The problem is she think I wasn't aware calling someone a nigger in a chat room 15 years ago wasn't racist.
I have. Then I laughed.
she's Jewish isn't she?
>white women
Word diarriah this doesn't make sense Checked
Oy vey anuddah whoah
Kek, that's literally what everybody on here does all the time, guess we figured "this" out
She is racist...
>whoa, that thing i said wasn't nearly racist enough
>tfw you want to not hate yourself as much for being white, by guilting other whites into hating themselves for being white
I guess my memoirs about my noscopes in halo were...dare I say..a tad too much?
Of course I did. I followed up with a realization that racism wasn't wrong
Whoa whoa amy jo
your vile racism has got to go
If you're a black person & you never go, "Whoa. That thing I thought/said/wrote was racist," you haven't even started figuring this out.
I understood it just fine.
If you're gonna critique something you should probably reread it a couple times.
not sure, but she writes an awful lot about how awesome gays are and is a single mum
Kill niggers
woah fuck off
(thinking of all those times i unwittingly committed microagressions) wow i really could have been a better ally. guess i better flagellate myself on facebook.
Whoa, how indocrinated was I to not see that different races exist? Did I not have eyes in my head?
I do it all the time. Then I pat myself on the back.
I do that all the time.
It's undeniably racist.
It's not wrong though, and that's what matters.
Whoa I don't give a shit about what you think.
Its all about definitions and intent.
Racism is retarded. Just like being a nigger is retarded. Act like person and I'll consider you a person. Act like a nigger and I'll consider you a nigger.
woah, das raycis
"that's racist"
I don't care.
>be white
>have even one remotely different opinion than someone else
>get labelled as racist
Each day gets just a little bit more difficult.
This operates on the premise that racism is bad, and is thus automatically false.
now is EXACTLY the time to tell your self:
"that thing i wrote was racist"
and to start figuring it out mate.
If you are a white person and you never go, " Whoa I don't give a shit about racism since I'm automatically racist for being white " then you haven't even started to figure this out.
Did anyone else here become racist purely to spite leftists? I dont even care about minorities
so that's a yes then?
White women are the worst
You can't be racist against Jews. They're not even real people.
Woah. Really made me repent
^this, pol needs to do the work and get out of this little "hate hugbox" as I have coined it
> this little "hate hugbox" as I have coined it
Oh aren't you a clever little bitch.
That's not even the gayest thing I've ever heard.
Back when I didn't write racist things I cared a lot about this. Now I write racist shit all the time and I just don't care.
So according to her, I've started to figure it out? Seems good to me.
Have you ever wondered why pic related happen?
The time for words has passed bitch
report her for racism
Dat be one dumb whore.
It be sad what being a cunt can do to a brain.
Whoa niggers are racist
People are white. Non-whites are non-persons.
Thread theme:
If you're a black person and you never go, "Whoa. Maybe I should stop commiting a ridiculous amount of crime" you haven't even started figuring this out
oh, you little bastard.
lmao niggers. Whoa.
Fuck yeah the thing I said was racist and I'm going to continue saying racist things until we wipe the subhumans off the planet
If you have never thought race realism is correct or that single moms belong in a landfill with their spawn, you haven’t even STARTED to figure this out.
Whoah buddy. I think this madame started a new meme.
>Sits down fully yet slowly upon floormaster
>Now listen to my virtue signaling.
Lol no bye Schlomo.
Not really.
American blacks use the word nigger more times over the course of a day than the KKK uses it in a year guaranteed
Example of how US blacks speak to show what I'm talk about
>yo whatup my nigger
>he be a bitch ass nigger
>mayn dese niggers is fuckin idiots
For me it's more: "Whoa. That thing I thought/said/wrote wasn't racist enough!"
bad teeth, bigish nose, baid hair, ugly as shit, shilling for books, I give a 8.5/10 jew score.
Whoa, bitch
everything is considered raycist nowadays
The irony is pretty strong. Did she say woah afterwards?
Whoa kill all commies
white guilters need to be publicly executed. It's time to stop
Somebody has to do something about these goddamned kikes.
Whoa. That thing I thought, said, and wrote was racist.
>claim race doesn't exist
>but racism does
I just hate people.
oh how you flaunted it in front of me and than took it away
So as long as we have a whoa in the sentance it buys back whatever we said?
nigger tier thread
>think the way I want you to
>you don’t. Want to be a racist do you????
These little ducking tyrants and their sancatmonious attitudes
Excellent post Mexi bro
I have never thought/said/written anything racist. My record is 100% clean and you can't prove that it isn't.
t. white hetero American male
most look like they need a sammich, shouln't be hard to round em all up.
gift gasse for this bitch
I'm at the point where I go whoa when I write something that isn't racist at this point.
>Jew trying to remind us of the 6 gorillion
Not surprised. Can't you just all live in israel and kill the inbred Muslims so you can finally leave us alone? Or can you not defend Israel without American help?
Hear, hear leaf! We get called racist anyway, no matter what we do so fuck them
>not the gayest
They sure did give it their all though didn't they?
>Keep insulting the race responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths throughout history
Damn, there's a memorable Bowden quote for just about everything leftists say
the funniest thing about this list is that it isn't complete
And I have too. And I didn't laugh, because the media & culture was telling me being racist was bad, and so I tried to stop thinking that way.
And the Sup Forums paved the way for me to embrace that relying on facts instead of other people's feelings is the only fucking way to live life.
But muh toaster makes white bread black.
People of color can't be racist though.
>colored people can't be racist
That's where you're wrong. They'll be whatever the kikes mold them to be
unlike her, I'm not a racist.
I have a feeling alot of these liberals are self projecting.
they did something in their past that they are now ashamed of and in order to cope they have convinced themselves that everyone has done that but they are the only ones making amends.
But it's not racist when they say it because they are oppressed.
This sort of shit is getting tiresome.
>start figuring it out
We did figure it out that's why we hate Jews. More specifically the Jews trying to undermine western society, which happens to be most of the Jews with power or a voice in America.
Racism is a survival trait. If you aren't racist you are weak.
There hasn’t been an oppressed nigger or female in 60+ years.