>be me
>Mediterranean student for exchange year in Northern Europe
>first week in university
>women stare at me without any kind of shame
>guys are basically alll autistic betas and skinny-fat lanklets
>had like four dates since the first two weeks here
What do you people find so interesting about Southern Europe men ? Is it the culture, the food or our attitude ?
Be me
how many blondes have you fugged?
nice post OP
post proof or G T F O you medboi
leave troll
As a Northern European I have to disagree. They stare at you the way a child stares at someone in a wheelchair. You are an oddity to them. A freak of nature. Your attitude implies whiteness but they all know you are some sort of genetic sludge. The dates are merely out of pity. I doubt you had sex wi any of them otherwise you would have said so. The key words here are "genetic sludge" and "pity". These will be common themes in your life here in Norbert Europe.
Trust an Irish to be an expert on freaks of nature.
>potato nigger
Mongrel cope thread
Maybe because we are true alphas
I'm Hispanic and North African and I think you're full of shit.
More cope from a seething brown person
how fucking insecure are you to post such a low tier beta fag thread? you life must be miserable. i bet you are a 5‘9 manlet with shitty looks. btfo and go buy a rope u stupid fucking italocunt!
5'9 is very tall, are you trying to meme him or something?
>so butthurt you started phone posting
How's the potatoes going?
Because meds are the real masterrace, founders of western civilization
yeah I realized that, too
not Italian, I am actually from the Ionian islands
Also this is not a bait thread
Irish are by definition western euros , just like anglos, you are more related to a spaniard than a nordcuck.
LARPturks talking about greece.
Half italian and half german here. You are right, user. It's our roman blood that makes these germanic barbarians to crave our cocks.
Top right looks suspect desu
half Italian half swede here
i get the italian non-cuck attitude
italian bigdick
italian looks
Italian IQ
and the swedish height
perfect mixture
no girls want my cock more than scandis and ive traveled a LOT
Norweigians aren't really Northern Euros either since technically Norther Euros have to be Nordic
Why does this guy look like a cross between a young Charles Manson and a faggot? I'm just sayin...
Meds are master race, sorry snow niggers
add their beloved hitler to that list he was E haplogroup
Come on Ahmed
You not from Southern-Europe
In fact
You're a nafri
Meds are basically semi-arabs to them. But they prefer full arabs and blacks over meds
He is on the list lmao.
kule stauri breaux
Women are too stupid to care about Med vs Nord, most men don't for fucks sake. If youre attractive theyll like you, if youre not they wont.
Irish are actually more celtoiberian than anglos,
they have a long history of ancient trade with the iberian pen. and Basques also
the jawline
med Niles Crane