Hi Sup Forums I'm black UK I believe in racial intactment my city is being over run with Muslims and African who breed like rabbit most of them have at least 4 child each jews have ruined u wake up.
Just look at this photo
Other urls found in this thread:
I see nothing wrong with the picture
it's natural selection, those inferior and weak shall not reproduce
pay denbts
Here's a better photo
What's your problem, OP?
Wrong, it's men who pull the trigger by being weak
women desire the strong/alphas, this has been the case since ancient times and will never cease
women don't CHOOSE to fuck niggers, white men LET them
and that's why they deserve to perish
It is a little complex. What's going on is women desire economic power now that they've been taught by the media to value it and disvalue family life. So they try to weaken white men because they see white men as their competitors in the office workspaces. They don't see niggers as competitors in the officespace so they are fine with strong niggers, and since they still want to fuck strong men they fuck the niggers. The white boys fem themselves up thinking that's what the women want, but then the women just ignore them for the ignores AND beat them up in the workplace.
Honestly we ought to burn these sorts of women at the stake again for witchcraft.
"I'm black", "Muslims", "African" and then somehow jews... have something to do with things? You're an ass.
Don't you want to be culturally enriched?
m8 they breeding rapidly the 10 yrs ago they used to be no where the amount now it's disgusting
sounds like excuses to me, especially when women dump emasculated males throughout history (or just cheat on them if they're rich)
can confirm
looks like they're enjoying it
Racemixing is good, it increases nationalism since if everyone is one race they won't fight over racism
Muslims in my city (Swansea) now have they're own section
I see no problem with this.
Multiculturalism is the West's strength.
Due to racism, we need integration to be promoted.
don't forget impregantion
even foreigner such as my welf can see the Jews plan is working u dumb whites wake the fuck up
good thing i'm not white then
they majority will never wake up (germany, sweden, france) untill it's too late for them
your a part of it too lel multiculturalism is coming for u
>is coming for you
do you know where the pakis you and germany are getting are coming from? Greece
we provide them passage to europe instead of keeping them (we made a deal about that with Merkel some years ago)
why? because they don't want to stay here
pic related
we've also had plenty of diversity in the past, 250k albanians came here in the '90s
all you see now is 20 albanian women married to greeks and 1 greek woman married to an albanian
we bred them out, unlike you
>I'm black UK
>my city
Why the fuck are you complaining?
Just fuck all the white girls you can and enjoy the ride.
nah m8 kissless handless virgin kys whitey think I have the BBC when I have the LBC
An "LBC" is probably equivalent to an average white dick tbqh.
You must be mad to not want to fuck prime Welsh slags or you are a white boi roleplaying.
no bullshit I'm not role playing
I'm a bug guy my dude, If you gonna fill me with emotions that come to raping my beloved and feeling me helpless? You BETTER hope you stab me in the temple or the heart. I ain't gonna feel much else while smashing your fucking face in. Its like instincts don't exist anymore for some people. Sad!
you actually made no sense of what you just typed but cool story:)
Don't flame him, mexicans are not very intelligent
Those who are inferior and weak are the ones living off the welfare of strong people. That's all you Muslims and Africans have done for generations now. You're a disgrace. And stop pretending to be Greek.
But Muslim and black men on white welfare are the most emasculated, ridiculous animals on Earth. They are shorter than white men, look unhealthy, are ugly, stink, have retarded cultures. White women don't choose them, that's just the meme you shits keep spreading about us.
Brown people want more brown people even though they chose to live in a white culture. What a surprise.
Mediterraneans are white though you dumb fuck. White doesn't mean purely Scandinavian looking. You're clearly not white, you're a Turk, but Meds are.
>women desire the strong/alphas
>Flee from your own country
>Be poor and on wellfare
>Shorter than average in host nation
>Limited/no job skills or opportunities
>Somehow alpha
How does this add up again?
Migrants may be stronger or better than liberal/lefty men men not even close to centrist/right-wing men
cool story man nice to know although Jews are killing your race
Slowly but surely you just sit there and type Good luck man
you think women are smart enough to think that? they just don't like their pussy-like men and fuck niggers no matter how trashy they are and how bad they smell just because they are manlier
this is why white males are a laughing stock
>they are manlier
So you think being poor, uneducated with no job prospects and on wellfare is being manly?
Are you a socialist?
also consider the feelings part, the need to cherish a poor and hunted person (that's how migrants are portrayed)
it's basic female instinct, nothing more
melanine is an indicator of testosterone according to women
niggers have bigger/dominant jaws than most nordics/germanics
they're also way less behaved, which is something women like even if they deny it
again, you're overestimating female intelligence by thinking they'll consider their background. Or you're a female
>also consider the feelings part
The only thing youve said that makes any sort of sense as to why women date migrants, to feel like they gain social points
>you're overestimating female intelligence
I do expect them to fucking see whats right infront of them
Even the dumbest of animals is capable of seeing two fucking feet infront of them
You think they size up a niggers jaw size and compare it to the native men like its second nature but completly dismiss my notion that they see that the guy who cant speak the language and doesnt work at all is poor
I'm surprised no one has mowed down these pigs or thrown Molotov cocktails at them when they're prostrating for their pedophile overlord.
Heres a map of muslim grooming stations where they teach underage white girls how to do gang bangs. England is getting so muslim its like amsterdam for lolicons. Pedos go on vacation to the UK for it. They say its heaven because attacking them with thought crimes is also against the law. They are totally protected.
>You think they size up a niggers jaw size and compare it to the native men like its second nature but completly dismiss my notion that they see that the guy who cant speak the language and doesnt work at all is poor
yes, and apparently that's exactly what is happening
see (You)
>yes, and apparently that's exactly what is happening
>provides a pic of women "providing comfort"
mate, come on...
Women arent dating migrants because they are better/more dominant than the native men. Only shit women date these men because they are lower on the social hierarchy
and ofc wives of cucks are doing this, its litterally what cucks are...men who enjoy seeing their wives with other men
But feel free to believe migrant men are superior to native men, despite migrants fleeing TO western nations
>one of them literally says she will provide them SEX while everyone says what I mentioned before, human nature to be sympathetic
i don't give a fuck who's superior or not, it's not my country
i'm merely stating a fact
now go do the dishes
>human nature
female nature*
this post reeks of ikibey-ism.
That's a fake article you retard. See if you can find it online.
>i'm merely stating a fact
You are stating several mutally exclusive facts
Either women are attracted to alpha men or they are attracted to men they can save and nurture, cant be both.
Ill even fucking highlight it for you
>women desire the strong/alphas
>also consider the feelings part, the need to cherish a poor and hunted person
You write like a stroke victim. Yous colored?
%50 white %50 congratulations you've been jewed
"Diversity" - what are they talking about? Diversity in sports on TV? Diversity of food? Or just importing a shitload Of shitskins.
this happened here too with the albanians in 1990
but with opposite results, it was us who bred their women
it's true and it's a part of nature
They are attracted to the manliest men
do you think they will be attracted to the average white man or a random nigger? well apparently the answer is the random nigger considering how emasculated men in their countries are
they basically castrated themselves (obviously not everyone but it's true)
in the case of migrants it's both, they have patriarchal principles (which women love) and APPEAR (not are) vulnerable
>I'm black UK
>my city
Is that why (((they))) decided to fuck your economy so badly and forever?
You too can be irresistible if you look only behave like a jungle parasite, touch your dick in public, and say bitch a lot, while spending the welfare check on tacky gold trinkets.
nick cleag isn't even white nibbA
That's Ed Miliband not Nick Clegg you fucking nigger. Get the fuck out of my country. What city are you in?
Nah that was mostly our retarded parents (not that we would've done any better if the crisis didn't happen now) and our government
that taught us a lot, we were following american lifestyle and similar shit
now people are way more traditional and in touch with their heritage
also we avoided all the refugees because of the deal with made with merkel
the crisis has been a blessing, we're slowly recovering (huge investments by china, now from US too) while europe is failing
it's tight but it's good
the jews fucked us up through the banks but they haven't done anything more
>US 57%
Hate to break it to you, user. That's exactly it, and TV is reinforcing the trend.
>They are attracted to the manliest men
And somehow youre suggesting that the manliest men are uneducated wellfare cases with no job prospects or social standing outside of "muh poor refugee"
Im not buying it
>do you think they will be attracted to the average white man or a random nigger?
Oh average white men for sure, only girls i see who date migrants/foreigners are overwhelmingly either very young girls who get raped, broken girls with a drug problem or 40+ leftist women
>in the case of migrants it's both
I dont think you got a clue what youre talking about and are taking overreported cases of leftwing lunacy as the norm.
You think the solution is simple and can be generalized but it cant.
Good try though greek-bro but as far as im concerned your country is equally fucked.
Germany is making you its bitch and how high is unemployment there now?
Id rather take some idiot women dating migrants and getting raped over being in massive debt and having the IMF dictate public policy in my nation
Come to the West Country, here in Bristol its not nearly as bad as the rest of the big cities.
>That's exactly it
if by this you mean:
>TV is reinforcing the trend of women dating "minorities"
Then you are correct
Not sure why but every other movie/show i see now feature a mix race couple and its always black man/white female and THIS is exactly my point
Women date outside of race to gain social points or to feel like they gain social points by being a good person
>not buying it
it's okay, you can believe whatever you want
reality will prove one of us right, in time
Let them take Germany,Sweden,France and the UK as the pound of flesh and leave Eastern Europe and the US alone.
Those smug cucks make me sick.
>reality will prove one of us right, in time
How? will women confess to one or the other?
Races will prolly mix at this point to some degree, we dont disagree on that...we disagree on why
like this
1-If you are a shill, open this link. If they dont allow you there is something shady going on.
1.1-The text is called new order of barbarians, if they tell you the site have virus or something like that, search at your prefered web browser and read it at another site.
2-Read the entire text.
3-The text is not so huge, this was not made to make sure you read something and stop working while doing it, you can do both at the same time.
3.1-If they dont allow you yo read the text saying you can't read external links at work time, read at home, remember the text is called new order of barbarians, again, new order of barbarians.
If they aren't telling you everything they wont allow you to read the text.
If somehow not even them, know everything, and allow you to read it, then read it anyway, the way you act will be influenced by the text and they will force you to quit or whateaver and you will see they werent telling you everything.
Still believing the myth, huh niggerlover?