This is just moeshit for people who think they are too good to like moeshit

This is just moeshit for people who think they are too good to like moeshit



This show is a treasure

Comfy show desu


>This is just moeshit for people who think they are too good to like moeshit
That's Aria

But I like moeshit and NNB.

Also this

I assure you I liked other moe shows long before NNB, and NNB clearly came across as a step above the usual ones. It's in the top 10 all time for sure, probably top 5 or better for many.

So, it being praised like it was drew attention from people who don't normally watch moe shows. Of these extra watchers past the core audience, if they liked it too then they go into a tsundere-sounding "moeshit sucks except _____", where really they are moefags in denial. I don't think a lot of people do this though unless they have some insecurity issues about themselves for contemplating they love this show. Most people just have an " a-ha! Now I see the appeal" moment and then are open to more such shows.


>hating k-on
The door is over there

Hotarun is so cute here, where is this poster from

>hating NNB

people call it comfy.

Does anybody else feels that they're missing out on something by not enjoying CGDCT ? I mean there's lot of people liking K-ON! and calling it a masterpiece, and when i try to get into it, i just can't do it, the humor makes me cringe, and watching it feels like a chore.

There are a lot of enjoyable CGDCT but really there only about 3 or 4 are considered actual masterpieces. K-On, Hidamari Sketch, Azumanga Daioh to name a few.

Sounds like you might have some problem. Have you tried working out first to build up a sweat, then fixing yourself a delicious bowl of egg-sprinkled rice? When my soul seems to be misaligned, I find these things help bring me back to that comfortable middle point.

What are your favorite shows this and the last season?

Re:zero, MP100, Netoge and JoJo

There are literally no reasons to dislike NNB.

Well, your problem is pretty simple - you have bad taste

There are many different typos of CGDCT anime. K-On lacks in humor and can feel kind of boring if you're not into that type of anime. Try a bit more fast paced comedy focused anime and see if you like it.

I mainly focus on my backlog. Most of my anime that i watched in these seasons were non-airing and i pick up like 2-3 shows per season, so i doubt that i have much of a choice in seasonal anime. In the last two seasons i picked up most of my shows because i liked the manga, for example: JoJo and Mob.


I want Sup Forums to fuck off.

You just have good taste, you're not losing anything.

>no super powers or shounen fight scenes = boring

damage control
>lvl maximun.
pss shounen is shit too. I don't see your fucking point, you just can't accept that NNB is boring.

hella f*cking cozy

NNB is good for the soul

Aria is scenery porn and unfunny gags. Characters are nothing to care for, so not even moe.


NNB is the purest and comfiest show.

This show was stressful for my dick.

>you will never be best friends with her

Not really? I don't personally enjoy it myself and I don't mind that people do. I prefer more serious/mature shows like Jojo for instance, or Attack on Titan.

Is that a scrotum?

candy store with renge stuff made me feel things i didnt know i could feel

That's just your imagination, you dirty lolicon pedophile.

Some people really like this kind of show, and for those people, NNB was a treat because it was all-around great, wasn't boring, had a good blend of comfy and comedy, and so on.

There's also the dark subtext of the show that gives it a kind of depth, too (the dying village they live in, the financial problems some of the adults are having, and so on). So these kids are growing up in a town that will probably not be there anymore when they're adults, and they're most likely going to be the last students ever attending that school.

Makes it a bit melancholic like YKK.

not him, but i dont think your old enough to enjoy something so comfy. coming home after a hard days work, crack open a beer and watching this is nice

>coming home after a hard days work, crack open a beer and watching this is nice

This user knows what's up. For my money there's nothing better than drawing a hot bath, pouring a glass of wine and watching Aria.

>dark subtext
Even as someone that loved this show, that claim is a bit of a stretch.

Think so? What about the long lingering shots of the empty school and schoolyard with the vaguely sad music playing? What about Candy Store always being stressed and finding a little bit of peace whenever the kids invite themselves over?

Keep in mind Japan's population crisis is a real problem that's very fresh in their hearts and minds, so the disappearing town with the dilapidated schoolhouse is pretty real to them.

>you will never be best friends with her

Ren-chon wants to play dolls