Why south USA is extremely conservative/right wing


You tend to become right wing after living around niggers.

t. former progressive that moved to southern Louisiana.

because the south is the best

Only rural and suburban retards voted for Drumpf


low IQ due to inbreeding

Goes back to when the Brits colonized North America. Catholics went South, and Anglicans went north.

The South was also build on farming while the north was build on trading

It isn't
They follow whoever is the "white" party.

>low IQ due to niggers
ftfy. Funny how IQ matters until the fact the low nog IQ is brought up.


And your party could not put up a better alternative, think about that for a second. The left loves to say how stupid our president is, yet you couldnt beat him, what does that say about the left?????

Yet Obama was president for 8 years???? Your response makes no sense.

Because it's awesome

>Niggers who speak broken English and commit crimes
>Spics who don’t speak English and commit crime
>Both whine non-stop about ‘muh oppression’ while ignoring their failures by not being capable of achieving one thing in this country
It’s a mystery

When you grow up around wild animals you tend to not want them to run the zoo.

Historically the federal government was mostly funded by southern agriculture to provide subsides for northern industrialists. They seceded then the north waged war to bring the to heel.

That's pretty much the only reason.

The South was solidly Democrat for 150 years, until the Democrats stopped being the "white" party. Now the GOP is the white party.

The stats show that we don't even come close to the numbers in the Middle East, try again


I worked at a place that was ran by blacks...it was insane.

weren't aiming low enough

>Right Wing
Think again bucko
t. Marylander

hey great UN, working on those final few bits before you get defunded for being so fucking worthless?

Their ancestors used to own other human beings not that long ago. They have inherited a lower baseline empathy and higher racism as a result.

because the democrat party changed

- Charles Heston

It isn't. There is no such thing as "right wing" in the United States. The South is full of half-nigger, literal STASI stooges for judeo-bolshevism who scarf down sweet tea and fried foods and ritually worship nigger sportsball with billions of federal reserve notes in tribute.


it's cultural
the south used to be all Just country people that hated city people from New England
the country Minset stuck even though there's plenty of cities there now
though it should be noted even southern cities tend to be more liberal

GEE what a coincidence that disliking blacks almost exactly matches black population!!!

Actually, it's not DISLIKING blacks, it's knowing why they're fucked (besides the irrefutable proof of their propensity for crime and lower IQs - which are not the total measure of a man).

Democrats: chase away employers with high corporate taxes, lower import taxes to make it easier for unskilled jobs to move to foreign countries.

Republicans: the opposite of that.

That's why the smartest states, with few exceptions, voted for Trump