Claims he is benevolent

>claims he is benevolent
>creates evil

>Claims he's straight
>Is the OP

Free will bitch.

So you can test yourself. So you can prove yourself. So you can reach unspeakable heights of greatness. Without evil there would be no urge to improve, no urge to reach glory. May God bless you and may God bless us all.

The lack of God is evil.
Free will creates the possibility of evil.


He created beings with free choice, which is not evil. People choose to be evil.

>Confusing God for the Demiurge

No one created Evil. I was before all!

>child having cancer
>free will

>claims he exists
>he doesn't

>gives free will to test humans
>is omniscient so already knows the answers beforehand

I don't remember God claiming he is benevolent

He most definitely claimed that he creates evil.

God is God, whether he is morally acceptable to you is not even an afterthought. You should be more concerned about whether he exists.

suffering is not evil

All kids go to heaven so i dont see the problem


>life should all be happy happy no evil no bad nice thoughts

>fedora's first argument
Isn't it just adorable? *tips*. You might want to look up Thomas Aquinas before posting.

>creates satan and hell for the lulz

>God's not real because bad things happen
you need to be 18 to post here

You know old Christianity was more like Judaism in being truly monotheistic and not having a force of positive evil. There was only God and distance from God. Darkness is not a tangible thing it is simply the absence of light. They absorbed a dualistic cult at one point and the concept of positive evil and the devil was introduced.

The god in abrahamic religions was originally just a part of a pantheon of ancient Canaanite gods. A war god.
He is not omnipotent and he is not benevelont.

Why do you think (((they))) are setting up the stage for a massive war between christians and muslims? A sacrifice of millions if not billions of people, by the Chosen to their "God".

Stop worshiping an ancient desert war god.

gnostic pls go

it literally says that the earth is satans realm till he perishes in the final battle

also what is free will?

are you fucking retarded?
if you are going to critique someone based on literature at least study the fucking subject

this is why everyone hates you fedoras

>create innocent beautiful child and kill it right after
pick one

Satan has free will

I just love it when these degenerates with zero knowledge in theology try to speak about God.

>asks Man to trust Him and to enjoy Eden, warns Man of the consequences of exploring the depths of morality
>effectively gives Man the choice between immortality in Eden or learning the meaning of Good and Evil by experiencing the contrast between them first-hand
>Man tips fedora, chooses the latter wanting to be enlightened by his own intellect
>respects Man's decision and exiles Man into a world where Evil exists, to Man may learn its meaning, as Man desired
>gives people a way back out through Christ
>also turns out Evil is the absence of God, and Man turned away from God as per his own will


wtf im an atheist now

>teachers gives out test to students in school
>already knows the answers beforehand
Lol, right? Why doesn't the teacher just fill out the answers on that scantron?

>believes in god
>calls others underage

Only the bodies the kid is still fine

Yes before the light there was only darkness. You are only a void that can not comprehend the light. One day the light of God will shine bright even in the darkest reaches of the universe and you will be no more.

we were given a choice. before we chose to follow the deceiver's lie that we would be like God knowing good and evil we lived without that duality... this is hard to understand because we are conditioned to think "good" is the ultimate highest desireable state of anything but good only arises in relation to the presences of evil. without the differentiation all was pure innocence.. I can't penetrate this however much I contemplate because my mind is contaminated by the effects of this condition.

at this point it is an element of faith that humans originally existed in a state of innocence and the present condition of this world was absent in that the violent aspects which bring destruction throughout were not present.. if you can conceive if that state add to it the immanent presence of the Living God with whom we could communicate. .. after we chose to disobey and gain the knowledge of good and evil God withdrew from the world and left us to live with the conseqeunces... perhaps it was this alone.. God withdrawing a level of his immediacy which allowed the development of our innocence to the duality we call good and evil because he was no longer present sanctifying the earth

>death is bad if there is an eternity of life afterwards.

sins are inherited

ie cains/hams decendents

God knows literally all answers, including what the results of the test will be
Teachers dont know how much each person will score
God knows everything

Whence cometh Evil?

>evil is free will

Not disagreeing, but come on that's not even an argument.

>Has children.
>They are just as capable of comitting "evil" as Him because they are made in His image, i.e. imbued with absolute free will.
>His children have only to listen to Him, but lol, nah. Evil is fun and exciting.
>His children slowly destroy the universe, but He loves them too much to kill them all.
>Comes down as a human to help us.
>We kill Him.
>The great demon in us screams, GOD IS DEAD. GOD IS EVIL.

do you all still seriously believe in god in the year 2017? j*sus chr*st

You caught me leaf.

Why couldn't he create free will without evil?

the sin of the father is not the sin if the son


>Using your interpretation of evil and trying to apply it to an eternal omniscient being.

>Free will creates the possibility of evil.
Slave morality in a nutshell, either reform your beliefs or kys

He did, it's called heaven

G-d is above the good/bad dichotomy

How does free will not create the possibility of what we might call evil, and what God certainly knows is? Elaborate.

incorrect, most teachers knows what grade each child will make, monkey

the funny thing is that if god is real, he decides what's right and what's wrong so technically he can do no wrong. I remember correctly, one chapter of the bible has a guy realizing that no matter how evil something that god does seems, it's not because he's god. And if he tried to reason against god he'd always lose even if his reasoning seemed good to him, again, because god id god. or something like that idk it's been quite some time since i went to confirmation school

g-d, just like how Jews call him, either denounce your retarded desert beliefs or kill yourself



>fearing death

>loves its children
>see them suffering and don't help

Sauce or GTFO

are you a jew or christian?

Everything God does is inherently good as he is the most perfect being and therefore the most real.

Strengthening of man requires the presence of adversity.

>love its children
>send them to hell if they don't love him back

It's a test.

We created God in our own selfish arrogance as a get-rich quick scheme disguised as moral certainty. Attribution of meaning to randomness is has and will always prove that sheep are slaves.

>evil is bad
Top cuck

>says you shall not kill
>spends his time killing everything and destroying everyone during the bible

>says you shall honor your family
>kills and torture his own son in the worst possible way

>says you shall be merciful, show the other cheek when punched
>creates a pit with burning fire and send everyone who disagree with him in it to burn for eternity

They can make a guess but they will never know exactly how much everyone will score, mongrel

>the point of the test the teacher hands out is to just score the students
If a school teacher had a magic oracle that could tell her what score each student would receive if she handed out a test, would she not hand out a test?

Critical thinking question: Would the results of the oracle be the same between "what score each student would receive on the test if she handed out a test" and "what score each student would receive on the test if she *didn't* handed out a test"?
Answer: There is something called studying and growing. There is a greater point to the test than just a score, as is a greater point to this test called life, than just where we would end up after death.

>claims he is perfect
>creates a being which undermines his creation and that he will have to go to war with
If god is perfect why didn't he just make creation unfucked to begin with?
Why would he let the devil exist to trick us if he loves us?

Christcucks BTFO

monotheism is an abjection at best fit for slaves
it means you can't choose your own God, and thus, even less be your own God

>Loves his children.
>They chose evil.
>If God tried to help, we would be destroyed. He chooses not to help, but gave us the tools to help ourselves. Still, here you are, a fool spreading dischord.

The Deist reads this like this.

>Create universe for some purpose that the denizens probably won't be able to comprehend.
>Denizens arise on one little screw ball planet, good stuff happens bad stuff happens caused either by force of nature or by one denizen to another.
>Denzens come up with a concept of God to explain all the happenings since they don't understand why they happen that alternates between bully and Santa Clause.
>This becomes the popular vision of god to some religions.

Fine points, user. Keep dropping redpills.

Godel's incompleteness theory, or the halting problem or some shit you dumb nigger

Before you blame God for a child's cancer, you need to make sure that child and its' parents actually bothered to follow God's explicit instructions for health and wellness which are detailed at great length in the Old Testament in several places. Strict dietary laws and such.

But if you feed the kid a bunch of nasty crap God specifically told you not to eat, like pork, or shellfish, which is the meat of BOTTOM-FEEDERS and SCAVENGERS, then yeah, what do you know, that shit's not healthy and for some people it's more dangerous than it is for "normal" people and you just don't know until you find out the hard way.

Not just pork either, one famous commandment that a lot of people mock and scoff at is the one about wearing wool and linen at the same time. It sounds ridiculous to somebody who doesn't know shit about fuck, but when they measured the frequencies of different fabrics, they found out that some fabrics have a positive or a negative frequency, and that the mixing of certain fabrics can cause interference which generates a literal field of negative frequency around itself, and such fields have yet to be studied in depth but anyone who knows anything knows that frequency is the order of the energy in the universe. You'd have to be pretty stupid to think it has no effect and makes no difference.

We know that people who live closer to electrical transformers have a higher rate of cancer, don't we?

Maybe it's not God's fault that the rates of cancer and especially pediatric cancer have increased exponentially in every successive generation in the last six generations.

Maybe that's not God giving little kids cancer, maybe God is the one who warned us that we would be destroyed for LACK OF KNOWLEDGE and for being LOVERS OF SELF, NOT LOVERS OF TRUTH, and for ESCHEWING SOUND DOCTRINE AND INSTEAD HEARKENING TO TEACHERS WHISPERING WHAT OUR ITCHING EARS DESIRE TO HEAR.

Maybe that's why pediatric cancer rates are skyrocketing.

>If God tried to help, we would be destroyed.
I thought he was all powerful and all knowing?
Why couldn't he help us without destroying us?

>why didnt the eagles just drop the ring into mordor
Because existence cannot be one dimensional and still exist

So your logical terminus is that God doesn't exist and is made up by man. We're discussing theology here. Go elsewhere.

He is omnipotent. His morality and reasoning far exceeds your understanding.

>love his children so much that he gives them free will
>however, if you don't make the choice HE WANTS you are going to hell

>love his children so much
>let them burn for eternity because he is a jealous fuck

>condems buttfucking
>puts male g-spot in the ass

nice argument there, really good

Also, Hillary was right but you can't understand because she is too smart and it exceeds your understanding

>have a kid
>kid turns out to be lena dunham
I guess humankind should just stop reproducing because it might sometimes turn out badly

Hold your tongue you filthy non-believer. Do not use the word of God in vain. You shall burn in hell for eternity if you don't change your subhuman ways.

This. Punishment for imagined errors. Pushing Guilt on people for choices beyond what is specified approval doctrine.

Why would good make humans with genitals, and two commandments dedicated to them. If he's all powerful could make us without, and just breed like trees, no need for that sin, no porn, fornication, no adultery, ect.

Complete Intelligent.

>imposes rules on an omnipotent being
I thought he created the universe? That would mean that he put the laws of the universe in motion, right?
Why would he make a flawed universe?

the fact that atheists use this as an argument goes to show how fucking stupid calvinism is

In the end, those who are not his children will be forgotten. You are in over your head.


I've always more prescribed to the idea that evil isn't an actually created thing. It seems like everything we consider "evil" is basically acting out of self interest/imperfection. If God is a perfect being then he would be the only being capable of being perfect. So if he created any being at all ever that wasn't on the same level as him then they would be at least slightly imperfect and at least sometimes act selfishly. Think of it not like God created evil but that anything that isn't God by definition of imperfection is "evil."

Not an argument, christcuck.

The various -ologies are all interconnected.Morality and Deistic philosophy have been interchanged accordingly many times over.

>good & evil,two sides of the same coin
>lucifer creates the first sin,thus creates evil
>its somehow Gods fault
>trick dumb eva to eat of the tree of wisdom & eventually adams
>damns mankind by his trickery
>its God's fault
No,its Lucifers fault,he wanted to be god but that position is already taken,thus he rebelled with his legions of Angels
Op has nigger tier logic,read the Bible before talking about this stuff

God could not have made us without evil being made as well but he loves our little souls so much that he made us and also tries to save us from the inherent corruption in our flesh constantly.

>there can be good without evil
Great post, OP

>have a nice apple tree you dont want anyone to eat
>Lol lets just place it in the only planet with humans instead of literally everywhere else

god is an autist

>says you shall not comet
>asks his biggest fan abraham to sacrifice his own son for him
>just when abraham is about to kill his son, sends an angel and stops abraham

Then why punish us if imperfection is our natural state of being?