Why didn't he do it \pol\?
My sole reason for voting him in was to see H*llary hang;_;
>post from 2016
Work on your bait faggot
Question still not answerd stupid
Sets a bad precedent.
The most likely answer is that Congress would use it as an excuse to impeach him.
Don't worry. He totally hammered her on Twitter which is just as fine desu.
"trump is going to jail his political opponents like a dictator" was an effective lefty meme
Trump literally just tweeted this morning about how the justice department needs to get off its ass and prosecute Clinton and Obama. Trump can’t just prosecute people, because he’s the president.
It's almost like this promise was some rediculous bullshit he had no intention on following through on, but new it would make headlines, taking away attention from his "locker room talk".
Drumpf BTFO like a motherfucker
>his spokesperson said
>arresting criminals is a bad precedent
Slide thread. Sage goes into all fields.
Trump cant pursue charges. He's President, not a cop.
He knew about Hannity's bomb and has been waiting for the right moment to trick Congress into investigating it.
This was fucking fake news then and it is now too. OP is Jewish and should therefore be regarded as a liar.
>trump won't
because we will. RIP in pieces, treasonous marxist niggers.
doesn't mean no one else will.
Everyone else wants to seek charges against her. I think he assumed this would take some of the heat off, but it just delayed the inevitable.
>Fake news
>Hillary still walking free
So.. anyone really voted for him because of that?
Probably didn't have what he wanted to get het on at that time. Sometimes waiting is better. So far I am pleased with her Russian bullshit coming out. Loved.it when Pedosta made a retard out of himself on tv.