Why can't anime be scary?

Why can't anime be scary?

That's not scary, that's edgy

mainly because the medium is hard to showcase in animation, they either try to do simple jump scares or just flat out edgy gorefest.

>finding anything scary
Fucking grow up.

Movies have the same problem, it's not limited to anime.
Literature is your closest bet, but to me it's more unsettling than scary, I guess it depends on your personality and how much you actually want to be scared.

Japs find gore shit scary, that's enough for them.

Why did you use an image from a videogame? If you come hunting for recommendations then you need to go back.

Horror can and has worked. Mostly it doesn't work because the best horror is low budget and indie. People make horror because it's cheap and even if it pulls in a fraction of what big budget productions pull in then it can be a success. It's thrives as a niche genre because so long as the diehards see it, it can make a tidy profit.

That doesn't work with anime. Anime can't really be done cheaply or it loses it's effectiveness. It can't appeal to a small niche because it's got to compete for otaku neet yen. It's almost never a good idea to create a horror series because anime doesn't play to the financial strengths of the genre.

There is one current, cheap to make multi season series that is the exception to this rule. But that seems to be the only one.

What people find scary is too subjective. Plus, most people don't actually get enjoyment out of jumpscares or whatever nonsense is "scary"

Good horror is shit that is weird, or uncomfortable, or creepy, or even just plain interesting in a dark way

The one instance I remember of anime actually having horror effect on me is while watching Mononoke. Both the first arc and the Norio Wakamoto fish arc.

I wish I found more anime scary.
Like Boogiepop phantom.
I wish I could get the same experience in anime as playing through silent hill 1-3.
I mean, jump scares are just reflexes. Gore is another thing entirely. I'm looking for that slow, horrible, creeping and mesmerizing type of dread.

The only legitimately scary anime I've found so far is Higurashi. The others just show guts and blood and call themselves horror (looking at you, Mirai Nikki, Another, Elfen Lied, etc.) Higurashi was gorey too but that wasn't what made it


Higurashi, Mononoke, Perfect Blue


Perfect blue was great.
I'll look into the other two, thanks.

It's strange that there are so few horror anime when I've read so many manga that have made me nope the fuck off.
>14sai anime when

I think the reason (for me at least), that horror doesn't work in anime is because it's too far separated from realistic imagery. I mean, the biggest advantage of the medium is that you can do basically whatever the fuck you want artistically because it's almost expected now, but going that route with horror takes away the realism that our subconcious percieves as a threat. One of the biggest reason home invasion and slasher films are so popular is because shit actually happens like that in real life (to a degree. I seriously doubt people's survival instincts are as fucked up as they are in the movies).

To overcome this obstacle you'd have to make your art style as realistic as possible and keep at least some of the gore or supernatural imagery within the realm of physics.

It's also really hard to do the proper slow burn in a 24-minute episode. Even horror tv shows that have like, half a movie's length per episode have some difficulty pulling off the threat levels, because on some level we know that most of the characters will survive. Otherwise you'd need a stupidly huge cast, or keep introducing new characters that we don't have time to get invested in. This issue is even more prominent in shorter episodes.

Animated horror movies in Japan might have some better luck, but again, the medium by design makes this difficult.

And that's exactly the problem. "Horror" nowadays just means "how much gore can we fit in?"

Higurashi stops being scary in the second season though.

>Deadly Premonition
did we play the same game?

>deadly premonition

I do not agree but you present your reasoning well, user.

I think that horror is such a hard feeling to invoke with an anime that few if anyone is willing to risk it when other genres are both easier and more profitable.

I don't disagree with that statement, either.

I need to play that. I have Director's Cut, but I heard there's a whole shit-ton of problems playing it on PC.

EoE is terryifying.
No one is scared by jumps or what have you, people are scared that they may not achieve their goals in life and such. That stuff never scares you?

Never played the pc port only played the original but even it had a ton of problems so you will be getting the same experience either way.

Despite how buggy and just straight up weird it can be its worth playing since there really is no other games like it.

eoe IS terrifying.
Nge has some great horror elements (shinji seeing the eye of the eva in a reflecrion, berserk unit01 etc) but since the story (mecha) and theme (human interaction) were so much stronger and the horror integrated, I would still not call it horror.
If that makes sense.

Le Portrait of Petite Cossette is pretty creepy and erotic.

Ghost Hound was pretty uncanny too

>ghost hound
You know, people keep saying it's spooky but all I got was some weird astral baby ass shots and urban exploring. I think I gave it 6-8 episodes before I gave up.

Ika Musume was the best horror anime ever.

Cossette is a classic that more of Sup Forums needs to watch

Horror in animation is hard to do in general, but shows like Spawn and Devilman Lady show it can work. Albeit, most successful examples combine horror with action.

Another was pretty scary but I haven't seen anything that really
Scared me.

Hey I never said I finished the show

It could be, buts its a money problem.
Who would watch a horror anime/OVA?
The production cost are way to high to risc it, with no existing audience.
Horror games have a strong fanbase and horror movies even make money even when they suck balls.

I don't think time is the issue here

Movies are far superior. The Thing has yet to be beat.

Books arent scary at all.

Games are best for horror due to being interactive, shame most horror games are now jumpscares and walking sims.
They also need to look at different types of horror, bodyhorror is best. I never played psychonaughts due to character designs scaring me, or stick it to the man, brutal legend had deformed headbangers. I also remember being a child and seeing a horrific, blue, humanoid puppet. Fuck any of those things.

>To overcome this obstacle you'd have to make your art style as realistic as possible and keep at least some of the gore or supernatural imagery within the realm of physics.

Not really, Junji Ito's stuff for example manages to be scary by being bizarre, not by being realistic.

>books aren't scary at all
Nigga, you need to work on improving the flexibility of your imagination.

Some of the most soul-freezing senses of dread and grasping, heart-pounding, time-stopping horror I've ever experienced has been in the pages of really amazing books.

Anime about Dead Space when? Finally we geta jump scare done right.

Not him but could you give some examples? I've read a ton of horror and while most have been enjoyable very few of them were actually scary.
>city of glass
>house of leaves
That's all of them.

I was going through withdrawls at the time and this scared the shit out of me

the first few jump scares in Dead Space were fine, and so were all of the non-jump-scare moments

but that shit got way too predictable

for fuck sake, they gave you a "TURN 180 DEGREES" button

Anime about skinwalkers when?


I wished they made a new game for Deadly Premonition with updated graphics, or just Konami fucked off with their gambling shit and finish Silent Hill

I jumped twice and just threw my PS3 out the window, never touching dead space again.

Scary =/= Jumpscares

Now you know.

I legitimately thought that was Anderson from the thumbnail. Fuck me.

Havent read city of glass, but the other two weren't scary.

You're either replying to the wrong guy, or a cunt who cant give a straight answer, but wants to "win" the argument.

So you need to try be afraid of books?

The Thing isn't scary in the least, it's just tense.

>What is Corpse Party

A really bad adaptation with an even worse live action movie

Because horror is meant to make us think it could actually happen. When something is animated, it's difficult to think of what's happening as anything other than pure fiction. It's much easier to sell the idea of terror when it's portrayed in live action.

What? Why?

Shin sekai yori was fucking scary

Books can be scary, in the slowly creeping way. If you can get invested into a book.

>he doesn't know the true raincoat killer's motives are literally the exact opposite of edgy
What a foolish faggot you are, user.

Take your waifu put her in anime and have some try kill her

So what animes have tried to be pure horror or at least mostly horror?

Well they are making a new MGS

With zombies

>shiki and another
were they actually trying to be horror?
Tokyo Ghoul is pretty good horror. Even the OP gave me chills. I had to stop watching it because of the overwhelming sense of dread and impending doom

Don't remind me.

You're better off playing the PS3 version or the 360 version
The PC version is broken and sometimes just doesn't work. It has better framerate than the PS3 version, but looks worse than the 360 version, which has worse controls than the PS3/PC versions

Was the tokyo ghoul anime good?
Sup Forums seems to universally shit on it but that doesn't really say much.

Visual mediums appeal directly to the senses, as opposed to words which appeal to the conscious mind. The fear you're describing isn't the same as the fear OP is describing. It is a spiritual malaise. Which, I think, film does better anyway.

I didn't like it, but I normally don't like that kind of thing anyway, so my opinion probably isn't very useful

Another wasn't scary, it was hilarious.

Not very scary

I would have prefered that Tokyo was a copy paste of Prototype the game......such wasted potential

Corpse party is really good and whoever disagrees is a nigger faggot


Shit taste

Couldn't take it seriously, which in turn made all the random deaths pretty funny.

Yes, Corpse Party IS for people with shit taste.
Glad we agree


Because it is fucking cartoons.

>You will never experience true terror again as you wander the zone at night
>You will never walk into lab X18 again for the first time

So I can choose between a broken game, shit frame rate and bad controls? No wonder the video game scene is dying.

>So I can choose between a broken game, shit frame rate and bad controls?
Pretty much. I like Deadly Premonition, but every version of that game is fucked in someway.
The 360 version is probably has it the best if you can deal with tank controls

Just because it's terrible doesn't mean it's not the greatest game of all time.

You know, any other game I'd say what the fuck are you talking about.

But in this case you are right

I forget if this was the first death or if the elevator one came first, but for me the second this happened it went from somewhat creepy to full on Final Destination tier comedy.

>literal namefags
stop posting

Why can't jumpscares be scary?

Horror anime should use those fucking sound effects.

Well they can but they are cheap.
Now a properly used jump scare can be great for releasing tension but this should be done sparingly and only for pacing. Ringu did this well. Doom 3 did this poorly.