What the fuck am I?
What does this mean anons?
Other urls found in this thread:
It means you just got interested in politics yesterday
It means you don't understand anything
It means the test is working as intended.
That graph system has been rigged to push most people into the center, so that centralists can say see look everyone just just a centralists!
It means you don't know how to take a screenshot.
this but I would say its most likely a lack of knowledge rather than a lack of understanding
it means u know cuckall abt politics, arent based, probz came from normie tumblr and/or reddit and as user here said u only got intrested in politics yesterday
>Lurk moar faggit
>ur a normie who knows nothing
>go back to the slums of mexico u illegal immigrant to Sup Forums
>if u dont wanna leave at least piss off to /bant/
People who follow ideology are retarded though. Doesn't matter if you believe free market will magically fix everything or communism will magically fix everything. Need to approach politics on a case by case basis, like everything in life.
You're probably philosophically inconsistent.
Centrist is fucking godtier user
fuck you ideologue piece of shit
if you are not a radical centrist you are a cuck
It means your mentally superior to the left and right.
The parties that claim to "approach politics on a case by case basis" are the first ones who fail to admit that they are ideologically-driven
There's nothing too much wrong about ideology, you should be able to recognise critically your own biases in order to be able to integrate new ideas and stay with an open mind
It means you're 12, leave.
I think that he still is a newfag but, most normies fall lib left.
>I'm so autistic I need to be part of a radical ideology so I can feel like I belong somewhere
Most well-balanced people I've met where centrists. Ideologues are retarded, just do whatever it takes to further your own standing in the world and ignore muh collectivism bullcrap.
get out gommie
>just do whatever it takes to further your own standing in the world and ignore muh collectivism bullcrap
That's a pretty right-leaning opinion you've got there...are you a nazi?
I'm not a fuggin gommie man
I don't know why I got that, I'm a socialist not a communist.
Good square.
This desu.
Following blindly an ideology is simply retarded. Analyze the case and make the best decision for the situation.
A grade a faggot
a centrist
now you have to decide whether you're a chad radical centrist or a virgin moderate centrist
you're not anything, yet. build a philosophical foundation first and then derive your politics from the foundation.
gommies, treehuggers and hobo apologists need to ged de fugg oud :DDD
Ugh to the chambers with you fags
>what does it mean?
you are bland, vanilla, and will get run over
You're a radical centrist.
What about me?
pot calling the kettle black
>having an informed opinion makes you a radical
Centrists are worse than commies.
Kill yourself and do the world a favor
lo-fi edition of the political compass? interesting
What is OP? Is he:
A)a faggot
B)a queerosexual
C)a butt clown
D)fruitier than a produce aisle in San Francisco
E)all of the above
Nobody's pointing out that OP felt the need to take an actual photo of his screen instead of just making a fucking screenshot?
It's just part of the bait, m8.
hehe right ^^
You'd probably go in thinking the shower heads were bongs.
hehe right, although i'm against drug consumption on a purely personal level
Far right fascist
I need to get my shit together and think things through.
you do realize that compass is near hitler right?
A faggot
What a fucking cunt you are
>calls me normie
>Does the "Reee" gag
It means you are a bitch with no convictions
Best square
>summarizing posts: the post
We need Jewish capitalism don't we?
whats this?
Actually Im the libertarian square above. You commie fucking Dick head
>radical centrist
>takes a picture of his computer screen
checks out
im-fucking-plying stupid Paki
Snipping tool is just right here OP.
bernie bro
Standard beaner
>posted from my totally non-capitalist iPhone^TM
how the fuck could you extrapolate that? i've been on Sup Forums for 6 years
You can't bring back old capitalism, Jewry has taken over, socialism is the only solution, Pedro.
Now I must clarify, when I say socialism I fucking mean socialism not communism.
>Not following classical economics
An asshole.
And the case by case basis leads a logical mind to National Socialism.
/leftypol/ isn't part of Sup Forums, sweetie
You have no way of telling I'm /leftypol/, I could be a fascist with those results
as far as /leftypol/ goes, I mostly use that board because the level of knowledge and discourse is better and they can argue for right-wing politics better than nu/pol/ can, but I oppose materialism and thus oppose the very basis of leftism and cannot be a leftist
fucking french tier.
Kek, you actually browse /leftypol/ what a fag
>tfw not sure what I am
like I said, they can justify right-wing politics far better than Sup Forumstards can, and the level of discourse and knowledge is multitudes higher than post-2013 Sup Forums
I'm sure you and your """"""intellectual""""" buddies have lots of fun talking about REAL Communism.
libertarian master race
Should I gas myself?
Peter Hitchens?
forgot one
What dose this mean
You are a fucking faggot. That's what you are.