Isn't "white genocide" just evolution by another name?
White genocide
white genocide is Devolution, We white folk are the genetic future of this planet.
More than evolution you can call it selective breeding.
How? Seems like natural selection to me.
No. Using laws, governments, and coercion to brow beat and berate whites into submitting to multicultural experiences is NOT EVOLUTION. It's genocide.
No one is forcing anyone to have sex with anyone.
no. Its another name for the European union, diversity, and globalism.
>genetic future of this planet.
thats part of the problem, if you want the world to accept white people bracing our culture we need to speak about it less "us againt them" and more us for ourselves.
we need to brace our culture with self betterment rather the belittling of other races. If you spread the message of belittling others you get undesirable degenerates who are of no value to society and only derive self worth from the color of the skin. In many cases those people are often losers and mixed.
explain why you believe this?
It’s just a meme senpai. I doubt anyone here except the basement dwellers living with their moms are overly concerned about the good of the white race. I may just flip that blonde that’s friends with my younger sister to make fags like you butthurt. I know people of different colors and backgrounds and I can tell you none of them are as insecure about their skin or culture as any of you would-be skinheads lets on. What I do find interesting is why the white women in your societies seem so bubbly and happy while you assholes all seem frustrated over being white men. It’s an odd contrast desu senpai.
Blacks do seem more on edge about things, but it’s only the broke ones that can’t get themselves out of the ghettos. I have seen coal black successful nogs with platinum blondes, so you’ll need more than memes and petty insults to really stay on top. Why not just find a gf and get off Sup Forums?
OH GAWD this again?
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say
But nothing comes out when they move their lips
Just a bunch of gibberish
Why is Eminem so based?
eminem is a closet faggot his career is over he is a has been
Yes in a way. Cuck genes are being bred out. White people needed to be extremely honest and sympathetic in order to work together to survive harsh northern environments. Now that the environment has changed, people are adapting genetically. In the modern world you can actually get further ahead by being dishonest and underhanded, so we will see humans as a whole change to this.
But it is worth noting that evolution goes in any direction.
you made my day dude
>evolution by another name?
Evolution is when we build on something. Shitskins don't build shit, they just destroy.
You people are getting desperate.
First, it was "There is no white genocide, you people are crazy."
Then it was "Not all progressives advocate white genocide, just the fringe like antifa."
Now you're resorting to post-modern taqiya, to change the definition of words and obfuscate the truth.
Suck on it, no ones falling for this shit anymore (pic related).
It's both. Evolution is dependent on environment and genocide climate is an environment. Only those whites born with extra copies of racial instinct genes will survive The Great Miscegnation that is going on right now.
The direction of evolution is just determined by who is the most successful in a particular environment. And if we look at germany it is clearly more successful to be a lazy shitskin with 3 wives that collects 30k a month, than hard working Hanz Cucker who has to work 50 hours a week for his shitbox apartment. Therefore shitskins will replace the native germans. Of course once with system collapses then the environment will have changed which changed the path of evolution.
Nobody was trafficing Darwin's birds between their islands for profit, retard.
In that case any genocide would also be "just evolution" and it wouldn't be white peoples "fault" that the "holocaust" "happened" and sub-sequently white genocide wouldn't be a thing.
Of course white genocide shouldn't be a thing anyway but you know the devil hates jesus more than anyone, but the jews come close, so it is what it is. What a lame thread can't believe I bothered writing this.
Actually only those who gave faith in jesus our lord and savior gets to go to the next level so you know. Repent if you haven't already.
There is no such thing as white genocide, because Jews are white too.
However, there is CHRISTIAN genocide, and it affects mostly whites, but not only whites (Christians are the most persecuted group globally).
>I have gray and blue hair with light brown hair
it sometimes goes blonde. any other Sweden have the same thing?
so then destroying all non-whites would be evolution too right?
Isn't everything just evolution by a different name?
nice argument, kid, consider it deconstructed
>green eyes
No, it's devolution.
It would be if it was occurring naturally, but our own governments are behind this. That's the greatest crime, it's a slow quiet mass murder by our own leaders.
That's called "devolving" not "evolving".
>Christians are the most persecuted group globally
I'm pretty sure most Christians leave their religion by their own will..
Probably because they got tired of pretending of believing something as silly as a god. Good for them I say.
It's not evolution if its being forced.
>I don't know what forced immigration and generational propaganda means.
Only when it happens because people want to, not because even the slightest 'programming'.
I fucking hate non Europeans and everytime I see one I seethe with rage. I don't know how I haven't become Swedish Breivik yet.
Nothing is being forced. Are you saying you're not free to go out and mate with white women?
It's domestication actually