Oh, Sweetie. Sweetie, no. You actually haven't accomplished anything. You don't seriously think you've done anything like Obama, right? Because, sweetie, you have to understand, Obama actually delivered for his voters, and you haven't done anything but sell out your base. Is that a little clearer for you, sweetie?
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I know it's hard to think straight with all those exciting things going on in your imagination, but you have to try a little harder not to be completely retarded, OK sweetie?
Lets see
ISIS defeated
Lower taxes for you and me
Wall is going up
He is delivering on everything, wtf are you talking about??
can't even repeal Obamacare
you can't repeal a face sucking squid stuck your face.
>isis defeat
>taxes going down
For the rich
>Obama actually delivered
trump's retards got played
good. the rich already pay way too much.
Wow it's almost like this graph is structured like such dogshit that anything below the 200,000 mark is literally impossible to make out
>people with significantly higher income "save" more money when the tax rate goes down across the board
This is a bad graph.
unemployment at lowest point in 44 years
ISIS no longer controls any territory since losing their capital of Raqqa, and under the Trump tax plan the first $12,000 earned by every american will be tax free. Start finding your own facts instead and get off of the democrats plantation
>can't into math
>no source
lel obama leaf you're so fucking stupid
Kys asap
It's almost like the graph accurately shows the truth that Trump's tax cuts are designed and engineered to benefit the top 1%
u cucks got played
u fell for the trickle down tax cut for the rich meme
>Isis defeated
By russian and syrian troops
trump said it was 42% actually
>rich people already pay most of americas taxes
>rich people pay for the jobs of the middle class
>lower taxes = more money for the rich to pay for jobs
How is lowering taxes for the rich bad?
>good goy
>you're my bitch
Daily reminder to sage all shill slide threads
the truth hurts right wing retard
>How is lowering taxes for the rich bad?
right wing cucks think Warren Buffet and George Soros need tax breaks
holy shit right wingers are the biggest fucking cucks on the planet
Is sweetie/sweety a Sup Forums meme I am missing or something?
80% of the benefits go to the top 1% because they're the ones who put the money there in the first place. You're not in good form today niggerleaf.
Big sage blunt
Aw, honey, do you really believe everything FOX news tells you? Sweetie, ISIS is still a threat.Tax reform isn't going to happen either sweetie :(, not to mention it only helps the rich. Aw shucks, you don't really think building prototypes counts as building the wall right honey? Look sugar, Drumpf has been a massive failure and will get nothing done until he gets impeached. Get over it sweetie.
Oh wow i get to keep twelve thousand dollars of my money what a deal wow oh boy this so long false song of globalism he really gave the government back to the people wow twelve thousand
You realize you can structure tax cuts to benefit the poor and middle class. Just cut taxes for those making under say $250k.
You retarded shilled are too fucking cucked by George Soros to realize that Trump's tax cuts are deliberately designed and engineered to benefit the billionaire globalist elites that you right wing retards worship, serve and obey
The word cuck has really lost all meaning if you can say that unironically, leaf.
Whaaaaa?! You mean 5% of a million is more that 5% of your filthy poor 25k a year?!
Clean the maple syrup out of your brain ignoramus.
The word cuck defines right wingers and conservashits perfectly.
>people don't understand the "unemployment rate" is just a tool for developing economic models
>people think the unemployment rate is an economic indicator
>people think Trump is a fool for stating the percentage of people who could be working but aren't which is an obvious economic indicator
lol wtf are the mods fucking with my pics again?
>Of course Trump's tax cuts benefits millionaires and billionaires the most
nice argument u got there kid
that's my argument
Why doesn't Trump talk about the 42% unemployment rate anymore?
It takes time to develop the data, but there's nothing inherently wrong with what he was stating.
>It's just totally accidental that Trump's tax cuts go almost entirely to the rich
Do right wing retards really fall for this billionaire globalist cuckery?
Yes, for the first time since Income tax was introduced in the early 1900s part of your income will be tax exempt. no other president has ever done this, why are you so stupid??
Now he says the unemployment rate is 4.2%
before he said it was 42%
you are mentally handicapped
How is more expensive health care somehow affordable?
Wrong. Russian and Syrian troops have mainly ignored isis and usually focus on rebels.
I don't think ya'll realize that by giving the rich more money, they now have more money to give to the poor. More money they have, the more they spend on jobs and products for their companies. They already pay most of America's tax money. Taking money from the rich and giving it to the government is effectively depriving people of jobs.
>supply side economics
Here's a (you)
> denounced for attacking McCain
> denounced for failing to talk about the Niger attack
> (and hey what's this rumor that one of the soldiers got abandoned during the retreat and was tortured to death for 2 solid days by ISIS?)
> picks a fight with the widow of the soldier who got tortured to death by ISIS, says her husband deserved it because he was stupid enough to enlist
> the fucking PREGNANT widow
> forgets to mail a check to another dead soldiers dad that he promised (damn, Alzheimer's is a bitch..)
> calls the pregnant widow of the abandoned soldier who was tortured to death by ISIS, a fucking liar
> hangs out with the PM of Greece who once called Donald Trump "evil"
> doesn't realize it until a CNN reporter calls it out during the press conference
> awkward as fuck during the press conference, once he realized who he was hanging out with
> experiences sundowning again, accuses his own FBI of conspiring against him
> retweets a Russian pro Trump shill bot, pic related thanks OP
> (no really it's a fucking bot go look at it)
Well that's ok, he's still got time to defend a pro Trump rally held by a fucking Nazi, once other Nazis probably murder another local protester
Banner fucking week.
Hey, and remember when you guys said Hillary was going down this week? And I was like "no Trump is gonna sit on his own dick again"
Yea, toldja so..
my god u fucking shills are so retarded
We wanted to help Russia and Syria bomb the fuck out of them, but Congress keeps siding with (((them)))
If Im a rich guy and I own a company, and you give me more money to invest with, Im probably going to hire more people so I can make more money. Why is this so fucking hard to understand?
Economists still need to know this number as well.
conservashits fall for it every time
imagine how fucking cucked u have to be to spend your entire life fighting for tax cuts for billionaires
right wing retards truly are the biggest cucks on the planet
Everytime you say sweetie, does the cone slide a bit further up your ass?
Leftists don't get to call Trump delusional because they are a textbook example of plebs too weak to escape the Jew brainwashing and think for themselves. Oy vey, racism is bad goy. Now let all those Mexicans invade your country and racemix with your grandchildren. If you have anything at all to say about that you're an evil Nazi bigot!
If you're a rich guy, you can already afford to hire more people.
conservashits really have a hard time with economics
>t. John McCain
you've never won an argument in your life Paki, you're played out and get rekt everytime, pack it in ya inbred pooinloo
What did Obama deliver, honey bunches?
an autistic number that trump made up that he no longer talks about?
lol what is your mental illness
Stopped reading there, kill yourself
The argument of the graph is built upon the false premise that the rich benefit the most from a tax cut because they get the most money back because it ignores that the rich put the money there in the first place.
Let's say that the tax rate drops by 1% for all earners. Then the person who makes $20,000 a year that usually pays $3000 (15%) in income tax instead only pays $2800 (14%), resulting in a windfall of $200. Getting indignant that someone's windfall is 1000 times as much because they have income that is 1000 times as large as the previous person is intellectually dishonest when the cuts are across the board.
>Just cut taxes for those making under say $250k.
Why are rich people more deserving of having their money taken at gunpoint from the government than the poor or middle class?
You're right, he can't. But this is due to it being the legislative branch's duty to repeal it not the executive. Now kindly go back to fucking your dog and leave the adult level think to those above the mental acuity of that of a 12th grade student, leaf.
I win every time. I shred you right wing piece of shit Soros shills to pieces.
Leaf thinks Warren Buffet and George Soros actually pay taxes.
You do realize a CEO has to pay a lot more than just workers right? He has to pay production fees, maintenance, materials for production of the products themselves, advertisements. Most of a CEO's income is spent on the company, libtards are just too stupid to realize that.
Lol this much spin is making me dizzy. It's sickening.
would sweetieslam her honeyhole
Do you even understand how economics work?
doesn't understand percentages
Both numbers are important and have different meaning for different purposes. His point wasn't about the precise number but pointing out that there is a difference between the two and the incorrect use of the numbers.
Uranium to our greatest ally Russia, those looney Conservatards like Romney who warned about them were rightly shut down. Its why Obama helped Putin and Assad put down the rebels and ignored that phony election meddling information for an entire year and ignored crazy republitard congress to take more action on Ukraine and Putin's """""crimes"""""
Now Drumpf is going to amp up the sanctions on Russia and ruin EVERYTHING
Came here to post this, thanks for typing all that shit out for me.
Being a real american is already more what obama could have achieve in a life time.
lol right wing retards doing what they do best
dinduing years of Trump promises
i fucking love it when right wing retards go FULL DINDU
Reminder that supply side economics doesn't work.
If you want to create jobs, you need more demand. No business owner creates new jobs out of the goodness of their heart.
Best way to increase demand is getting more money in the hand of consumers.
Holy shit you're dumb and retarded! This is what's actually happening.
>ISIS defeated
ISIS control of cities is now gone, though this is an extension of existing policy under Obama. Trump doesn't even pretend to understand ISIS.
>Lower taxes for you and me
Nope. He hasn't passed his big tax package and probably won't because he keeps insulting the people whose votes he needs
>Wall is going up
Nope. Some prototype sections are being tested. At the moment there is no money for "the wall" and no money likely.
How does it feel to know you were lied to, user?
>can't even repeal Obamacare
Very true, wise person of a country with good health case.
>good. the rich already pay way too much.
Blatant shill is blatant
> confirmed delusional
lol u fell for the trickle down tax cut across the board meme
seriously how much of a cuck do u have to be to think that billionaires need tax cuts?
This is why Republicans can't be trusted with money.
Your only goal is to bankrupt America with massive trillion dollar tax cuts for the rich that they don't need.
>>It's just totally accidental that Trump's tax cuts go almost entirely to the rich
The money "almost entirely" goes to the rich because a pot that consists of 15% of all wages, the person who makes $1,000,000/yr contributed more to that pot than the person who makes $10,000/yr. The money "refunded" when the pot decreases to 14% is still proportional to those incomes.
not when Trump passes his tax plan
It's okay, sweetie snookums.
Yes I do.
I understand that the entire purpose for the existence of you right wing retards is to fight for tax cuts for billionaires. You cucks are allowed to exist because billionaire globalists like Soros and others know that when they want tax cuts, u filthy cucks will serve their interests
Why shouldn't everyone pay the same percentage? Wouldn't that be equality?
u realize he just made up a number 42% anymore
now he uses Obama's real unemployment rate that he claimed was fake
what mental illness do u have?
doesn't understand that right wing retards have been cucked by trickledowneconomics for decades
seriously u fucking retards fall for it every time
your cuckery is embarrassing
>screencapping yourself
Truly the most pathetic poster on this site.
>Republicans can not be trusted with money
That's rich coming from Obama that spent 15trillion more on our debt. It's tax cuts across the board not tax cuts for the rich.
That's a huge thing, Obama did what he could to prevent this. Trump stopped stopping them.
human trafficers, pedophiles, rapists and people involved in child porn are being BTFO
Hollywood BTFO
Obamacare BTFO
Wall prototypes are being built
The Swamp is about to get BTFO
Trannys BTFO
And what is the take away from this? Nothing in here contradicts anything that guy said.
>ISIS defeated
Oh sweetie...
>Lower taxes for you and me
Are you rich? No? Then no.
>Wall is going up
Well of course it is, but not because of immigrants but because Keynian economic stimulus is easy to exploit by contractors. Your tax dollars will go straight to the pockets of the rich. Trump is what I like to call a reverse socialist, he takes from the poor and gives it to the rich.
>sockpuppetting to agree with yourself
>then screencapping it
You just keep getting worse.
Your purpose is also bolstering the brainwashed normie faggots that suck circumsized Jew cock and keeping our tail spin into a racemixed impoverished shithole going uninterrupted. Eat shit leafnigger.
Corporations have been able to hide their money with existing loopholes I do not know how it's only Trump's plan that does it. Some pay 3% on their tax's this would close loopholes and make them pay 20%.