Laura Huhtasaari (True Finns), running for president of Finland in 2018

> Anti EU
> Wants to leave the Paris Climate Agreement
> Finnish jobs FIRST
> (((Greens and lefties))) trying to move Finland towards "The Federation Of Europe"
> Secure our borders. Put guards at the borders, not in our shopping centers.
> Secure free speech, stop the "hate-speech" lunacy
> Strong national defenses

Yet the (((polls))) indicate that she would be only getting around 4% of the votes.

We could finally have a red pilled president and PM (Jussi Halla-Aho aka. Mestari).
I guess we'll try again in 2024...



Hope they will win and make soumi great again. People of suomi are not as cucked as swedish.

> Christian, strong family values (something most candidates lack)

Her campaign slogan "Suomi takaisin" literally translates to "Finland back",
as in "I want the old Finland back" (vs. "Make America Great Again")

pic related

doesn't matter, Niinistö wins. I bet my computer on that.

She is a JUDEO-Christian creationist though. Bretty insane :D

She's not going to win the presidency (a post which is irrelevant anyways). The 2019 parliament elections are the only thing that matters.



When will people learn that women never, ever make for good leaders? Even if she has the right ideas, she will still run the country into the ground because she has the emotional intelligence of a small child.

Why is her nose so long? If she's a kike, it wouldn't be the first time Fingorians shilled for kikes, i.e. Lauren Southern, on this board.

Jesus christ americans are reta
rted mongrels

How does the stuff in Finland work?

I mean, in majority of central europe countries President is just a guy that says "yeah a new year is here", PM got the most political power.

lol it's already ran to the ground

> Finnish jobs FIRST
pls no

And here I thought the autistic Finn thing was just a myth.

Eestipoeg tuleb kiirus.

Keep Shilling for kikes FinnKnight.

Presidency in Finland is a ceremonial position, so no real power.
Her presidency would, however, give Mestari a good chance at being elected pm

Does anyone give right wing politicians shit for being "Nazis" in Finland? Or do you avoid that considering you actually were Nazis as one point and it'd be in bad taste.

>considering you actually were Nazis as one point
shit bait

Why does Finland hate nature?
First you lobby the EU to let you cut down all your trees, now you want to leave the Climate Agreement as well?

In very small quantities.
There seem to be only a few outspoken right wingers that get media attention.
But when ever there's an immigration debate, the "N"-word gets tossed around hehe.

And we weren't nazis. Simply fighting against a common threat as allies.

Don't forget that greens are quite literally a commie party.

>thinking that a woman will be able to make your ruined country great again.

She'll break down crying after a week in office because all status quo politicians are attacking her ruthlessly. Women are too fragile to be in a position where you'll get shat on 24/7

>Netherlands teaching Funland about nature
Umm okay sweetie :)

Finland is not Brazil, our forests grow more than we let them being cut down. Even the cities have forests inside them.

Bad deal for Finland. Besides, we cant take care of our own nature,
hence the need to FINEXIT

Keep telling yourself that.

> ***we can take care

But why make her president? Do you think that some 30 year old ex-roastie makes a strong figurehead for you country?

> we cant take care of our own nature
You literally can. EU had a directive limiting logging in order to store CO2 gasses and you successfully lobbied against it

>keep telling yourself that
>sewer German
go vote for more socialism Muhammad

of course we had to lobby agaisnt it. fuck destroying a large part of our economy so that the netherlands gets consumed by the atlantic 10 years later than it would now.

also, is a

He's controlled by an alien doggo named Lennu.

breddy wild, I know

Wait, wasn't she Jewish or something

No. She is just pro-Israel and "muh Judeo-Christian values".

There are almost no jews in Finland at all.


There is something really jewy about her...

Can't quite place it...

Its the best option. Democracy is broken. Shit candidates everywhere, but she is still the best one.

Yes, she is very pro-Israel. Not jewish herself though.

Might be because Christians in Finland are cucked by jews because "muh chosen people".

Crypto jew what a suprise

Abondon all hope finns

The only anti-EU candidate is a fucking idiot creationist. We're stuck in the fourth Reich. Even the nazis understood the very simple theory of evolution. She doesn't have a chance, sadly. I might still vote for her.

Sexy electoral advert.

English mastiffs are so fucking awesome.

It's never going to change until you reacquire control of your schools.

Your grandparents allowing the left have the minds of your children resulted in your current circumstances. Until you regain control of the ability to shape the minds of the next generation, you're never going to have a populous with enough voters to support your political paradigm.

>schools first

Then that's not "redpilled" at all

Still better than the competition.

I wonder why there are all these (((Finnish))) shills trying to get Fins to elect a jew...

I know this is difficult for burgers to understand, but jews make up only 0.03% of Finland's population and they're almost all in Helsinki. There are zero jews in the town where Huhtasaari is from.

There are pretty much zero Jews outside of New York and I guess LA. I live in Texas and have known 1 jew.

>Loves Russia

Dude shut the fuck up you stupid fucking faggot holy shit

Show us your real flag FinKike.

Huhtasaari pretty much shot herself in the foot with all the god and creationism stuff. Like gays, religions belongs into the closet.

>Being this retarded
We literally have only 1500 Jews in the entire country, and they have Jewish/non-Finnish names instead of German etc. They also tend to look more Semitic or different than ethnic Finns

>Pic related, actual Finnish Jew, Ben Zyskowicz. Doesn't look very Finnish to me

"FIXIT" sounds better to my ears