'll playfully bully her by denying her my boipussy

Tio's song is hitting all the right buttons for me.
The image I get in my head is probably way off from what she is singing about, but ignorance is bliss.

>wanting anyone to look more like cerea

>Doesn't like ponytails for the beauty they provide
Fuck off from here.

It's inside job.

Cerea may be a shit tier girl, but ponytails are still the best

DMM ELMG Manako and Zombina alternates incoming

You ever read Spider-Man?

Tio's is "Otome shin - oga chikku(Maiden Heart - Ogre Chick)"
Zombina's is "Stand Up!"
Pretty sure I mentioned these when the YouTube link was first posted.

Fuccck. They better put them into the main harem limited gacha come November.

Bina is definitely a platonic bro tier that you go to concerts and shit with

They're just in uniform.

Not her webs, her physical capability. Also she isn't radioactive/genetically manipulated.


Do not friend-zone the zombie.
Take her to the bone-zone.

no lossless option.
wake me up when someone who actually cares rips it.

Manako's silhouette being as tall as Bina's is messing me up. Looks like she is wearing a super short skirt and knee high boots, kinda sexy.


Sorry fa.m but I'm married to Snek

>married to Snek
Sorry, user, but there can be only one Snek husbando and it's Darling

Damn. They just showing favoritism to the cast.

Bully her by making her remember what it was like to be human.

>Cerea may be a shit tier girl
Say that again M8

Cerea a shit


Of fucking course
I think I'll stop waiting for the rest of the characters to appear in the game.
Lala eventually will appear in the game, but will have to pass a fuckton of time.

Cerea is shit tier because as a horse she produces mountains of shit.
>B A R N L I K E S M E L L

Idk man, her song sounds like something that could be playing in the background while making out with the feisty tomboy that Zombina is. Lots of clothes ripping off and rolling around and position shifting.

You just can't accept that she's the most braves and most responsible! If we're going to provide for a family I need a wife like that!
Cerea is a pure wife and my shining knight in armor! I LOVE HER!

She is pure.
pure S H I T

>ywn marry Darling

No homo, he's just so fucking perfect.

I wouldn't mind broing it up with Darling. He seems like a cool dude and doesn't afraid of anything.

So what are the possibilities that they're going to bring a human love interest for Darling and he's just going to choose her?

Ever seen snake waste? Horse shit's nothing next to that.