Holy fuck, the FBI informant who knew about the crooked Clinton-Obama Uranium One deal with Russia has been asked to testify before the Senate Judiciary committee

Other things to consider:

Other urls found in this thread:

inb4 self inflicted shotgun wound to the back of the head.

It's too bad no one knew he suffered from depression. It's too bad he killed himself the day before he was suppose to testify

Previous thread

Surely he's got some kind of security watching his back.

Inb4 it's Carter Page

Calm the fuck down. There are anons who pay attention. So we'll wait, what's the big deal?

Who do you think will release first? Do you have any info on that?

They’ll be waiting for a quiet moment to suicide him in the back of the head with 10 shotgun rounds.

The MSM are trying cover this story up. It's fucking hilarious. This is how cuck American news outlets are.

What exactly does Wikileaks have and why would they sit on it for so long?

`Feels like another letdown is coming.

Because they wanted to give time to Mueller and Trump's admin to explain it themselves. It looks better.

>It's too bad no one knew he suffered from depression. It's too bad he killed himself the day before he was suppose to testify

How do you know he wasn't just the transgendered victim of a hate crime?

Some of Trump's admin were part of the swamp but they wanted out, and they will be the ones to help piece everything together

Can someone screencap the Mega user posts from the last thread?

650k of intel. from Weiner/Abedin laptops the NYPD confiscated

>one by one
At this pace our grandchildren will be alive to see Hillary officially cleared of any wrongdoing

>Some of Trump's admin were part of the swamp but they wanted out, and they will be the ones to help piece everything together

This was called out months ago on a weird Twitter account but everyone on our side kept misinfo-ing against it. Like 4th and goal rush defense except NFL is for fags now.

Nothing will happen.

All but two are linked in the OP, here are those two

exactly that makes me think that it's a bluff and a letdown. if wikileaks had something damning, then the documents would speak for themselves.

who knows if mueller and trump's admin do something...

Yeah but it's because they are part of the swamp that we started wondering what Trump was thinking, I guess, if they weren't just shills

Just wait and see, we have a real chance now to expose the democrats under belly and save democracy.

If Trumps doesn't starts the war first to cover for their fuck up.

>feels like another letdown
They're all letdown. Here is how the cycle works:

A) release info "confirming" something you suspected
B) get excited that "it's happening"
C) wait for something to actually happen
D) get disappointed nothing happened
E) wait for next info release to get excited about.

Wow. Things that we knew a year ago get repeated again. Maybe if we're lucky in a year from now they might release info that Hillary deleted 33k emails.

We know the Clintons are the 2 most corrupt people to ever live in America...and nothing is being done.

They will and they will be released either through the admin or through Assange


I told you already, silly. Trump and 3 presidential disclosures. Think he tweets for nothing?! What does the media address the most? Trump's Tweets. Why? They can't avoid them. It's direct to the people and he's established that direct, constant channel on purpose to circumvent the media to get to everyone else, directly. He's purposefully conditioned EVERYONE TO PAY ATTENTION TO HIS TWEETS, whether they want to or not.

Know why Howard Stern was #1 in radio and held the longest record for having the most listeners for decades, even though most though statistically, most thought he was vile, offensive, lude and degrading? SHOCK VALUE! MORE PEOPLE WHO HATED HOWARD STERN tuned in everyday just to hear what he'd say next, as opposed to those who tuned in daily because they liked him and EXPECTED what he'd say.

This is a clear example of exactly what I mean BTW, when I say I feel compelled to post and "connect dots", for y'all, not "break news", necessarily.

Do you think Trump, the billionaire, business and MEDIA mogul, actually tweets like he does today, as President, any differently than he did when he fought for ratings, as a private citizen?! He tweets for rating Ms and attention using shock value, just like he's always done, just like Howard Stern successfully and verbally did, on his show. Trump doesn't tweet the shit he does FOR US, he tweets it for EVERYONE ELSE. He does it for the oblivious who only find themselves paying attention to HIM DIRECTLY (via his constantly buzzed about twitter, his off the cuff, hyped up rallies and on the road speeches or highly viewer watched/rated public addresses), BECAUSE THEY WANT TO HEAR WHAT SHOCKINGLY UNEXPECTED THING, HE MIGHT SAY NEXT.

Trump still OWNS the public, whether half of them want to admit it, or not.

Do your homework and read my prior posts. I'm as detailed and thorough as I can be. I broke it all down already... I don't type this much because I feel like it. I'm not trying to educate myself... I already know, hence, I tell you. Not trying to be mean but if you claim to pay attention, then pay attention, boss. ;o)

The biggest issue is that no one gets fucking indicted. In other words, the whole problem is the DoJ. If Sessions does nothing, he really is a compromised cuck who needs to be fired. At this point, I honestly think the DoJ needs to be purged. Almost everyone in there is compromised and has no business with justice.

In your opinion, do you think any MSM personalities or execs will face any trouble? Or will they just fall in line once it's clear that's the only way to survive and pretend like they never shilled and lied, and the new powers that be will just allow this in the interest of stability?

All y'all ever need to know for sure is that if it doesn't happen sooner than later, you'll already be too busy to notice, flooding this board with threads, posts, contradictory evidence you've uncovered and motive theories, about another "false happening", like "Vegas" and everything else.


That's exactly what is worrisome. It's only a matter of time before (((they))) pull something else to divert attention.

Hopefully Assange will blow the lid off this MF before they have time to try to pull another ff event off.

Mueller should be removed as the special prosecutor due to a conflict of intrests.

Bump. Soros just gave shills an 18billion budget. Slide is strengthened

>has been asked to testify before the Senate Judiciary committee
>i can't answer that
>i take the 5th

A real, genuine actual thread? One about politics and current events? One the shills will in seconds begin their "memes" of the Hillary Russian Collusion "Conspiracy"?


Even fucking drudge is staying silent.

>another "false happening",
Are you fucking serious. I thought you said their usual bag of tricks won't work. I know you don't have control of that but... Fuck. I'm guessing it will be fake or real deaths of important people


All that is just play. "Investigating" is just another word for "Covering Up" at this point. Since there have been absolutely no indictments, despite proof of treason, obstruction of justice, and other such useless terms, I can assume that the DoJ, FBI and Congress are hoping this blows over.

Is this what you meant when you said that those in the swamp are willing to die for it?

>RICO cases happen overnight

Do you think the media will accurately report the crumbling of the deep state/establishment or will they try to frame it as "Trump and co are attacking their political rivals"

By willing to die, I assume you mean willing to kill for it.

Dare I say it we might actually have to TALK to people FACE TO FACE about this.

If the uranium one scandal is confirmed, especially when f-bee-I informant with NDA & lawyer on the case opens, the first will have to be very big, Nora big, imo

Fuckuing autocorrect *FF

Both. Supposedly the high rank swamp members are going to start dying off just to protect themselves

Remember that when you say "we" you mean the kinds of people Sup Forums attracts who already think outside of the narrative. Sure, "we" know already, but "we", aren't the majority of those (((they))) brainwashed, right?! Sure Wikileaks told you this about Mueller years ago. And yes, the same media outlets the MSM deems "fake news" today, are the same ones who reported on the Wikileaks Uranium/CF/Mueller/Obama/DOJ/FBI corruption and "Russian-tied dem collusion" a year ago... but WE already know all of this because WE already consider the MSM and establishment government, corrupt. Therefore, WE ALREADY DEEM WIKILEAKS and the few MEDIA OUTLETS THAT DID REPORT IT, TO BE CREDIBLE, VALID SOURCES. Those who (((they))) overwhelmingly control via the (((they))) controlled MSM, weren't told Wikileaks has a 100% track record of accuracy when Wikileaks dropped the info more than a year ago, right? Nope. All the MSM brainwashed had EVER heard or read about, at that time, was that Julian Assange was a multi-count, criminally charged sex offender, evading extradition and justice, from a room in the Ecuadorian UK Embassy, who ran a foreign-tied, illegally obtained and published document site, which landed one leaker/national security threat (Manning) in prison, sentenced to 35 years and the other, seeking never-ending asylum from the U.S., in Russia, for what will probably be, the rest of his natural born life, right?! What's seemingly "old news" today, for (you) enlightened keyboard warriors on a mission for the truth, is "NEW NEWS", for EVERYONE ELSE... and the MSM has worked VERY hard to discredit EVERY SINGLE MEDIA OUTLET AND EVERY "ALTERNATIVE" INFORMATION SOURCE, like Wikileaks, FOR YEARS, ON PURPOSE. They did it so that if and when, the shit ever got REALLY CLOSE to actually hitting the actual fucking fan, the oblivious majorities would be less inclined to believe it. Con't below... the following post will be important...

>big corruption feeds little corruption

methinks this informant's fixin' to start feeling real suicidal come time to give his testimony

>This is cuckd
So what would that make the rest of the world who's even worse off than we are by miles?
Also OAN isn't keeping quiet about it at all so you can suck a dick

This is retarded. Story came out 2 years ago on all MSM outlets. It was a Canadian company, not an American company. Snopes already debunked this entire thing. All you happeningfags are wasting your time yet again

WikiLeaks are faggots who hate freedom
If they really gave a shit instead of just being virtue signalers form liberal brownie points and friends adoration they would completely unload all they have to try to save the US
But they don't, because they're cucks

>Doubting the Emperor
You will eat your words

The story 2 years ago had no mention of the Russian bribery.


Is Trump the informant?

It shouldn't work but like I also said in that post as well as several others, I don't do "timeframes/dates" because if I did, I would've been no different than any other "user" you deem a LARP, who spontaneously shows up, throws up a few super interesting, yet vague posts that get y'all screaming "it's happening"... until it doesn't, right?

If my intent was to LARP big and go home, I'd start a thread screaming "IT'S HAPPENING AT 3:30 TODAY!!! GET THE FUCK IN HERE!!!" and then I'd attach a Ron Paul explosion meme, for authenticity.

I don't need to validate myself to you by throwing you bullshit based on my opinions, not fact. If you demand "truth" and "facts" then the truth and fact is, that no one who legitimately knows how this system works and would take the time to post valid shit on Sup Forums, of all places they could never be associated with, would NEVER actually commit themselves, to specific times and dates.

Yes, there are other legitimate anons who may come on here, drop something huge, never planning to come back, but look at it like this... user John dropped a nugget y'all feel is legit NOW, after the fact, but as soon as the specific date he gave from his initial post about Vegas or Henderson came and went, YOU forgot about him. In fact, deemed him a LARP for another two days, using his cap as an example of such, then you archived his ass for what you assumed would be forever, right?

Poor user John, a guy who doesn't post much + didn't meet your posting "criteria" + banked on a timeframe of a happening you deemed bullshit as soon as it passed = one of the biggest, most referred to user caps you've attached and cited in every single Vegas thread, to date, am I wrong?

Foreign investments and donating to charity are now bribery? Cute.


Eithet Uranium One is related to Mueller's Russia probe, and he must step down due to conflict of interest


Uranium One has nothing to do with Mueller's probe, and Sessions' recusal doesn't apply.

Pick one.

Give it up shill.
>Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.

>Clinton Foundation
Pick one

larp or not this time, it looks like this guy is the same as the original.
At lesat there's consistency this time

Double check!

Me thinks he is with us.

This is exactly how Kellyanne talks.

keep posting

two pair. nicely played.

this id is more reasonable than the last few,
I'm starting to think the imitations are contributing to the ethos of the origina ls
Any one else care to way in?

Inform me of which charity you speak, brockfag

21st Century holy crusade confirmed!

These digits

I mentioned nothing about time frames in that post, I understand. Also since you're here, it may have been a LARP but you said that you were in fact John, is that true?

He's watching

The Ravens will starve.

He and I are here.

I wasn't doubting you about the legitimacy of what you had said, that it wouldn't work. The only thing that can determine if they don't "work" is whether or not the masses see that, and I personally don't think that will be the case. Overall, they would need big fucking neon signs saying "VARIOUS NEWS OUTLETS BOUGHT OUT BY DNC." Call me a pessimist but I don't see that happening

Thanks user



Sure. But realize the "swamp" is comprised of two different kinds of people, as I've said before. The people who created it and keep it churning and the people who, just like Patsy's, were unwillingly pulled/blackmailed in and over time, grew increasingly and unavoidably entrenched in it.

The ones who keep the swamp churning are the minority. They're ones who'd die for it because they have the most at stake and the most to lose. For them, there is no alternative. It's life in the swamp as they know it today, or life in federal max prison, for the rest of their natural born lives, at least.

The majority of what's considered the swamp, is comprised of those who were unwillingly and involuntarily dragged in.

Like a Patsy, they pull you in by either blackmailing you on something they already know you did (like fudging one too many exemption claims on your taxes one year, or using campaign funds for a family vacation you took), framing you for something you didn't do but (((they've))) falsified, edited or created enough fake proof on, that you don't stand a chance trying to fight in court (search Charles Kushner and what he did to his brother-in-law w/ and a hired hooker, as an example) or they con you into doing something you feel is shady at first but (((they've))) successfully convinced you is "ok", by claiming shit like, "it's for the greater good", "if you don't do this, then this will happen and hundreds of thousands in your district, who voted for you and look to you to represent them, will suffer the consequences of your lack of action that we'll have to admit to, when they come asking us", type of stuff.

Whatever (((they've))) found, falsely created or convinced you into doing that you later realized wasn't a good idea, they will dangle it over your head as collateral, every time they need you. It starts with one small, less obvious yet still wrong, "favor" or "task" and before you even realize it...

The Clinton Foundation

Definitely not a charity. Got another?

Thank you. Please consider that many of us are already putting AS MUCH time and mental effort into this as we can. It may feel to you that we aren't working hard enough to connect the dots but with work/life it's difficult.

Why did Wray quit in 2005 when he was working for Comey?

A Canadian company that was mining uranium in the U.S. for the U.S. Government, fucking dumbass.


Nor did the story 2 years ago indicate that the FBI had looked into it /covered it up.

>except when they're friends with Obama and Clinton :^)

Did you see the awful CNN article?


... you're fucking swimming eyeballs deep in the sick depths of (((their))) corruption and sadly, the longer you're in office the deeper you are and you know they'll never let you go, because (((they))) need to keep the swamp churning, using and abusing all those they've sucked in, they relentlessly campaign for and fund your re-election, recommend you promotions, award you with honors you can't deny and must accept to thwart suspicion, promote public recognitions, nominate you for committee chairs, department heads, etc. all to FORCE YOU, to keep working for them, for years and years while they take comfort knowing you won't say a fucking word.

THIS WAS BANNON'S PRE-NEGOTIATED PURPOSE in the campaign/admin. Give those who desperately wanted to leave the swamp they never wanted to swim in, in the first place, a chance and path, to escape. You have NO IDEA, exactly how much of the swamp has already drained itself by flipping on those, who've kept the swamp churning. MANY have happily and thankfully exchanged info for pleas. WHY DO YOU THINK PEOPLE ACCUSING THE OBAMA ADMIN, the DOJ and FBI of "threatening them", are COMING OUT NOW?! Do you think it's really just "perfect timing"? Doesn't that seem too easy? A little too convenient?! Well, it's not. It's taken more than a year and those discussions/negotiations started privately, held behind closed doors, the day GOP Presidential nominee Trump, officially hired Bannon, to his campaign. That's the exact day the "swamp", started to drain itself and (((THEY))) ALL KNOW IT... now.

post moar

Nothing will come of this. The GOP is in a tailspin and their weakness has been laid bare for everyone to see that even with a majority they truly have no vision, no direction, no real leadership. The wolves are circling now and the right is about to get torn limb from limb not by the left but by internal conflict within itself.

There isn't enough cohesion left in the GOP to put up a proper defensive, too many flaws in the armor have been exposed. Trump is falling through the floor and half the right is collapsing through it with him.

We'll just have to see what's still alive at the bottom.

Bump. Like to read more from insightfull user here.

Haha, go dig through archives, find the cap and don't come back until you can attach it. I never claimed or said I was John user, boss. I've only replied to posts asking me about him. I'm a chick always have been and that's been known since my first series of posts back in May. I've posted feet (which I'll never do again FYI, cause y'all took it down a creepy path I didn't foresee) and I've never claimed to be a "dude", or "John", in any post, ever.

But please, start digging now... it's gonna be a while, brah.

post tits or gtfo
stop showing green, you'll only make it hard on yourself