c*Tholics are scum. BAPTISTS are the master religion.
C*Tholics are scum. BAPTISTS are the master religion
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Plot twist:
nobody outside of US cares about baptists
Nobody inside the US cares either.
Baptist is just code for chuch black.
Well my local Baptist Church has tons of fights for some reason
baptists alone make up like 15-20% of the U.S population and almost 5% of the U.S are fundamental baptists who believe the bible literally.
i will say that american is the only country in the world where christianity is still an important institution in life sadly we europeans have strained away and fallen.
Baptist are super cucked.
it all began when you rejected Catholicism
The revolt against Catholicism brought you guys prosperity.
And degeneracy.
And your downfall.
i hate this divide and conquer stuff, obviously individual churches that stray from the actual word of God should be outcasted, but the bible literally says that you should congregate even if the church has problems. i think its best just to read the book and have as literal an interpretation as possible, there is no man equal to God
and athiests itt, i literally do not hate you, i would like to save you but i know not many of you will be willing, christians are your friends here, we are a conservative voting block, real conservatism, we agree on many things
What's your denomination
>women priests
>Pro lgbt
Fuck off heretic.
well my nearest churches are all protestant, i live in the country-side, so nominally id be protestant, but i seem to be more invested in the literal word than some of those in the fellowship
You're missing some aspects of history. As much as you want to believe this it isn't the case. Your pope isn't important to Jesus.
Baptist women believe in submission to the husband.
Catholicism is paganism pretending to be Christianity.
Its also full of violence, drunks, and degenerates.
Catholics also came later. They creeped in around 300's
The fruits of protestantism are all vanishing, ALL.
That's it.
I'm just saying Protestantism dissolved traditions without a strong thing to put in place.
You may argue that Catholicism has its own problems and I'd agree with you but I'm not discussing this here
C*thlics are subhuman scum that should have never been allowed into America.
Baptists are radicals that should be sent to Utah (along with Amish, Pentecostals, Jehovah Witness's etc..) to live with other Radicals.
t. Lutheran
Before the Great Schism Papism/Orthodox-Similar at the time- was designated by Peter himself as the true church. Fuck off nigger.
Well it built Europe and kept it together for more than a Thousand Years.
The Reformation just managed to destroy and atomize everyone, look it's not been that much time and it's already fked
WHAT an amazing argument that is thanks for proving this point
your religion has no culture
And believe me. I live in South Carolina I know these people. Baptists are pro-Israel nutbags who talk about religion like its something that matters anymore than continuing cultural traditions.
Also the king james bible is outdated. The language spoken in 1611 can hardly be understood and is becoming less understood every day. Why not use a translation that you can read with ease?
The reformation was nothing new though. This had been seen before in Christianity e.g. Arianism heresy and monophysite. As in small doctrinal differences causing huge unrest, even after Constantine's council it still persisted at the time took it into consideration.
Every heresy disguises itself by saying a good percentage of righteous things and a few of really bad and dangerous ones.
At least Arianism got defeated, Protestantism on the other hand.. Also is getting defeated but this one is proving to be a little harder to defeat.
The only good Christianity is Positive Christianity.
Version where the old testiment and semitic parts of the New Testament are removed. Also Jesus is Greek and is only jewish by religion.
>sectarianism when all of us are getting fucked by the same jews
Arianism wast really "defeated" more so we took the middle ground. Between he was God and he was just a man.
>Also Jesus is Greek
>born in palestine
>They creeped in around 300's
objectively false
>tfw you have over a thousand years of tradition to continue
I pity Evangelicucks
The problem with Sola scriptura is the Bible can be interpreted in so many different ways to fit the individuals' agenda. by a conman or a cult leader
Catholic theology goes back centuries.
Catholic priests have way less reasons to corrupt themselves than Protestant pastors
I don't know many pastors who aren't conmen
>You will never be a cultist
>ywn be an apathetic amoral materialist
This, learning about Martin Luther's ideas really cemented my Catholicism. There's can't be infinitely different Truths.
>You cant have morals without the bible.
Imagine going through with no sense of responsibility. It must be lovely.
Protestants are heretics. I used to be one until I stopped deceiving myself.
>KJV only baptist
Hey how's your chick tract collection coming?
There were Greeks throughout the Roman empire. Soldiers were stationed all over.
>dude just ignore the building blocks of our society for 2 millennia
>dude just don't hold yourself to a universal moral standard
>dude just imagine being responsible for your actions after you die
Protestants are heretics and some are insane. Flee from heresy or Hellfire when you die.
How does that mean he was greek ?
>when your church isn't even 600 years old.
deist here who was born in a small town that was protestant/baptist but currently engaged to a catholic
all of christianity is cucked and every church i have ever been to is sucking israels cock
Once fake antipope faggot "Francis" dies, we will get a good pope who will deus vult.
Attend a Latin Mass, or an FSSP/SSPX mass.
Novus Ordo Catholic is cucked.
All of Protestantism is cucked.
True faith is a remnant of believers adhering to the tradition of our fathers.
Literally google "[your city] + Latin Mass"
protesants are basically jews lite
>schizo screeching
wow nice source.
Very true.
ture but which one has the most potential
Stay mad, your tears fuel me.
But the most degenerate country in Europe is catholic
damn, that's a done deal. BAPTISTS it is.
> St. John Chrysostom
>almost 5% of the U.S are fundamental baptists who believe the bible literally.
the only people who are correct, thank you for this information. I know you are a Godless european and will burn in hellfire. but your infantile resolve has helped me springboard my knowledge of what's best.
Like I said... Deist who believes in freewill/clock maker god. I only goes to church for holidays or to make her parents like me. Attending the latin mass would do little to disprove Christian cuckdom for me since I don't know latin.
>be emperor Constantine
>empire in shambles
>jews and christians undermining your stability
>"muh dream"
>"muh christ is real and we should put crosses on our shields"
Yeah... fuck all that noise
Protestants are just edgy christians that think they are spreading good when they are just heretics
>MFW the last supper was whey protein
i'm actually a fundamental baptist myself and am saved, but it's grim here. we can't even preach some bible verses believe it or not.
Thank for the great advise. care to share more? Books/ youtube?
I'm a Catholic who's been baptised. Prots BTFO
thats good. im naturally defensive against the european as he's jewed in a way that opposes me.
we have our own problems like people using the bible to cope but not grow.
>you are allowed to hit your slave but if the slave dies then you have to pay a tax
my shit gets reformed baptist 100% when i take the test
so i dont consider myself a fundamental independent baptist just cuz pastor anderson
aint no free will for salvation dog god picks you before the world began
Enjoy calling us pagans while you turn around and worship your shittily translated, censored, misinterpreted KJV
You people are the reason Christianity is a joke to the modern world.
>you are allowed to hit your slave but if the slave dies then you have to pay a tax
Show me that in the Bible (KJV).
Most Famous Baptist: Jesus
Most Famous Catholic: Steve Buscemi
Sure, Sven. Come a little closer.
*hits swedecuck with hardcover Bible*
yea, believe it or not but the Pentecostal movement is the largest church movement in Sweden.. it's the best we've got, but still bad.
I even believed that we didn't have an inspired Bible translation until I found out that the Charles XII Bible from 1703 was inspired and based on the same source material as the KJV with identical verse retaining and translation. Good stuff!
>be edgy deist
>can't find a good deist woman since all deist women are whores
>have to come crawling to catholic church
>have to please catholic parents by attending mass
>have to act catholic around them
>still can't find any good deist women
The fact that you can act uppity is amazing. You're literally begging for the scraps of my church. Pride goeth before the fall, faggot.
here are some of my favorite cuck verses
Exodus 21:20-21
When a man strikes his slave, male or female, with a rod and the slave dies under his hand, he shall be avenged. But if the slave survives a day or two, he is not to be avenged, for the slave is his money.
Ephesians 6:5 ESV
Slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would Christ,
Titus 2:9-10
Slaves are to be submissive to their own masters in everything; they are to be well-pleasing, not argumentative, not pilfering, but showing all good faith, so that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior.
1 Peter 2:18
Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust.
Exodus 21:26-27
When a man strikes the eye of his slave, male or female, and destroys it, he shall let the slave go free because of his eye. If he knocks out the tooth of his slave, male or female, he shall let the slave go free because of his tooth.
Deuteronomy 24:7
If a man is found stealing one of his brothers of the people of Israel, and if he treats him as a slave or sells him, then that thief shall die. So you shall purge the evil from your midst.
>How to beat your slaves 101
>Jews aren't allowed to be slaves
there are many more if you want
also if you faggots can't get the conclusion from this i will walk it through you
>children of israel are sons of god
>treat your master as you would god
Baptists is real Christianity for dumb people who can't comprehend and articulate higher theological concepts.
It's "common sense" Histrionics.
They are better than most satanic christian churches because they are wrong on things because they are stupid and not because they have internalized or knowingly worship satan.
Christianity has always been kinda flabby in Scandinavia, except maybe in Denmark. We never really cared enough for it to take off here. Most of us were just rural farmers that didn't give a fuck about the valley beyond us, let alone Rome.
I still decline communion at church and they are okay with it.
I don't deny that religion can produce nontrash women and is good for society at large. I just can't drink the koolaid.
Yet the Christian TV network in Norway is huge and you have many evangelical church leaders running for office.
Those are not from the KJV sir. The bible never uses the word "slave" in the KJV, only "servant".
Jews were allowed to be slaves and would have remained as such if Pharaoh had simply let them leave for a day or two to "worship God in the wilderness" as Moses requested. Of course you probably never read that part in the Bible but oh well who really is surprised.
You're overthinking everything. You have to see the big picture. God allowed slavery and yeah I'm not ashamed of that. God's job isn't to make this world nice and utopian, we brought suffering on ourselves through sin. If you don't like that, cry to someone who cares.
God's job is to judge the living and the dead someday and keep your fatass alive until then. Not concerned with what social order existed at some point that you find distasteful.
>I don't know latin
Hate to break it buddy but you *are* the cuckdom.
>If we edit out half of the book we can pretend it is acceptable to teach
lol. KJV was rewritten 800 times by whatever faggot wanted to promote the new version of cuckdom to the masses
never use anything but the KJV those versions are not the bible
in my opinion that first one doesnt say if he survives
it says if he continues in a day or two
or basically if he recovers
its not saying if he survives 2 days then you are free from punishment
Huge for boomers. Evangelicals are all retards, anyhow. The only Christian people where I live are Peruvians. Norwegians under the age of 60 simply don't care, never cared, and nothing will ever get them to care.
The catholic church is the only one with proper foundations, but the house is in a dilapidated state and can not be repaired. It must be torn down and a new once much be built on where it stood.
Baptist: the Bible is the inviolable rule and word of God and final authority in matters of Faith and Action!
user: which version?
Baptist: KJV! Or KJV revised! Or NIV! Or ESV! Or..
user: so how do you reconcile divserion and contradiction in text, if they are all inviolable Gods Word?
Baptist: umm, heretic! Read, and all will be revealed!
user: but in what language? The bible is a translation. There’s discrepancies between english, and ancient Latin and Greek original script.
Baptist: Faith! you need Faith!
user: and the gospels themselves were not written by the identified apostles, but are compilations of various contradicting accounts of Jesus’s like, Conley compiles more than a century later by the early Church.
Baptist: Heresy!
user: the since the Bible was written by Man, tainted by original sin, how can it be the Word of God with His force of inviolability or infalliabilty?
Baptist: Evil! Evil! Muh Bible!
It wasn't rewritten a single time and is the inspired word of God in English. It is the perfect translation. But since you decided to flatly lie in your post i will disengage you.
>dont read old testament it doesnt count
funny... every baptist church i grew up in was reading that shit every weekend
>nothing will ever get them to care
It isn't impossible to instill the fear of God into the hearts of reprobates.
d&c shills fuck off
>I don't deny that religion can produce nontrash women
How come your religion can't? Join one that can or shut your stupid ass up. Your "catholic" girlfriend shouldn't even be dating you, her parents are clearly cucks for allowing it and she's obviously lukewarm at best or apparently unable to attract a decent Catholic man.
>which version?
KJV 1611 (as printed in 1769).
>so how do you reconcile divserion and contradiction in text, if they are all inviolable Gods Word?
There are no contradictions in bible.
>but in what language?
God's word can be translated into every language in a God-breathed way.
>and the gospels themselves were not written by the identified apostles, but are compilations of various contradicting accounts of Jesus’s like
Lie. "Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost".
>since the Bible was written by Man
The bible was written by God.
>Exodus 21:20-21
>When a man strikes his slave, male or female, with a rod and the slave dies under his hand, he shall be avenged. But if the slave survives a day or two, he is not to be avenged, for the slave is his money.
Right there is how I know you're someone who believes in false translation.
>20 And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished.
>21 Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money.
Using the ESV for your translations is WRONG, because it is not the true translation of the bible. You can compare ANY modern interpretation of the bible to the KJV, and there will be words changed around and taken out completely. Any interpretation of the bible other than the KJV is falsified and is null/void.
>King James
>muh bible
>removes 7 books from scripture
>says that the church founded by Jesus Christ himself is heresy, but his 18th century one made by some random scammer is the true one
Really makes me think.
thats not what i said dude
i said dont use other versions besides the KJV
its a totally different bible that will change the truth
the old testament does count if its kjv
You're an idiot for arguing with him over translation you imbecile, you're only making him despise the faith. Pretending as if the Bible uses "servant" instead of "slave" is so petty it's unbelievable. Seriously consider mental help.
God what is the deal with these prottie baptist cucks on here recently? Did Pastor Stephen "race mixing is ok and i'm Jewish" Anderson give Sup Forums a plug on his most recent sermon or something?
And yes, you should treat your masters as you would God, it's a sign of respect. It's a sign of obedience. They are in a position of authority over you and regardless of your feelings towards them you should respect it (the position). But there's another side to that as well: your master should treat you with respect, just as God treats his servants with the love and respect they deserve. If you follow the will of God, he will make use of you and if you SEEK the position, you will receive it.