>Anybody with brown eyes
>Canadians (Honorary niggers)
List of people that think they are white that aren't
Other urls found in this thread:
They know they're not white. They know they're Space Elves.
>population of faggot waffle 11 million
>population of white americans over 120 million in a 310 million population
never got this meme
>forgetting the eternal Argie
>The Frensh
Show your flag nigger.
Hey faggot, stop criticizing the whiteness of other countries when america itself is a non white shithole, for the most part.
Slavs pick up the white nigger tittle from the Irish
All americans are niggers
>Show your flag nigger.
ur noooooood whiiiiiiiteeeeeeeeeee >:CCC
nice meme
am*ricans having small talk
Are amerishits even white? They constantly shit on italians and other mediterraneans saying how they're not white because only 20% of them have blue eyes, and the us is basically the same number.
>lost of poplo thot honk thoy or whoto
Americans are amusing
Dark elves are truly niggers
how horrid
my sides
thats just americhimp language
The absolute state of pol
Let them have their Sup Forums victory, the refugees are getting to them and they need a boost of morale
>yuriop iz doomd
OP, you knew you weren't gonna get anything besides "le 56% memes".
Sicilians aren't fuckin white
>Moorish looking rape babies
>t. got cucked by a big anglo tourist cock
>20% blue eyed
its in the single digits of blue eyes at this point.
>Canadians (Honorary niggers)
Solid bantz put him in a Walmart again too that would be funny again
american view about what is white or not bigest joke
this picture is fucking hilaroius
This guy got the largest number of votes on our local election (capital), last Sunday.
america has actual whites, we exist, but we never talk about other country's whiteness. we are most cucked of all, and have no place to talk.
those "ur not white" mericans are le56% mongrels
at least there are not brown mongrel like american
>>Anybody with brown eyes
Have a seizure, faggot
my asshole is shit colored and smells like something dead and rotting, does that mean i'm white?
Forgot Russians
The Irish. You left out the Irish.
Sicilians aren't white but italians are.
Hello there cool boy
Why do we give a shit who is or isn't white? It's hard to tell by looking at most people anyway. Unless they have dark skin I literally can't tell.
Slide thread. OP is propably a jew who tries to sow discontent among white people. Remember to sage and report "Is X white" and variation threads.
>Slide thread. OP is propably a jew who tries to sow discontent among white people. Remember to sage and report "Is X white" and variation threads.
Of course the Gypsy would say that lmao
Mehmet reporting
Add amerisharts to the list and I'll let it slide
Italian girls are cute. CUTE
Igloo Niggers, enjoy your Hatians btw
>Let me tell you what parts of the world aren't white
>says increasingly brown man for the 2559th time this decade
Lost of people who are gay
>dumbasses who can't tell if someone is white or not
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
she's not as hot as my goddess
Anyone is cute if you don’t stop staring at their tits
would u fug italian girl
Is that Holly Michaels in the top row?
Greetings from Sup Forums, let us congratulate you in achieving 39% of whiteness in your own land! yay!
Who is she? I am in love...
Why are slavs not white?
Russian's aren't even human, let alone white
>MFW the Bolshivics killed all of the Russians that weren't trash 100 years ago
because nobody is according to Sup Forums
cute face, bad feet