
What do you guys consider white?
My father has green eyes, pale skin and light brown hair. My mother has black hair and pale skin. I inherited black hair and brown eyes, i do indeed have pale skin.

Thing is, have hispanic heritage, born and raised in texas. (likely spaniard blood).

Am i white?

Who cares faggot. Work hard, raise your children right, be a good husband. Everything else is white noise.

Be white.

I already do that. Im Christian, work out, have a wife that i lost my virginity to and vise-versa, planning on having kids soon etc.

i only ask this because i seriously identify with white people, i dont speak spanish or celebrate mexican shit.

You sound like a PeachAmerican to me.


>likely spaniard
But knowingly Mexican. Spanish is spoken by plenty of White people. As long as you're not a kike, nigger, dirty Asian (not Korean/Chinese/Japanese), fag or fucking liberal then just do what this guy said and you'll be alright.

im not mexican, im american.

You should have been smart enough to understand I was referring to heritage. You're the one that mentioned Spanish blood. What I was saying is that you know that some of your family is from Mexico. Don't bullshit me. It's not a terrible thing. Some Mexicans I know are "Whiter" than these inbreds here in Texas.

nah. my family has been here in texas for generations, my great great grandfather fought in ww1

Either way, don't worry about it. The idiots on here are full of shit. From what you said, you'd be considered White by most people in the real world.

>What do you guys consider white?

European + Christian. If your ancestors are Europeans and you are a Christian, you are white, what you look like is irrelevant. Pic related, Manuel I Komnenos, 100% European ruler of the Eastern Roman Empire.

Spanish blood is tricky because despite traditionally being white Europeans most Spaniards now have north African blood to varying degrees. Its entirely possible that you have mostly untainted European blood but its hard to say

Not acting like a nigger


Europeans existed long before the Christian religion. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.

>completely irrelevant response


Take your own advice you fucking kike. You're nothing but a cripple.

>t. pagan cuck


kids, never go full retard

You are white.

if you are of European decent, being 'white' is a gay Americanism

Fuck off. Your boyfriend is a posturing little cunt. Why don't you fags act against the Muslim invasion/aggression? God is greater than the laws of man. Do something or shut the fuck up. You pussies like to say "Deus Vult" and pretend to be hard but aren't fit enough to fight off a fucking cold.

Sweet strawman m8

Here is your (You)

the word kike comes from the hatred that jews have for christanity


I was also born and raised in Texas, my father is a tall brown Mexican with brown eyes and my mother is a short pale woman with brown hair and brown eyes yet I am tall, pale, blond and have blue/green eyes...

You ladies are disgusting little cowards. Fuck your whore mothers and weak fathers for raising such worthless pieces of shit.

^This picture sums everything up. I am so sick of these dumb "am I white" or "Daily reminder that 'xyz' Europeans aren't white" threads.

Enough with this crap. It's a cancer on this board.

>inb4 "le 60% face meme" response.

Are you of sufficient European descent? There you go, you are white.