Why do people believe that the Holocaust was a lie? The only people that believe this are racists and bigots

Why do people believe that the Holocaust was a lie? The only people that believe this are racists and bigots.

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I don’t think it’s a lie just wildly inflated

Because the only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

It isn't wildly inflated in any sense. What you're describing is a typical white supremacist talking point.

There might be some truth in there somewhere.

We do not believe, we know it is a kike fairy tale.

Yeah you’re right, nobody ever lies for an advantage. That never happens.

Again, this is a typical white supremacist argument not grounded in any logic whatsoever.

I'm not saying that it hasn't been milked by a few people. But outright denial of a genocide is the hallmark of a white supremaciast.

It happened, but it wasn't the industrial scale extermination plan the jews try to make us feel bad about.
Its literally not even the worst genocide of that century, or even that war for that matter.

The tactic of white supremacy is to deny its existence and deflect where necessary.

I’m not denying it happened, stop putting words in my mouth. I believe that the numbers are inflated, not that it didn’t happen.

The argument you are currently making is something that has been spouted time and time again by noted white supremacists. Your failed attempt at intellectual masking of hatred is as plain as daylight sweetheart.


Stop using words you don't understand, kid. You're making yourself look like a retard.

And you're making yourself look like a white supremacist.

No, the argument I’m making is that I don’t believe the official numbers. You don’t know what number I believe so you can’t put words in my mouth to allege I don’t believe in it at all. Its extremely disingenuous.
How many died in Rwanda fuckface? Remember if you don’t reply with the number I approve you’re denying it happened.

Deflection. You can accept Rwandan estimates, but you can't accept numbers from Europe because it puts a massive dent in your flawed religion of white supremacy.

>white supremacy
The biggest white supremacists in the world are non whites and they're allies.
You idiots so believe in the superiority of the white man that you think you need tons of social help and organizations just to compete on our level.

How many died in Rwanda? It’s a simple question.

You know how many died in Africa. How many died in Europe?

If every single “fact” about the holocaust is indeed true, why was the number of Jews who died at Auschwitz lowered from 4 million to 1.5 million? Why is there no blue staining on the walls of the Auschwitz gas chamber from the Zyklon B? Why did death camps and concentration camps without gas chambers order the same amount of Zyklon B? Why isn’t the chimney attached to the Auschwitz gas chamber? Why is it a crime in many countries to deny the holocaust but not other genocides such as the Armenian Genocide or apartheid? The truth doesn’t fear investigation, so with that in mind please provide some evidence that can be fact checked to refute my points that I’ve made.

ah I see you won’t answer like the pathetic coward you are.

Again, another deflectionary tactic. What about white supremacy?

I'm not a coward. I won't play into your game because I know that white supremacy is based on deception.

How bout this if you don’t like white supremacy stay in the parts of the world not ruled by white supremacy you dumbfuck.


No you’ve just realize you trapped yourself and want to avoid falling into it publicly. Go die of malaria already.

Holocaust happened but Jews love to play the victim of history (even per-Holocaust) and exploit everything. Jewish bolshevism was far worse.

Video related: youtu.be/Fg1rL_kbO_w

I explained that already.
But i think i'm done nibbling on this bait.

> muh white supremacy

Jews are white.

All non-white people are subject to white supremacy in one way or another.

Holocaust was nothing compared to the purges done by communists, Stalin massacred millions.

>All people are subject to jewish supremacy in one way or another.
Looks like you fallen into another trap lel. Are non-whites really this retarded?

At least you acknowledged that it happened.

Not... an argument. Fuck off kike.

Not according to your counterparts here.

I acknowledged it happened too but you blatenly lied and pretended I didn’t. You’re not very good at your shitty job you know.!

If the white race was so superior, why are they dominated by Jews?

ITT: pic related

>if brown people are equal, why are they dominated by whites?

Deflection. White supremacy is based on the denial of its existence. To deny the white supremacist motive is to be intellectually dishonest.


I'm not Jewish. I'm Afro-Caribbean.


This has to be bait there’s no way anyone is retarded as this op whose onlly argument is white supremacy. I’m half nigg and even I know the holocaust was a hoax. How the hell did the Jew population increase between 1933-1945 if they were all busy being gassed and burned alive by the millions. Where are the gas chambers? Why are the first person story’s matching physical evidence? Why is holocaust denial illegal in some places if it’s so obvious it happened? How would Germans have enough supplies to even commit all the murders and fight a war on two fronts at the same time?

I'm good enough ;)

oh so a slave? Lel looks like I don’t need to waste any more time with you

I'm no holocaust denier, but the fact is communism killed millions more.


Oh so you’re just another good goy. You’ll hang from a rope and get tossed in an oven just the same.

The Jews in the camps were prisoners. Most of them died of typhus, and starvation. Why? Because the allies bombed the German supply lines. There were infirmaries for inmates at Auschwitz. Why would they have an infirmary if it was a death camp? Also, why do the number of victims keep going up? Why does nobody bring up non Jewish "victims"? WW2 was the perfect opportunity for the Jews to have an eternal victim card.

White supremacy



Mih here all day, mon! ;)

Mao: 40 million
Stalin: 20 million
Hitler: 12 million
Leopold II: 10 million
Tojo: 5 million



and this calculation also has the 5.4 million jews that were killed.

>racists and bigots.

Do these words even mean anything anymore?


Lmao of course you are. What else are you gonna do? Once a slave always a slave so you’re gonna sit around and bitch about white supremacy. Jesus fucking Christ I’m so glad I’m not you.

No I won't. Jews have a long history in the Caribbean. They're not plotting anything anytime soon.

>inb4 "YES THEY ARE!!!!1"


You make some good white supremacist talking points there, goyim!

>calls name
kys shill tactics

Even if every early "fact" about the holocaust remained, if you're made to feel more empathy for an out-group than your in-group or family, something is wrong. No more tears.

How much is a Trinidad and Tobogo vpn?

>Jews have a long history in the Caribbean.
Of course they do, they brought your pussy great great grandfather over to make you slice sugar cane. Now you stay on their plantation and blame the white man.

I'm not the one paranoid about Semites ;)

Fucking lel, I’m not talking about Jews you fucking monkey, I’ll be the one putting the noose around your neck.

No, just paranoid about whites. :^)

This is a convenient way of taking white supremacy out of the equation.

You responded to them.

Why are you debating with a slave? Aren't I supposed to be intellectually inferior?

fucking btfo

No people died in the rwandan genocide, and there were a few unfortunate souls who were wrongly gassed in the 40s.

White supremacy

True, Jews did have a role in the slave trade at some point. However, many more came to the islands to escape....guess what....

.02 shekels faggot.

It happened. Nazism has been wiped from the face of the Earth, never to return. Israel is a thriving nation. Religious freedom is enjoyed across the Western world is at a level unprecedented in history.

Now Jews need to shut the fuck up about it and move on instead of chasing a phantom menace.

The funny thing about whining about white supremacy is that the only way your arguments about it work is for whites to truly be superior. So recognizing white supremacy is exactly that: recognizing that whites are superior.
See, if you weren’t a brianwashed nigger you’d know that it’s the plutocrats who really control everything and they come in all colors.

That is simply a kill statistic by most evil men who have ever ruled in modern times. Nothing to do with white supremacy whatsoever i'm only making a point that facism and communism both are evil. If you truly love having opinions and being able to say them out loud you'd be against both.

Maybe they deserved being gassed for being racist slave traders?

Nazi ideology isn't dead. Not by a long shot.

White Supremacy

The golden rule of white supremacy is to deflect and deny its existence.

Nice try, sonny.

You do know that to make a strong point you don't just go circulating one word constantly like the hitler card?

>"They deserved to be gassed"
>Calls THEM racist

Jesus Christ

Plutocrats want you to think it’s whitey or the Jew because individually, you feel you could strike back. You could beat up a cracka or not let a Jew circumcise your son and you think “haha take that oppressor!” The reality is, you’ll never be able to inflict any damage on a plutocrat. Not physically or financially, so it’s in their best interests to put everybody against each other so what little change can be accomplished only happens at the ground level and never at the top.
But hey, you’re the smart guy here and I’m sure you know this and are just defending the people that you admit actually enslaved your race to blame another race that tried to destroy the ones that tried to destroy you.
But hey, it’s all just satire right?

Well, it's been working for the past half hour or so :)

Complete denial and not even trying to in any way to debunk in any way just makes you another nazi in a way, you act like in a isolated room where only sound is you and all other sounds that sound bad to your ear must be exterminated.

Is that your only argument to defend a historical event? If it was true you should be able to defeat every annon with facts but no instead you went full reee

You know what's not satire? White supremacy.

>Island niggers in charge of knowing what “working” means
what was your objective here? Make a shit thread and make sure not to convince anybody?

How in the fuck you even got that much time to spare to shitposting.

Why would I debunk white supremacy? It's not logical anyway.

alight bruh, nice troll. You had me going there. But get a real job though, y’know? Being a shill can’t be that rewarding.

Could someone please define white supremacy. I haven't taken SJW classes in forever.
Also, this is such a slide... methinks it's time to abandon thread.