Reminder that the Bible never prohibits you from marrying and fucking your own cousin, so stop treating it like incest.
Reminder that the Bible never prohibits you from marrying and fucking your own cousin, so stop treating it like incest
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I don't have a hot cousin so looks like I'll have to slew your entire village and take one, but only if she has not laid with a man, the I am to pare her nails and hair, let her mourn her dead cuck family for a month, then go into her, as is the Hebrew Aryan way.
‘No one is to approach any close relative to have sexual relations. I am the Lord. Leviticus 18 New international version
I don't have a hot cousin so looks like I'll have to slew your entire village and take one, but only if she has not laid with a man, the I am to cut her nails and hair, let her mourn her dead cuck family for a month, then go into her, as is the Hebrew Aryan way.
One is a lesbian the other burns coal with gooks
Did you even read that chapter you listed, you fucking idiot?
sauce on you're hot cousin in pic?
UK Paki proxying via USA
Quit inbreeding dumbass.
Prove me why it's wrong as a Christian
Reminder that Pakistan has one of the highest incest rates in the world.
Don't be like Pakistan.
got here before I did, good job
>You shall not take a wife from the daughters of Canaan. Arise, go to Padan Aram, to the house of Bethuel your mother's father, and take yourself a wife from there of the daughters of Laban your mother's brother."
>dont' really hang with family
>out of nowhere get conscripted into cousins sweet 16 never met her or hang with her in my life
>she's the hot cousin , cheerleader all that shit
>her parents keep leaving when we are having practice for her dance she wants to do with her friends for the party
>get dropped off early one Saturday because it's raining and no one showing up till it finishes
>just her and me now bored as fuck
>eating pizza in her room when she starts asking if I have a gf and begins teasing me when I say no
>tell her to shut up and she gets mad and begins pushing me around her room
>full on play fighting while I'm getting angrier about her making fun of me
>she trips me and falls onto me on her bed then begins to poke me while in full mount laughing that i have no gf
>autism strength and flip her over and now I"m on top holding her hands down so she stops poking me
>she tries to wriggle away while panting
>involuntarily start to dryhump her out of nowhere
Before I got hard to the point it was obvious I jumped off her but I think she realized and just kept staring at my stomach region. Shit got weird after that
You're a moron. Kill yourself
By your standards we're all inbred. Cousin marriage was socially accepted everywhere until some american puritans banned it in some states (america is the only first world country that bans cousin mariage).
Pakis face serious genetic conditions due to high number of 1st cousin marriages.
There was a BBC article about it.
The BBC is basically the most pro-paki cocksuckers in media. And even THEY said it.
Fucking science, Bitch!
>america is the only first world country
Ftfy you fucking sodomite
>autistic faggot on Sup Forums half-rapes his cousin
Holy fucking shit the real degenerates are all on this board lmfao.
Reminder that the quran does not prohibit marrying a 1 year old.
Reminder that the quran does not prohibit sodomizing a young boy.
Reminder that the muslim world marries children and sodomizes young boys because the quran does not expressly prohibit it.
I've never had a cousin.
I am the hot cousin in my family and I'd totally fuck me.
We're talking about the Bible here, faggot
this is true, and a pretty good argument. It similar to the fact that Cain and Seth would pretty much be required to have sex with their sisters. I think that's why the verse uses the phrase "close relations." "Close" changes depending on what options you have available. I'd also point out that the passage (Leviticus 18) starts with God saying that following these commands is good for you, but there are specific ones that are particularly distasteful, and God usually throws in a quip about how doing this would be dishonorable, or wicked, etc. Interestingly the quip thrown in about the close relatives is not a moral call to action. He doesn't say "don't have sex with you cousin because it is wrong," he says "No one is to approach any close relative to have sexual relations. I am the Lord." So his particular quip is basically "just trust me on this one." centuries later now we know having sex with your cousin is bad for your kids, even if it isn't necessarily immoral in the same way rape is.
What's wrong with her waist?
The bible does not expressly prohibit marrying a cousin.
Most Christians never marry a cousin.
The quran does not expressly forbid marrying a child or raping a young boy.
Most muslims marry children and rape young boys.
Why are "we" talking about the bible again?
Why are we so green up north. Sami?
He goes into detail in Leviticus 18 about what sexual relations are prohibited. No cousins mentioned. You retard
my cousin wants to marry me. she's hot as fuck
May I remind OP that the Bible doesn't prevent people from eating shit either, so OP should do it.
>doesn't prevent people from eating shit either
the bible literally tells of a time when a guy was intructed by god, to make food with literal shit in it and to feed it to a certain people.
read the fucking bible you fagget homo
Eating poop isn't good for your body. Marrying and having sexy time with cousin isn't bad for your body
Doesn't Iceland run PSA's on tv telling their people not to have sex with family?
>.> ...I came from /fit
My 'hot' cousins are all single mothers now
Either way I dodged a bullet ,they are all redheads also
That's Miranda Cosgrove.
Redheads you say?
Care to post some pics.
no shit dude, pic unrelated.
but should I do it? she's still pure
>TFW half foreigner
>Meeting fathers side of family in 6th grade
>Hot cousin 1 year younger
>Barely speaks english
>She hangs on me
>Kisses me constantly
>Sitting on the couch just the 2 of us
>She sits on me naked
And I had to end that right there. Things were awkward afterwards and my parents thought I had a thing for my cousin and everytime we went back they'd all send a chaperone. Hot or not family is family and god damnit
Only issue might occur is kids. Adopt one or wait till genetic desing tech gets better.
Braindead muzzy, get out, out of here now!
It’s completely legal in most places and was actually quite commen in the West until about a century ago
Had one. She turned 30 and got fat.
And by just the 2 of us I mean alone not on the couch she went to take a shower
Dan Schneider was a lucky bastard damn.
Sounds hot
>hides his flag
>calls me a muzzy
lmao. gingers are disgusting. I should know, half my family is ginger. luckily my hot cousin is not.
I don't think I want to raise kids in this "slavery to the jew" timeline anyway
>>She sits on me naked
>And I had to end that right there.
you might be a faggot
You lucky bastard. Go for it.
I already had a GF back home that got me drunk and fucked me in her parents basement while they were out. Also it's my fucking cousin.
That being said didn't have sex again until college it was an odd childhood
You're a fucking idiot. Iceland was in fact about the only country where first cousins having sex or getting married was illegal and relations between second cousins were looked down upon. While in Europe it was the rage, from kings to serfs. Not to mention the Muslim world where it's extremely common still to this day.
ok ya fucking hill billy redneck
you got a purdy mout
If you have kids there's like a 40% ish chance of them being vegetables so be wary
Bullshit maps. Here in finland and other nordic parts inbreeding was thing. Thats why there are rare genetical diseases that are only here. Also hard to think that slavlands are inbreeding area. With its volatile history, large pop and intermingling of germanics, slavs and ugrians.
The bible also says a boat made entirely of wood with pre-bronze age carpentry techniques can be made to hold 2 of every animal and withstand global catastrophic flood conditions.
Don't believe everything you read, Cletus.
There is literally nothing wrong with loving consensual incest.
>but muh genetic defects
The chances literally irrelevant compared to other factors like the age of your spouse.
>Maps of inbreeding are just maps of where Muslims live
t. retard.
kids with cousin is less chance of health issues than kids with a 35+yo stranger
I've greentexted the story on Sup Forums a few times but I lost my virginity to my first cousin. Shit was cash.
lol get RICED whitey
I've never seen a shittier meme map, can't even begin to say where it's wrong.
It's just random photoshop gradients along the borders, as if people magically change there.
How do you know it was pre Bronze Age carpentry, the're (if they ever existed) just one family that lived on some backwater part of the world, they could never have preserved the advanced tech, also you don't need 2 of every animal species you just need the templates (2 camels, 2 equines 2 eagles etc)
One of my cousins is a Billy and so fucking hot. I'm still not gonna try to fuck her, even tho I totally would.
>not gonna
>but I would
Have you ever heard of noahs ark national park? They found the ark. And they found massive stone anchors like 100 ft above sea level.
Would it be immoral to fuck your cousin if you were a Hapsburg?
Why are they disgusting tho
>((((new international version))))
nice brainlet bible
99.9% of gingers are fucking retards and ugly as fuck. the only gingers you see on the internet are cherry picked of the remaining 0.1% and even they are nothing special.
*also most hot "gingers" of the internet are just women who dyed their fucking hair.