Has anyone else made the transition from libertarian cuck to authoritarian master race?
I think for me it took the realization that true libertarianism is as stupid as communism, both ideologies require ignoring the natural tendency of mankind.!
Has anyone else made the transition from libertarian cuck to authoritarian master race?
I think for me it took the realization that true libertarianism is as stupid as communism, both ideologies require ignoring the natural tendency of mankind.!
Libertarians are just Republicans that like weed
I don't want to wear this boot, but I have to.
Eternal libertarianism through vigilant fascism
more like liberals that like guns and hate taxes
I wouldn't call it fascistic to gas all the non-libertarians, but you've got the right idea.
No you're just a buncha cunts that enjoys getting fucked over by Jews
>Libertarianism does not equal live and let die
but it does. It has no means to stop someone from destroying or restraining someone who is addicted or wishes to indulge in self harm/suicide
First of all, the images says live and let live, not live and let die. Libertarian ethics absolutely works with live and let die.
More importantly,
>It has no means to stop someone from destroying or restraining someone who is addicted or wishes to indulge in self harm/suicide
This is not a problem. The forces of natural selection must be allowed to operate unobstructed. Government intervention allows, and often forces, unfit people to breed, thereby proliferating degenerate behavior.
Remember: There is only one truth. The real truth.
If an individual chooses to destroy their own body it is not my problem or responsibility.
How is authoritarianism not the most cucked system? Your literally the leader's bitch, he runs everything and you just do what you are told. Beta cuck shit, libertarian truly empowers the people.
Yes only the untrustworthy and psychopathic should be left
It is your prerogative as a member of the same society to protect your neighbor. That is the entire reason society exist. The root of all societies is protection of those in the society
I'm libertarian on a good day, authoritarian on a bad day.
We basically need to physically remove the left so that liberty is even possible
Except the people are impetuous, emotional, stupid fucks who will always want to assert their belief system over you regardless, because people fucking ruin everything.
Why can't gay couples protect their cannabis fields with automatic weapons?
Wow, all my ideals just blew away when faced with your moral grandstanding. My only prerogative is to protect myself and my family. How do i protect him from himself? Should i just sell all my belongings and put my family at risk to send him to rehab? Will your thoughts and prayers keep them from starving?
John - Fucking Untold Numbers of Hookers - McAffee
John - Making My Own Amphetamine - McAffee
John - Raping Some Girl I hired - McAffee
John - Cocaine Every Day - McAffee
John - Murdered my Neighbour - McAffee
That is the purpose of society to do what they can to help one another. If nobody can do anything then so be it.
Sacrificing your own well being helps no one.
They can, I just want nothing to do with them, nor do most people.
They're also not living a sustainable lifestyle, so they'd die out in a free society. They'd be running an unlivable business, spending excessively on defense, and they wouldn't have any kids to support them in their old age (or to take on the business, assuming it survives long enough). Such people could only survive on welfare.
Why did my neighbor show such disrespect towards me and others by refusing to be a productive member of society?
Does Sup Forums fail to realise pre-industrial-revolution socio-political systems is simply incompatible with modern technological advancement and progress?
I'd rather live in a fully degenerate jew liberal atheist raceless queer cultural marxist society which would actually have achieved technological singularity, automatisation, space travel and get me to access to any technology I could have only dreamt of...
Instead of living in an oligarchic fascist monarchist country, without any form of access to welfare and being a victim of social darwinism (and discrimination if born female or another race than the one of the home country), or any access to technology, with short life expectancy and dead family members associated with the harsh life conditions of the pre-industrial-revolution era. With only god, the afterlife and somehow a sense of national brotherhood to believe to, to support a shit existence.
>Why did my neighbor show such disrespect towards me and others by refusing to be a productive member of society?
They sound like bad people
Fucking hell i wanted to create a thread......
Wouldn't call pure ancap "cuck".
What they're arguing for is a shitload of small gated communities with their own rules, which would end up as independent fascist states.
Anyone who thinks that right-wing libertarianism means absolute degeneracy is a fucking retard who hasn't done enough research and didn't think things through.
too many words that have broad interpretations
If you're more than half way from the center in any quadrant you should immediately kys. If you're not relatively centrist L/R and somewhat libertarian A/L you're probably not very good at thinking for yourself and have far, far too much hate in your heart to ever be a decent friend, family member, or citizen.
>Yes only the untrustworthy and psychopathic should be left
You think people would do business with untrustworthy psychopaths in a free market?
>It is your prerogative as a member of the same society to protect your neighbor.
If my neighbor's a baker, a farmer, or some other profession that is of use to me and the rest of the community, then I would absolutely help the guy defend himself.
Why should I do the same for a suicidal person? Self-destruction is not equivalent to destruction of others. Suicidal people are either predisposed to suicide or they have a hard time dealing with stress. Either way, I don't want that type of person to live long enough to breed. I would rather he kill himself in grade school, with no intervention, than force him live long enough to spread his seed.
lol Libertarian cuck....what a joke.
People seem to think being a non-interventionist means you won't stand up for yourself when provoked.
We're just against sticking our noses where they don't belong. Gotta take care of the homeland first and foremost.
I am still a center right progressive libertarian.
Neo Cons are the biggest cucks because they suck big government dick for excessvie security and Big Brother watching you. They just trade leftist big government for Wall Street and banker controlled government.
go read actual philosophy you hobbesian nihilist cunt
>You think people would do business with untrustworthy psychopaths in a free market?
We do now.
Sugar and cigarrettes are the top selling items both extremely addictive and bad for you
>Why should I do the same for a suicidal person?
Because he is a member of your society and a fellow countrymen. If you leave the weak to die then those that see you as weak will also leave you in the moment of weakness. You do not have to succeed in helping but there must be an attempt or an admission that one wants their survival otherwise it's a dark road for all
This is pretty spot on for me. So many people just don't get it.
I'm on Sup Forums, of course I have.
My reasoning was that libertarianism doesn't enforce itself.
Better to be in a benevolent dictatorship than look the other way while a tyrant comes to power.
Hoppe is moderately esoteric but also not convincing at all, it's a new, right wing face on Rousseau, it's not like you need a decade of philosophical reading to understand his arguments.
what are all the reasons we love the mac?
>Sugar and cigarettes are the top selling items both extremely addictive and bad for you
Way to change the subject.
>Because he is a member of your society and a fellow countrymen.
But he's genetically predisposed to self-destruction. Why would you bother to preserve his bloodline?
>If you leave the weak to die then those that see you as weak will also leave you in the moment of weakness.
What's your point? I'm not suicidal.
If you want things done right, you have to take honest responsibility for them.
I wouldn't say authoritarian, but in that direction, certainly
>Way to change the subject.
Business is the art of untrustworthy and psychopaths. The goal is to get you to pay more at one place than another and keep you coming back. Addictive substances that change the way your body functions is one of those examples that nobody is ever reprimanded for. Now take away current laws regarding this behavior and what do you think will happen in a libertarian society? Do you believe prices are rising because of government intervention or because greedy psychopaths have gotten people addicted to their products and know they will pay a higher price
>Genetically predisposed
How do you know this? The guy can be having a bad day. All it takes is one bad day. Imagine if some bink accused you a rape and your family and friends just said, "Fuck you he's on his own" You'd have a bad day as well