Why is USA such a shithole?
Why is USA such a shithole?
Because doctors are actually paid here
No one in Europe likes being a doctor
Why do millions of STEM people immigrate to the US?
But the Spanish get defective, recycled hips harvested from dead seniors.
Americans get titanium XZ-2500 TurboHip technology.
>No one in Europe likes being a doctor
First of all you're retarded
Second of all of have fun giving everything you earned in life to a jewish doctor and than defending it
Because socialism is superior. Once regulation saves video games from lootboxes when muh boycotting couldn't the tide hear is going to turn faster than Sup Forums turned in favor piracy after the corporations it shilled for started costing them support and pushing lefty ideas
>all doctors are jewish
Dumb pole go clean my toilet
Ask the ones selling the hip replacement
Socialism is not superior to capitalism, they're both rotten and wrong
All the retards defending muh capitalism on here are newfags, the irony is they are to stupid to even gain a spot for themselves in that system and live in poverty
>nazi defending modern europe
LOL at least stick to your narrative you cuck
The Medical degree and nursery degree here is the holy grail
Oh no I'm losing an argument, of gosh I gotta figure something out.... oh oh go clean my toilet you filthy pole :DDDDDDD
neck yourself please
How long does it take to get such surgeries over there?
>doesn't mention the race of the shooters or the victims.
how interedasting.
At least use your flag you love so much burger, or maybe you're just larping as an american?
go to bed boy
because of jewish taxation and american inefficeny (a result of mongrelization). america is not white anymore its a country run by jews for mongrelz taxed for by the few white cucks that remain
Jews, niggers, spics, women have the right to vote
take your pick
>this is what burgers tell themselves so they can live with the fact their country doesnt care about any of its citizens and does its best to bleed them dry
okay papa, can you read me a story before i go to bed?
Thread should've ended here.
Same in Poland and probably all of Europe
they don't even understand the concept
Depends... There is the myth that there is a ultra loooooong time to wait. FAKE.
If you relly need that surgery because is extremely necessary you get the surgery the same day, or 2, 3 days after the medical revison
>Source: my grandmother
Amerilards are cucked beyond belief
From experience I can say that all hospitals suck here though and if your surgery isn't somehow botched you are one of the lucky few.
No idea how it is in the US, but I imagine they make you sign something first that they can't be sued and are just as bad.
Take care of your health guys, hospitals aren't worth it.
could prob get it done for $40 in india
supply and demand.
population of spain = 50M
popuation of US = 350M
cost of hip replacement in spain $7000
cost of hip replacement in US =
((350M)($7000))/50M = $42,000
The myth is created by some people "adicted" to go to the doctor, specially inmigrants that exploit the system on a daily basis... they usually go to the medical center for retarded shit and aren't considered a "priority"
So if it's life or death they'll save you but otherwise you just live in pain forever until they finally get around to you. Go it.
we get our dicks messed with when we're born we can't do shit
you guys get dicks rammed up your ass when ur adults by islams and you don't do shit
who's cucked?
Nobody would actually pay that much. How much does it cost with insurance and what are the insurance costs? I guarantee it's much lower. Also you'd be hard pressed to find a doctor that wouldn't work with you on the payments if you can't afford it.
>implying niggers killing niggers is anything new
Show your flag you Eurocuck faggot
>tfw good union insurance
>tfw had my appendix burst and had to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks
>tfw paid $0 out of pocket
>tfw pay $85 a month for my insurance
Feels okay.
I just moved from Valladolid to Miami, physicians get paid almost 80% more in burgerland.
You realize your country is 56% white and you don't here about all the "terrorist attacks" because they happen so often and have nothing to do with islam
>People having opinions about things they know fuckall about
Kekity kek
Salaries are so much higher, that we not on take the first rate doctors from other countries but the second rate doctors at best. If you're not rich, you're lucky to even get a third rate doctor in most of the world. And most of the rich just fly here for surgeries.
Holy shit you are stupid, don't forget that those additional 300 mil are also paying taxes, not only the 50 million
Quick maths
>No jewish blood
>Medical student scored in the 99th percentile for boards
>2% african
>.8% middle easterm
>Wife is 100% white
U fukin mad white boi?
It'd be extremely rare for someone to have to pay that. Most jobs, aside from shitty minimum wage jobs, offer healthcare to their employees. I paid $30 out of pocket for a 6 hour surgery I had to have lasts year that included 2 additional checkups. And if you can't afford it 99.9999% of hospitals will comp you for a government write off.
There's a reason why "m-my dumbass went bakrupt paying medical bills" makes the news, because they happen once in a blue moon.
No, even the terminal cancer patients live without any pain until the day of their death...
There is a "priority queue" if is really important you get the surgery if not you have to wait, but you are going to get the surgery anyways, all the process is medically covered... you don't wait on the street without madication in pain, lol
God damn it, I reworded that post and forgot to delete stuff and still missed typos. Whatever, you get the point.
My mom had hip replacement, cost $90 for a lab fee, rest covered by insurance
Holy shit you get 80% more green pieces of paper?
So cool
Don't forget that everything else is also 80% more expensive, Miami itself prob 150% more expensive
because at least before barrack osama more than 90% of americans were insured?
Oh cool, so they just get people hooked on opiates instead of fixing them. You guys have the right idea.
>literally fly to Spain, live in Madrid for 2 years
that's how long it takes to get a hip replacement with social healthcare
Kek universeal healthcare would make these prices worth. Just on every taxpayers dime now
>nobody will read this
>nobody will realize these factors are why medical practitioners come here to work or be trained
guarantee you every single one was black
>that we not on take the first rate doctors from other countries but the second rate doctors at best. If you're not rich, you're lucky to even get a third rate doctor in most of the world.
How absurdly delusional are you cunts? Your mortality rates and quality of service have consistently been some of the worst in the western world for 15 years.
America pays more for less quality, even the most cursory research on the top should inform you of this. This is why you idiots constantly get jewed.
Jokes aside, this was a REALLY common practice among Brits till a couple of years.
Any retarded nigger cuck who buys a loot box deserves to be ripped off. Anyone who plays a game with loot boxes deserves their suffering.
Poland is very cheap so it isn't a very good comparison. I always visit Poland over Western Euros nowadays just because how much more you can get per dollar.
Im not going to explain to you how it works step by step the healthcare sysytem here in Spain but I have to tell you that your actual vision is totally wrong... I don't know, read the article of wikipedia or something.
Of course people die here, but the 99% of the stuff is well covered... the mother of a friend got recently and ultra expensive eye surgery that costed like 50000€ (at the end they sent to you an informative mail with the costs), literally recovered the vision after waiting 3 months... How many americans can recover the vision for free? How many americans that can recover their vision with surgery are blind because they can't pay the bill?
As a person in the medical profession it's good to know I'll literally never run out of work.
the US has a shitload of boomers, so demand will likely be higher than Spain. plus only 50% of Americans pay taxes, so I'm not sure what your point is. just from a simple comparison you can see that the law of supply and demand holds and I was able to estimate the cost in the US within $2000
Just when you thought you'd seen everything that American idiocy had to offer, this shit comes along. Jesus H. Christ, how does a person like this even remember to breath?
>pay copayment
>insurance covers the rest
>get space age terminator hip replacement over some poor eurofag garbage put in me by a brown doctor
Or you can have a job like every self respecting white man, and your new hip will cost
Bah, let Muricans keep their view.
The rest of Europe comes here to enjoy our healthcare, they know.
The Eternal Anglo are the ones that use our system the most. Full of old anglos retiring here, and young ones that fight/drink too much as well.
>grasping at straws
I invite to everyone to come to Spain on their next holydays because some people (not everyone, ok) still have some retarded topics about us
You clearly don't understand that doctors can't just easily immigrate to the US from a foreign country. Most doctors go to med school in the US. The US has specific policies to protect domestic doctors. Know your shit before you talk shit. Fucking larper
Demand in what?
Fake hips?
Boomers be like
I'll take 4 sir, just cause I can :DDD
>can't just easily immigrate to the US from a foreign country.
He never said they could. He said people in STEM can. That is, they come here, either do an undergraduate degree or apply to medical school.
Then you should fly to Spain and get your hip fixed... what's the problem?
shouldn't have to fly to some gay little spanish hospital for basic necessities
>go somewhere else because our country is shit
US logic
The Jews and put trust in the system is the problem. Don't worry about us, we're handling it. You just go ahead and mind your own business before we bomb you with some freedom.
11$ a month for insurance. Hip replacement would be 500$ deductible. 500 + (11$ * 2 years) = 764. Looks like USA is cheaper.
Because the money grabbing Jews have a tight grip on every American.
how far up your ass did you reach for those numbers?
Our medical system is built around the assumption that everyone has health insurance. So the medical industry spends its time dicking over insurance companies and occasionally some white trash too poor to afford insurance falls through the cracks. But its fine because he'll vore against universal healthcare for some reason
Actually sitting here recovering from total hip replacement surgery that I had last week.
Its such a shithole that hundreds of thousands risk injury and death to get here. Try again faggot.
>muh people voting with their feet
citation needed
Come back to Pucela, bro.
You get what you pay for and the US has high quality medical care. I'd rather spend $40,000 for a quality hip, good hospital and quality staff than deal with the alternative
They fell for the "free markets" meme. Now the rest of the world laughs at them.
How do you get what you pay for? The medical industry is one of the most distorted markets we have.
IBM Watson is coming for your job. Day of the roomba soon.
>US has high quality medical care
Its the shittiest and the most expensive in the world.
>you get what you pay for
You do indeed. I pay for top quality healthcare with my taxes, and I pay next to nothing compared with you.
And if I never need a hip replacement or other major surgery I've basically spent my whole working life paying 50% or more in taxes that I will never benefit from.
This is the part no one talks about.
In Spain, for $7000, you're getting an AIDS infected prostitute nig hip that'll need to be replaced every 3 years, just like Mexico.
This thread is retarded bait.
Don't worry user I will.
What?? Dude, here doctors, lawyers, architects... these are all very remunerative jobs here in Europe
Or you can not spend money to go to Madrid, not run with the bulls, not get trampled, not break your hip and spend not a single dime.
> US has high quality medical care
lol no it doesn't
US has "doctors" that claim patients are dead just to steal organs from grieving families
The real kicker is organs that are from dead people are useless, and the family has just legally signed over their loved one for harvesting.
Millions of you die like this yearly and hardly any of you know it happens. lol like chickens in a coop
thanks for posting this
where does the 'single payer will fix everything' meme come from in america? do people say this just because that's how it's done in europe, or is there something else? I feel like it's spouted as a magic bandaid to fix our issues with insurance in this country, but i dont think there can be such a band-aid, especially if it's an idea thats been stated over and over without much substance
99.9% western countries have universal healthcare for citizens but america spends the most. People are literally dying in the streets without treatment but americans spend the most.