Brit/pol/ (Trip/pol/): Munroe Berghof edition

>EU leaders seek Brexit talks progress

>Corbyn undermines UK's Brexit stance

>UK Banks linked to money laundering

>Crime rises by 13% in England and Wales

>Smacking to be banned in Scotland

>NHS waiting times are gonna party like it's 1999

>Your organs are state property.

>"""""Hate crimes""""" in England and Wales up by 29%

>First Brit/pol/ Ruddcunt victim

>Pube drops his hot new demo

Other urls found in this thread:

WN is my biggest fan.

I wish meme merchant would kill himself.

I miss Rimmer

Third for an independent Wessex

Fucking Londoners.

How come overall crime has lowered in absolute terms in United States coinciding with immigration and demographic shift. While the opposite is happening in United Kingdoms?

fuck off mong he's a nonce enabler

Because (((they))) are lying to you and fiddling the stats

Go and burn down your local mosque


But it's still under construction

Hello my delicate little cum quaffers and turd touchers, any chance of a political discussion in this toilet cubicle?

>It's a tripfags read each others' archives episode

>losing to Tico & Teco

do it

what makes it worse is when the jeremy corbyn chant comes on at my sisters uni, she snapchats it to me with her chanting behind the phone. fucking disgusting

Oh look, it’s Eddie 2.0

I chatted up Munroe once on Grindr for a hookup but she didn't respond. In hindsight perhaps this was for the better.
I think she also attends or attended Wayout.

If I did it, I could unironically get away with it by saying I was radicalised by this place

Remember that guy who went on pawn stars and said he'd accept literally anything and gave away his item for free? Me neither because A) that's retarded and B) I don't watch shit telly
But this is the position of everyone who says "no deal" isn't a possibility for Brexit

I'm sure this sounded cleverer in your head.

Speak English you fuck, what are you talking about?

I dont think you can ever get away with right wing terror due to the association with being "LiTeRaL NAZZZZZiiiiiiiisssssssss"

Wince. Choose better words son

post results you sluts

>losing to Toblerone & Tonibler
I'm sure that sounded more intelligent in your head.
I understood what user meant perfectly fine.

Just ordered my pizza.

Feeling real fucking comfy.

who cares

stop making these threads

Radicalised Neo-Nazi Niggers. He would get away with it.

I could by absolving myself of responsibility by pushing my opinions onto this website. The Judge and Jury would also be very confused about a racist nigger.

With whites being such a minority, we should be doing more to protect the race.

post yours

Hi lads, a girl in the pub the other night gave me her number cos she seemed to really fancy me, but I don't really feel the same way about her.
Do girls mind if you tell them you just want to be friends? I'm kind of lonely, but don't want a relationship with her, just someone to socialise with as I don't really have any friends.
She was like "You're so cute" etc but both of us have been texting each other this past week, leaving a few days for each reply. I just want a fren to speak to. I'm only chatty with a few glasses of whiskey and close up like an autist when sober.




>comparative adjective:cleverer


>quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent.

>"she was an extremely clever and studious young woman"



>losing to Thomson & Thompson

careful user, she'll take advantage of you if you get hammered with her and go blackout

I'd never live it down tbqh senpai

>losing to Trachoma & Typhus

Where has Rimmer gone?

What you think. This is fairly in line with the ideas put forward by Hans-Herman Hoppe

Serious question has anyone from brit/pol/ ever knocked on a door regarding politics?

What part of 'Quintessential' do you not understand?

I did during the referendumn

and 2015/17

Tolkien tier fantasy

Hasn't posted for over a week...

just took my boots off and got my maccy cheese out the microwave and the combined smells are making me want to chunder

Burned my fish fingers lads

It's pretty good, and isn't completely full retard 14 88 stuff, so it is within some sort of realms of possibility.

honestly though, any manifesto that says 'end all immigration' is enough for me, I couldnt in good faith vote for anything but that

Get your cock out and go for the trifecta lad

so you like it?

Stop being a negative nancy.

I think is isnt that unrealistic. Most people think that rightwingers want to do a genocide, when actually we just want to stop paying for muslim breeding factories. pretty simple stuff.

I’ll be your fren, fren
>tfw no juice gf

Maybe that's for the best. He was here a lot.


It was mainly aimed at the repatriating 2nd and 3rd gen immigrants part

yeah that is a tough one. but if they have commited serious crime like the grooming gangs or organised crime who can disagree they should be GTFO after they serve their time?


>not slamming that puss
fuck sake lad

Just can't imagine he'd stop without saying something though. Even when he was shit scared of being doxxed it wasn't long before he was posting again without his trip...

I asked if she wanted to go for something to eat, but I never got a reply until the day after I planned to go out saying "Hi, sorry I've been relli busy with work"
Should I just forget about her?

>who can disagree they should be GTFO after they serve their time?
The UN
The countries you're sending them to
The US
Literally every country ever
The sanctions would be Rhodesia tier

If you be 'just friends' with her and you know she likes you, you'll inevitably be leading her on whether you intend to or not, and it will only lead to trouble further down the line. Depends if you're willing to handle that or not

>tfw you live inside a corpse
When did you realise England was dead, lads?


Wait, ISIS has application forms? What the fuck do you reckon they ask?

I'm not attracted to her though, I fancied her cousin though, she was sat with us in pub.

Just withdraw all aid if they disagree. The UN can GTFO too. They aint shit as the USA proves.

>Paying for them to sit in jail smoking weed and playing xbox
For grooming gangs it would be easier to just hang them tbqh

Begin acquiring firearms.

jesus christ. people call the daily mail shit, and refuse to read it. They really just get mad at the truth of how fucking gay this system is.

just build up to it by making it clear to friends and family you're converting to judaism, buy a torah, go to a synagogue, etc for like 6 months, and then do it, so you can be a jewish extremist


Useless bodies aside, how do you plan on not pissing off the whole western world?

thats an option tbf.

A long time ago. I watched the old TV series of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy from 1979 last night and the characters were even discussing it then.

Just tell them how much fags they are and that they need to get on board like based Polan does.

im equally fine with sending them to sweden. they like ISIS anyway so i think they would be ok with it.

Decided to play a little game today where I timed how long the fat HR woman who sits opposite me actually spent working. She spent just under 4 hours away from her desk gossiping with her friend at another desk, and approximately two hours of that time were spent talking about her child.

Women in the """work"""force were a mistake desu.

Do you or have you suffered back pain?

Can you carry a 25lb backpack?

run down?

My heart is in the hills of home,
And in the winds of March,
It sings within Tintagel’s foam
And Gloucester’s soaring arch.

It floats amid the rain-wet trees
And golden fields of corn,
O’er silent heights and marshy leas
By fog-bound shores forlorn.

It races o’er the sun-swept Fells,
And walks the secret lanes,
It runs upon the open Downs
Where Saxons fought with Danes.

It laughs along the pebbled brooks
By ancient timber’d inns,
It dances with the wind-blown rooks
And daffodils of spring.

It lives within the knotted oak
And burrows with the mole,
To ‘list the mystic charms and spells
Of England’s wond’rous soul:
‘Tis lore that only her children know;
The Chosen Ones so fair,
And they alone can understand
Her invocations rare.

But while these live we, too, shall live
In high, immortal skies;
For if her songs such life can give
Can England ever die?

Is this actually gonna pass

They are now putting fluoride in childrens school milk, after years of trying to get it into the water supply. I emailed the conservative leader and he said some arab named Arif Rajpura spearheaded the whole thing. I'm so pissed off and don't know what to do

The lefty cuck local council is poisoning children just because some arab brought it up

Forgot link, its in blackpool

HR departments are pure cancer. Is it law to have a department diversity officer these days?

Proposing to ban .50cal and MARS (interrupted semi auto action)

Put the fluoride in the children, put the children in the kebabs

Are we seriously just allowing this?

It seems like a lot of British guys are into bondage...

Poland doesn't deport 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants
Pam from Archer?

Kids still get school milk?

Not in my organisation (as far as I'm aware), although my friend who works in marketing was telling me that everyone in his company had had to take a psychological test to reveal their unconscious biases (shock horror, they were all misogynist racists).

As someone with a BSc and MSc in Psychology, and currently doing a PhD in a related field, I can confirm that it's all a load of shite and it annoys me that these ideologues make money doing it.

in an ideal world cope would of been deported for being a wog

I'd be able to verify if someone in the thread took my damn meme test reeeeee

Not as interesting desu, although in fairness she is quite a nice lady - she just doesn't come close to earning the ~£35k I'd imagine she gets

yeah i know but when they are pretty cool guys they dont afraid of any EU.
Are you afraid of getting deported for being a cocke dealing pimp murderator?

It makes me mad enough to want to be some crazy sounding twat handing out pamphlet outside school
"excuse me do you know they are poising your children"

Nothing quite like the sight of non-whites in shackles.