
is she a jew? she looks like one.
Samantha Goldberg?
>Hans get ze Flammenwefer

You're a Jew. Show your flag faggot.

she got escorted out from the building for disturbing the peace. Basically a criminal.

Probably miscgenated mexican .

I ain't Jew.

they all have this constantly offended/snarky response/its the current year grin her eyes are beady as fuck her face looks glazed over the scary thing is it is not because of the effects of illegal drugs
thats her frame of mind from decades of indoctrination and brainwashing at the hands of the establishment

That's a fucking jew son.

Wow such a hateful cunt. She needs to be smacked around, hate fucked, and impregnated.

She a Jew, trust me, I'm a Jew too

Come on guys, she said she dindu nuffin. We must listen and believe.

>Unconfortable question showing you're full of shit
>"I shouldn't be speaking for this"

I trust jew.
Jew trust me.
We're a happy family.
With a great white genocide to pay for the holocaust.
Hitler was right he did it wrong.

Nice one

>smacked around, hate fucked, and incinerated.

fix'd that for you, senpai

>it's not their venue
>they booked it
what does this mean?



>I can't believe the organizers of a private event can deny entry to a person they choose

It is not like she was going to listen she was just going to throw her hands up, shout, and act ike an animal. I wonder if she had a phone number written on her body like antifa do for a lawyer?

Hardcore looking heeb

>those eyes

>trust a jew
so.. she isn't a jew?

Take a Crackers LIFE !!.....Especially the lil' Cracker Children....But only kill the lil' CaveFuckers in front of their Parents... Then take the Honkey Mother, pour Sulphuric Acid in her pussy...While she is screaming in pain, bend down and gouge her eyes out, one by one....Next hide behind the door and dismember the remaining Cracker siblings as they come home from school...Now take the shivering soon to be hacked up Dad, and SLOWLY gut him from his dick to throat !!

I Bet she doesn't know either

The dead eyes

the mutated fish mouth phrenology indicating frontal lobe damage