America will continue to be a country that welcomes people of all races.
Fuck white supremacy
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>ironic shitposting to enrage white people
You're probably right.
Know that bush is on their side, they're bound to win. FUCK! Why the hell is he sticking his nose into politics again? He didn't make a peep throughout all of Obama presidency!
After today Bush just went from everyone's pick of worst president to best president. Crazy just how powerful that speech was.
That speech really threw a wrench in the momentum we were building towards white nationalism. To think we've been undone by Bush of all people.
Bush is my favorite president.
based bush
He lost his train of thought several times.
well now we know the rinos and the jews have nothing left
It's pretty sad that disavowing white supremacy and being kind to all people of all races enrages you so much. Maybe, your the problem and not us. We judge people not based on their skin, but their words and action and yours are despicable.
This is a bush thread user. CTR isn't employed by bush.
Let's see Obama expanded all of his policies despite campaigning to do the opposire, gee can we figure it out?
Why does bush hate white people? HES WHITE!
you mean fuck racial supremacy.
Ironically it was you guys who got me here
I lived with nigs and they are shit tier people, only one step ahead of monkeys and also saw through your poor attempt at making the refugee crisis something like muh poor womyn and children when its just african hordes that come here
Primo de Rivera cant come soon enough
I won't
The fact that Trump won is proof that most of America disagrees with you. The majority of Americans voted for a whiter america.
Wrong. Hillary won the majority vote, Trump winning was a fluke nothing more. Enjoy your one term president, nothing like this will EVER be allowed to happen again.
welcoming people is NOT the problem with america. the PROBLEM is that the bottomfeeders are pouring into this country faster than the actual ones that have skills and are WAITING IN LINE.
and the fucking retarded libs think that one day these bottomfeeders will magically grow intelligence and class and contribute to our society. this is the scam, because bottomfeeder animals will stay bottomfeeder animals.
look at the blacks. and i WANT them to be successful. but year after year they just continue to disappoint, so... america, and all you other countries, are lost. it breaks my heart to say it and see it happen.
HIDE neocon threads.
You're not who Bush and I are referring to. This thread is directed towards people like
California voted for more shitskins, everyone else said "no more." Including lots of places that used to vote solid Democrat like Wisconsin and Michigan. Face it, the anti white leftist agenda has been completely rejected and democrats will never win again so long as they're anti white.
if you look at his teeth, you can see clearly that he is related to the British monarquacky
>anti-white agenda
We're not anti-white. We simply want to embrace peoples of all races, that of course includes white people. How warped your mind must be that you think a rejection of white supremacy is to be anti-white? I think what you need in your life is love.
Effort trolling is the saddest.
What makes you think it's trolling?
Personally I think OP is kind of cute.
GWB is a faggot.
Bush is an amazing man.
Where are people on the left embracing whites? Diversity just means "less white", you never see anyone on the left saying a community or workplace is "too black" or "too Mexican"
He was always a wigger.
I'm racist. I know that being racist is evil and that I'm going to hell for it but I can't stop. Help me Sup Forums
You mean unless they're white, right?
Repent before it's too late bro
juss guna slide this pic related here .
Of course at the moment diversity means less white, because until very recently everything was white and in order to diversify it would require their be less whites. Just because we want others to be represented as well doesn't mean we want to exclude whites entirely. Your thinking is very paranoid.
Bush has spent the past decade trying to whitewash the damage of his policies and the failure of his administration in a desperate bid to save the historical assessment. Of course,Trump has already some most of the work through mere comparison. Bush was a fuckup, not a bad man; compassionate and well meaning but surrounded by snakes and politics shills. Trump is also a fuck up, but an awful man; ignorant, crude and cruel, but surrounded by babysitters that contain the nuclear level toxicity of this fucktard.
Dude, let's turn the US into Mexico 2!
That'll stop Russia and China!
1-If you are a shill, open this link. If they dont allow you there is something shady going on.
1.1-The text is called new order of barbarians, if they tell you the site have virus or something like that, search at your prefered web browser and read it at another site.
2-Read the entire text.
3-The text is not so huge, this was not made to make sure you read something and stop working while doing it, you can do both at the same time.
3.1-If they dont allow you yo read the text saying you can't read external links at work time, read at home, remember the text is called new order of barbarians, again, new order of barbarians.
If they aren't telling you everything they wont allow you to read the text.
If somehow not even them, know everything, and allow you to read it, then read it anyway, the way you act will be influenced by the text and they will force you to quit or whateaver and you will see they werent telling you everything.
That won't stop Russia and China. You know what will stop Russia and China? By being like me, learn to love their cultures their people, learn the language, take an interest. That will stop Russia and China.
Too bad he chose the wrong member of the Axis of Evil.
Old Kim even said he had nukes in 2001.
And here we are.
>Welcomes all races
>Welcomes all racists
America has always (until 1965) been a white nation. If "having all races represented" is such a good thing, then why not try it in a place that isn't majority white like Africa? Oh wait, we tried that already and they didn't like it.
>China invades its neighbors.
>love them!
>Russia invades it neighbors and makes USSR 2.0
>love them!
>they eventually make their weird forms of capitalist communism/liberalism as the world standard
>politicians the world over start to bow to this
Enjoy your lack of homo marriage and freedom.
You shouldn't invade nuclear powers though
>shouldn't invade nuclear powers
But Bushs justification for Iraq was that they had nuclear power.
When all they had was a couple of atomic devices that they could strap to planes, it would have been very manageable.
No, it was that they had chemical weapons and were trying to get nukes
Possibly. I don't know why this wasn't done. I can't see why the American public wouldn't have eventually got sold on it
Not if it continues to make whites pay for it.
ah, gotcha, homie.
As Kanye so eloquently informed us all, George Bush doesn't care about black people.
I guess Bush Lied Millions Died was just a rhyme to jump rope to
>not imports
We've been in the labor capital business from the very foundation of our country, all we do is import a different working class for each generation.