Shieldbro chapter 16

Way earlier than expected, perhaps before the time of the olympics?

That thing that fitoria said eariler looks pretty redundant

Any bumps are appreciated.


how can you rip apart clothes made out of pure MAGIC?


Firo displaying once again the filorial-like moments of animal stupidity.

I am glad it is finally getting back to the politics between the heroes


Not really politics, or else we would see more shady deals with the royalties of the countries drafting out hero poaching tactics like if it were sports.

at least that's what i think

Naofumi status: BTFO

The LN said it was a serious injury, but holy shit it looks serious.

Uh oh.

in the LN, this page and the previous one would have firo fight more for melty's sake rather than naofumi's. But this is fine too



Firo doing a shoryuken is still my favorite panel


In the LN that was more firo going vega on motoyasu's shit.

Also, knock-out forehead flick.

Pls don't post this self-insert bullshit pls.



In the WN they mentioned this before, but waay towards the end.


I kinda wished the TLers stuck to barbarian's armor, for the sake of consistency.

At least he does listen to advice from others.


Fitoria is best bird.




>she actually tried to pull it out

you can't just do that


Now she knows better.

Looking a bit broody there motoyasu

This is chapter 26, not 16, right?

And shit goes down. Good thing this isn't Naofumi-tier rage or this could get crispy

>see thread topic

>forget page

now i have a question for you guys
How do we save the isekai genere?

how about instead of going for one-upsmanship like everyone's been doing for the past half a decade, go back to playing the "hero from another world" thing straight, just focus more on making the characters interesting

Oh wow, I thought that even in the latest chapter, but Fitoria is really a shitty bitch in the manga and in the LNs, right? Hope Shieldbro will cook that damn chicken for the first Thanksgiving he will have in his village with the hundreds kids. WN's Fitoria all the way.

She'll redeem herself in the LN soon enough. In the spirit turtle fight if the LN illustrations are anything to go by

Ironically that's gonna happen once we get to Glass's world