Have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?
Have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?
yes I addressed a group of them
i tried to quote Django's opening scene. Dude just laughed a bit and then awkward silence.
I'll keep my usage of nigger to online only.
Yea once. We had a black guy in our high school who claimed to fuck all the white girls and they all hated his ass and I said, " White girls in this town don't touch niggers.... " and he looked at me, said nothing, and that was that.
i was really hoping i'd never see this thread & this guy's face ever again
Dozens, but I grew up in an area where I was the only non-Russian immigrant white. So I fought with them all the time and it was the best insult to get them worked up lul
Yep, they were speechless and I walked away unharmed.
yeah I call it flipping the nig switch.
Yep. Back in middle school. I'd forgotten about it until a couple of friends who were brothers and I were walking down the road and a random nigger and his half nigger cousin walked up. Brought up how I called the kid a nigger and punched me. The older brother instantly whipped out a fuck huge knife and the guys ran off. Saw them at school sometime that week and they asked me if we were really going to stab them. I said not since they backed off. They never fucked with me again even though I had nothing to do with it. I still got jumped by niggers all the time which is why I called the kid a nigger. I didn't do it again afterwards because he burst into tears and I actually felt bad.
only næger, but lots of perker name calling(sand nigger)
who hasnt?
>implying I've ever talked to a nigger
I have a conceal carry permit and I am looking forward to the day I do this.
I saw police academy when I was in 4 grade and I called a black kid a jiggaboo because the word made me laugh and I thoughT it would make others laugh. It didn't
I agree. I was a huge faggot in 7th grade and I'd go back in time and rape my own face.
That's gay faggot
I'm pretty sure it would be masturbation.
yep when i played soccer in junior highschool we had a match and in the opposite team there was a nigger and as always in a match there was a fight so i told him to go back to the cotton field
got a suspended lifelong from the team
cuckmany at its finest
I live in the Mountain West. We don't have niggers here.
Yes, she sucked my dick afterwards
Yes I have
In high school, group of us white kids knew Terry. He was our nigger and friend.
Now, I usually just say token
Yes. Let's say i was alittleitsybitsytiny drunk in the city. *few moments later* suddenly standing in the middle of the square and shouting that all the niggnoggs should go back where they came from. My friend guided me to the bus unharmed. I'm 189 tall and littlebit over 103 kg (not overweight).
Yes; I've also been called a nigger to my face. It's pretty cool, desu. The word means nothing to me now.
t. poo
yes, to 2 different ones
Yeah, in high school.
He was one of those nerdy pissyboys so he didn't really react because he'd have no backup
Ive nevrr hurt anyone.
I don’t talk to niggers so no
>1 post by this ID
OP is a coward and can never stand to participate in xer own slide threads because people do in fact call blacks niggers to their faces.
Pathetic, probably a nigger ximself.
No, I called him a porchmonkey instead
Yeah sometimes
Yes after a black muslim pretended he was going to kick me off of my bike. (He was oncoming traffic also on a bike) I just instantly said "What the fuck" and he was all like "fuck you" and i just said fuck you nigger and he was kinda suprised and kept looking back as he kept paddlin away. Was an odd encounter. I think he was atleast 40/50
Yes. Almost fought him in the lockerroom. He was about to cry so the next day I said sorry.
In middle school I was edgy and walked up to black kids and said "Sup nigga" to instigate but that's about it.
Going to check the catalog to see what's being slid now. These asinine threads only show up when there is a discussion on something important.
yes but he didnt do anything I guess german niggers are to weak
>Be me fresh out of high school delivering pizza
>Have to deliver to the nigger infested projects
>Niggers constantly jabbering at me asking if it's their pizza
>Finally get sick of it and tell a group "Does this look like a watermelon rib pizza nigger?
>Nigger eyes grew big and started backing away from me
TLDR: Niggers are cowards unless in large groups even then they are pussies unless they all attack t once
can yall like leave us alone thanks
I have never called anyone anything to their face i am pretty polite to people
I call them niggers all the time, nigger
They need an alpha nigger to throw the first punch otherwise they wont do shit. Also checked.
I did.
Then he called me a kike
yep plenty of times. I'm bigger than them. niggers don't do shit when they're alone against someone even close to their size.
Wouldnt go out of my way to harass a black man. Its unfortunatly the other way around every fucking time. Africans are otherworldy in behaviour.
Lucky fuck
Alpha niggers hate other niggers, they actually are the 1% who behave like human beings, have jobs, raise thier kids.
How do you like living in Hungary? Seems based desu. You sell friggin farms for 2000 euro (ofcourse theyre usually in ruins but still hella cheap)
t.beta nigger
No, because I've never seen a Nigger, let alone talked with one. That's because I live in a country that's more than 56% white.
You're a dumb nigger
>Be 12
>Playing football (soccer for amerifags) while on holiday in Amsterdam in park with local kids
>multicultural game because Holland is pozzed
>pass African kid with ball
>get hacked down because African
>stand up
>ask what his problem is
>he calls me a nigger
>"well actually friend if anyone here is a nigger it's you"
>melee ensues
>manage to land a few clean shots on African gentleman despite the chaos
>passing adults intervene
>threats hurled as brawl is broken up
>first real redpill digested
>power level increased
I feel sorry for Dutchbros desu, 10/10 would die in the lowlands to liberate them.
I was once threatened with arrest for greeting a black policeman with a big friendly 'Jambo!'
This is true.
I work with an Angolan African kid. He's still in his muh dick whitey womyn phase. He says he hates black women. So today i redpilled him about how racemixing will make his kids not look like him and i taught him about the refugee crisis. It was like the guy saw the light. He even named the fucking jew when i talked about Isreal. Was very interesting.
According to my parents i once called a nigger a
monkey when i was 6, he didnt do anything.
I used to call a black kid in my high school friend group a nigger as well.
I have only said it to strangers a few times but only if they call me a spic or another racial slur.
Never even seen one.
Yeah, to two senegalese dudes. They'd use the word a lot with each other and they didn't care about it.
If I said nigger to a random nigger in the streets I'd probably have to deal with 10 spaniards before I could deal with him.
I did ask one when it is going back to Africa
My niece wouldn't let a nigger kid play in her paddling pool 'because she'll make the water dirty'. Took her out for ice cream the next day.
There's no word for "black person" here. Only nigger.
thats not how it is where i live
>have you ever blablabla
have you ever sold drugs to an under cover police officer?
Why'd you do that???
You'd be how surprised how many of them react to it
Not with violence but a weird kind of submission
Because the nigger is nothing but a filthy, scurvy vagabond, whom to exterminate would be a charity to the Creator's worthier insects and reptiles which he oppresses.
Yeah when I was in school he went and told a teacher the fag lmao parents got called in for Racism for the second time lmao, called another kid a paki and he wasn't even white ffs.
Nope, but I have been accused of it by niggers who want to fight, it's a basic bullying tactic
I really wish I had
that hair.. wow
No. I have never called a black person a nigger to their face, nor have I have referred to a black person as a nigger. Because I speak English and just use the word black. Nigger is from the word Niger (latin for black). So calling someone a nigger is exactly the same as calling them black.
It's just that uneducated people thought they were being called names, because they didn't understand that not every language uses the word "black" and that's why today every lemming in town things that nigger is a negative. lol
So basically if calling someone a nigger (color black) is bad then calling someone the English version "Black" must also be bad. Now colors are bad.
Have you ever called a jew a jew to its face? Watch out for the recoil, saliva and wear ear plugs.
I'd love to move there
Actually yes. To a guy named Kevin who played in my football team when I was 11. He always used to bully me during practices, so eventually I just got so pissed that I screamed "You fucking nigger" at him, and time fucking froze because most other kids in the team couldn't believe their ears. Regretted it for many years until I got redpilled and realized that he fucking deserved it and I should have broken his fucking nose aswell.
Only once when there was any real danger; all the other time's I knew them or knew they wouldn't do shit about it.
Don't call people niggers when there is danger, okay Sup Forums? Almost got shot for using a naughty word.
Kinda, but the word Neekeri was not offensive in Finland at the 90's. When it started to become offensive, i havent used it.
But for gypsies i have called them mannes, mustalainen and other slurs to their faces, when i have had to deal with that shitfolk.
Thanks Satan we dont have much niggers or gypsies around here where i live.
Had a fat black guy who hung out with my friends. He started calling me cracker so I repeatedly called him a nigger after that. Also I lived on an island full of niggers that didn't really care if you called them nigger. So more than once. I probably wouldn't now since I have the family around and I have somehow became the out of shape dad.
I'm about as white as milk, and I had to read the main characters part aloud in my standard english class from raisin in the sun back in high school. he spends about half the book ranting about niggers and their problems in very candid language. my class was about 70% inner city black kids. they thought it was hilarious and gave me all kinds of shit about it.
Absolutely. Every real fascist has.
If not, they are cuck light.
Yes, when I was in fourth grade and just learned the word. He got real pissed, threatened to beat the shit out of me.
Never met one.
Yes, but not to black people. I called white people nigger plenty of times because they used to be our slaves. (I'm a Moor/Arab)
Yes. Although abos aren't really people.
Actually black ppl in Greece are very kind.They are from Aithipia and they are like super black
yup, my black girlfriend.
she fucking loves it kek
I have and by the way I'm not white either. It was some stupid black bouncer talkin to some chick while my friend and I was we're sitting next to this club. He was pointing at us making obvious jokes and he caught me when I had some booze on me. Then I go "Hey nigga, you got a problem nigga?" He looked like he wanted to kill me and then I go "what........your own people say the word all day in hip hop songs, what's the fuckin difference?" Best fuckin day ever bhahahahahaha.
Are you implying that they really ARE more violent?! DAS RAYCIS!!!
BTW - why do you always post this with a picture of the most pussy-ass, punchable face you could find? I'd beat that motherfucker's ass just for the way he looks.