
I just finished the whole series in two sittings.
It was really intense and good.

Minori is so great! I was rooting for her the whole time.


Are there any series with character similar to hers?

Half of the highschool romcoms have genki girls.

Minori is more than genki

True, she's shitty genki.

Don't talk shit about Minori!!!

>Introduce two interesting and unique female characters
>Name the series after the generic loli-bait tsundere who obviously wins in the end.

Ya-chan still best girl.


Ya-chan was great
Minori tho was best

nice anime overall, but the end was so disappointed

I like Toradora better when it was called Keit-ai.

Ami is Shit


finally a nigger who tells the truth

Linda should've won.


Minori and Ami are objectively such better characters than Taiga and the entire last third of the series is a meandering melodramatic mess that destroys all the potential it ever had.

>the genki girl
>every winning

Name me one, ONE show where the genki girl wins?

There is non, because japan hates genki with a passion.

Japan hates Orihime too, they even nicknamed her porky, but Kubo still made it happen

Be sure to watch the series again in the future if you liked it a lot. Many parts of dialogue I got in future re-watches that went over my head when I first saw it, knowing what happens and meaning behind some of the scenes actually made it better for me in some ways.

>two sittings

Dude, that's like, 12 episodes in a sitting. How do you even have that kind of attention span? I can barely watch three episodes of something before taking a break. That's pretty fucking sugoi desu senpai

>he doesn't get the meme

Thank you for the compliment

Minorin best girl and don't let anyone convince you otherwise

>Sup Forums claiming that minori and ami are the better characters

Listen, I'm all up for contrarian opinions here. Hell, I'm sad there isn't an anime adaptation of of the milf route from yosuga no sora for example, I found guilty crown's plot to be simple enough to understand, and etsuko yakushimaru produces the best music for anime, closely followed by yoko anno, in my opinion.

However, minori and ami were complete messes of a human beings when it comes to the series. Ami is simple enough; she's essentially another tsundere, but one that prefers mild letdowns to actual praise of other people, giving the impression she doesn't give a shit.

Minori on the other hand is emotionally scarred by every little thing that's ever happened to her, bottles it all up in a cheery facade and because of this never takes an action that may displease someone, especially when it involves her own happiness. If you thought she was going to win, she would've have won it halfway through, or at one of the many opportunities she had.

Compare this to a mild tsundere, who admittedly is a bit bland in the whole backstory thing until the second half, but is otherwise generally amusing and has good cheMCistry and you have a clear view of what route the series is taking.

No archetypes I like ever win.
Tomboys never do, and goth girls are rare as fuck.

Minori was fucking terrible though

I always cringed when she started to talk about ghosts and aliens